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I remember seeing TLW in an episode of the fake Divorce Court back in the 80's as a wife with a split personality. I miss the way commercials were back then. They advertised a variety of useful products with clever original jingles, now it's just car insurance, prescription drugs or .com web site ads with some annoying top 40 song blaring. There are at least 4 or 5 commercials recently that have used that annoying "Happy" song.

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I finally was able to catch up some more haha....I actually just finished the 9-1-2005 episode....(My 15th Birthday LOL)

I thought the scenes of Gloria standing up to Tom were really good.....again I know she ate the show alive, but I always get reminded that Judith is an excellent actress even though all the stuff with Gloria basically flopped in the next couple of years, which is probably why Judith decided to focus more on her theatre stuff...

I feel like a writer who was less conservative would have made Kevin and Scotty a couple...LOL I don't ever want to see Rikaart in a gay story though he is in real life, but I can't help but noticed he does have strange chemistry with Redford here...IMO

I don't get why they had Sheila change wigs with the Jennifer disguise here, unless she started out as someone else...It's a shame the alliance with Tom made it impossible for Sheila to interact with more people during this return....

I guess this was one of Shemar's final cameos (before coming last year) as Malcolm.....Kind of weird but I never really feel like whenever I watch old episodes while Malcolm was still on, he was really on the show that much.....I know he was, but perhaps it's just lots of 1994-2002 2004-2005 episodes aren't on youtube besides a handful maybe...and he's only on one of my 94 and 95 episodes...

Back when everyone thought Khalil was leaving for good...LOL I still can't believe they brought Lily back with a capable actress in Davetta, yet they was all blown apart cause somebody though Khalil was the "ideal" Lily and we have been stuck with her ever since....ughhh...they would have never paired Cane with LIly if Davetta was still there I bet...

I didn't realize Devon and Sierra were that good friends.....and it was nice to see the original Yolanda before they F**ked it up with the horrible YoHARMONY retconned with Debi Morgan and Stephen Nichols....

I honestly could have seen maybe Malcolm getting with Yolanda here to help clean up her act.....if only they were more invested to these characters or Shemar didn't get his rise to primetime...

Nick and Daniel scenes were ok....though I'm guessing we don't see much of Daniel until the following winter when DS Lily returns..

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In less than three years Gloria went from an amusing recurring character to a primary lead.  It was especially irritating because when Y&R wasn't using Jill to prop Gloria Y&R was using Gloria to marginalize Jill. Between Victor & Katherine suddenly deciding Gloria was a corporate powerhouse to Traci & Billy being marginalized so Y&R could throw Jack & Ashley under the bus Gloria didn't just eat the show alive. She consumed it whole.


Jill & Lauren being sisters made absolutely no sense but it would've been a lot more tolerable if Jill had been in Gloria's place during the Abbott Face Cream wars.


Y&R wasted Shemar (which was ridiculous because they promised him huge story to get him to return) which is why he left abruptly & stayed away for close to a decade.


Devon & Sierra had great chemistry but were dropped so Devon (like Danny & Cricket earlier) could go under the bus for Daniel who was useless until Davetta was cast.

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I wonder if MAB had any big plans for Gloria after she got exposed for the Face Cream sham.....It seemed like Gloria was getting phased out right after that whole debacle and the Kay/Marge redux stuff of her being in jail with Katherine.......I think Judith decided to pursue more outside theatre work which is why she dropped to recurring....I feel like now it's JFP/Pratt who doesn't have use for Gloria (which is probably one of their better options anyways)

I agree that Jill could have easily just had Gloria's stories, though I would have hated her being shunned by everybody during the aftermath of the face cream stuff...

I guess they just wanted a reaction from fans then actually coming up with story when it came to Shemar (much like last year though that was a 2 day guest stint) there was absolutely no point at all for horrible Darius McCray to come on as Malcolm for that awful 2009-2011 stint....such a disgrace recast....

Devon and Sierra did look nice together.....I really just don't get why no one at this show realizes all the mistakes that should never have been made, I guess it's obvious what too many egos will do, though I still believe that CBS/SONY are the real evil's here for everything that has happen the last decade....

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Kind of an off topic question, there have been a few OLTL episodes from February 2005 surfacing when Heather Tom was playing Kelly and Kimberlin was there for her brief stint as Paige I believe.....did those 2 cross paths at all? I know they never did on Y&R, but just always wondered if they had any scenes on OLTL....

on a sad note in one of the episodes Kimberlin was interacting with Nathaniel Marston....I thought it was cool/sad to see them working together...

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I'm not going to lie, while I certainly don't miss Judith being onscreen as much as she was once upon a time, I do love whenever she pops up onscreen. But yeah, I have to agree, keeping the likes of Gloria, Traci, etc. offscreen during the latest regime means that they're safe from being completely massacred. The one character I can honestly say I'm enjoying more under Pratt's reign is Ian Ward, but it helps that I'm a huge Twin Peaks fan more than anything.


Darius McCray as Malcolm...there's a nightmare I just cannot shake no matter how hard I try. Especially going through 2010-present again, I assumed that it wouldn't bother me as much this time around, but...no. I cannot believe they actually went ahead with that.

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It's best to have Traci and Gloria off our screens so they won't get ruined anymore....I'm at least glad Traci is returning for Christmas, and I'm sure Gloria will make a surprise appearance when we least expect it...I also will admit after that appearance on B&B from last year, maybe Gloria could successfully relocate to L.A and come out with her own fashion line?

I will never understand the insane Darius McCray ordeal....what they ever saw in him was a mystery, and it was probably all just to get more buzz.....

anyways I just finished watching the 9-6-05 episode...

Amelia is really sounding and acting a lot like HT in these early scenes of her as Victoria....again it's a shame they decided they weren't ever going to write for a strong Victoria again, cause I'm almost convince if she stayed like this it would have been a lot better today.....maybe not....but anything's possible....That woman who played that Leslie woman was Elizabeth Storm who was also Sheridan's mother Katherine on Passions when she was still only a ghost....(she came back for real later played by Leigh-Taylor Young)

The Tom/John scenes are an example of why I still miss Jerry Douglas even if he still comes back as a ghost....he certainly took on a level of badass this time.....punching Victor not too long before this episode then threatening Tom...

Michael and Gloria together with Kevin look more like they can be his parents......I know it's nothing new when they cast children and parents who are only like 5-10 years older in real life, but Gloria and Michael here come off as less convincing as Mother/Son.....

I'm surprised the Winters still got a handful of story during this time...I guess I'm saying this because I feel like Devon spent so many years on the backburner before they did more with him the last coupel years and he certainly has been on a lot these episodes...I guess that started during LML of him getting backburned and lasted through most of MAB's run...

They really took their time with the Nick and Sharon breaking apart didn't they? I guess it's good it wasn't really rushed though I still hate how Nick sleeping with Phyllis will forever be the death knell of Nick and Sharon ever getting back together (well that and the writers thinking Sharon is just this psychotic freak)...


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Funny you should mention HT as Victoria, I just acquired Nikki and Victor's wedding from September 4th, 2002. Talk about a blast from the past, there were a few moments there that I had to remind myself that this is a 13 year old episode and the likes of Brad, Olivia and HT as Victoria are now off the radar. I was even pleased to see Isabella there at the wedding as odd as that sounds.


While I abhor the way Sharon's been written since Cassie's death, I almost get the vibe from time to time that SC's really having fun with some of the material she's given. If that is the case, I kind of get a kick out of it to be honest. But when I hear the likes of Nikki and Phyllis constantly demonize her like she's the black sheep of GC...they can't honestly expect us to be siding with those two. I went through an MAB episode the other day, I'm sure it was near Victor and Sharon getting married, and Nikki was accusing Sharon of attempting to become her by taking over her life, and Sharon retorting with 'You started on a pole and wound up in a bottle. Why in God's name would I want to emulate that?' had me cheering.

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