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Y&R: Discussion for the month of January

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Obviously, her first choice was to have a biological child. My point is she never said a biological baby is the only way she would want to be a parent with Billy. Nothing in her comments would indicate that she wouldn't want this baby and in fact she told both Nikki and Nick that she was open to adoption.

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It continuously amazes me how the Alpha Dogs make decisions on behalf of their lil wimmin who, it is assumed, do not have the mental or emotional capabilities to process a coherent thought. Poor FauxToria is so fragile that she can never know from which cabbage patch that idiot Billy found his black market baby? This was the woman who once ran a financial conglomerate? Sitting at home in that 1950s suburban cottage in sweats and greasy hair, FauxToria makes Mad Men's Betty Draper look empowered and liberated.

Then there is Ronan telling Feather that she (and the other women in Chance's life) was not on the "need to know" list. Feather is no brainiac by any stretch, but the way Ronan foghorned at her in his Cartman/I CAN HAZ CHEEZBURGER voice made me want Nina to bitch-slap him into a coma. "NAH. YA CAHNT NAH THAT CHINZ IZ ALAV. UT WUD JEP-UR-DIZE DUH FBI CASE."

It's official. I hate Chloe. Her shiteous "Yeah, big boohoo tears for Jana" was the single most charmless line of the show. Is Jana faking the amnesia? Sure. Is she crazy for wanting the shifty-eyed mama's boy back? Absolutely. But she was traumatized by the world's most stoned psychopath, had an aneurysm and was roundly spat-upon and rejected by Fagin's Criminal Gang of Pickpockets, aka the Fishers, when her recovery didn't progress fast enough. I feel 100% for her plight; I have zero sympathy for Kevin & Chloe "forced" to rut in a hospital parking lot. Who says romance isn't dead on Y&R?

Kevin (to Daniel in his hospital bed): Hey, thank you for surviving my freak of a sister.

Ha ha! No, thank you, Kevin, for helping to unleash your effed-up DNA on an unsuspecting world these past few years.

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[in Chloe's voice]



She totally suffered. Like, totally suffered growing up in the Chancellor house, having wealthy Kay Chancellor as a godmother, being sent to the best schools and hooking a prestigious job in the fashion world.

She totally suffered when she had not one but TWO wealthy heirs offering to keep her and her blackmail-baby in the style to which they had become accustomed.

She totally suffered when she got a THIRD heir (well, Chance) to double as her baby's father-figure. And after his death, quickly moved on to her still-married gay BFF, dumping her free-loading a$$ and her spawn on him while she, like, "worked through her grief."

Yah. Boo hoo. I totally feel for herrrrrrrrrrrr.

[/in Chloe's voice]

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^^ I love John Hughes but Y&R is making me ::hate:: that movie now.

Chloe better get down on her knees and kiss the hem of Molly Ringwald's horrendous pink prom dress. She is not worthy! And is Kevin meant to be the Duckie character? It figures, because I hate Duckie.

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LOL...you get the feeling Sharon's world is inhabited by fairy godmothers, dancing mice and bluebirds that follow her every movement. "Yes, Adam (titters) you're the ONLY person who thinks I have a brain. We'll live on Victor's ranch, with Nick's child and be one BIG HAPPY family."

Bitch, please. Oh, to have Ash fake a breakdown and shoot the both of them. Justifiable homicide.

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You know the whole Billy and Victoria adopting Daisy and Daniel's baby could be interesting, considering that they now have legal guardian of the female devil herself Sheila Carter's granddaughter. If the writers really cared about how this was going to be written, i could picture a lot of drama regarding this when they realize that they have Daniel and Daisy's baby, and if this was going a step further, i would try bringing back Sheila herself (Kimberlin Brown of course) to deal with Billy,Victoria, and Daniel and possibly help Daisy take the child from them. If it wasn't for the muck ups of Sheila becoming Phyliss, and giving her a sister who looks like Lauren, i would say that this would be the one time that the Sheila story might be able to go on, without it seeming like it had no purpose IMO, but of course it won't happen that way, and Jill is sadly not going to realize that Billy and Victoria have adopted a kid, till Daisy or someone takes her from them....

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