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It’s amazing to see a mix of the original and “newer” casts blended together! I know some 1982 has made it on here recently but this is a first with those combnation of characters...

i thought DA did great with the crying and reminiscing of her affair with Jack causing her to lose John the first time ... and Lorie held her own with Victor.

Edited by YRfan23
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I caught my breath for a second when they went from John in his office to Leslie onstage. Transition periods for soaps - such stark transition periods - always fascinate me, and few fascinate me more than this era. I'm so glad to finally be able to get to see more of it. When it rains it pours - we've gotten a lot this past year. 


DC's Lance really was a wet dishrag. Victoria Mallory is a bit too shiny and empty in performances to fit Y&R, but I do wonder how she would have been with a better partner (I haven't seen most of her scenes with John's Lance or with Lucas). I did enjoy that little bit of her singing. I wonder how viewers at the time - albeit taking it much less seriously than some of us do - felt if they sensed one era fading out and another moving in. 


Deborah Adair is so clean and pretty and polished, so I struggle to believe her as "poor" Jill or in those trashy scenes with Jack, but I'm so glad to see this stuff. I had to laugh that they actually brought up the "Jack and Jill" nursery rhyme that I've always thought of with them when they have scenes together. Terry Lester was terrific in that flashback - pure sex. Andy is so sweet and kind, I can see why Jill leaned on him, while pining away for the life she actually wanted. Even if Deborah isn't how I see Jill, she is a very good actress, and I actually do wonder if having a new actress in the role at this time helped sell the restart of Jill for viewers. Would Brenda have had too much baggage?


Can anyone tell me if this is a redesign of the old Foster house? I remember the first one seeming smaller. (or is that not the Foster house?)


I wish that the earlier scenes with Lucas and Lorie were available. Did they fake a fight so she could ensnare Victor? Were those their last scenes together? I love how JLB plays this episode - she was a very complicated, nuanced match for the complicated, nuanced Victor of this era. No phoning it in and trampling over scene partners from Braeden here.


The Kevin and Nikki stuff is the least interesting material for me, as it often is when I watch this period. 

Edited by DRW50
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