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I agree, Haunting is definitely the word to describe it, and a part of me want's to see when the quality started to go downhill, though another part of me doesn't necessarily want to see those 2006/07 episodes either...


after watching 8/23, I still can't believe it was only 10 years ago that Victor was a better place then now.....the way he's comforting Nikki (which btw MTS is doing such a great job with, and look....Nikki's not even thinking of using alcohol like she always does now) They really should have continue to write Victor like this....the patriarch with an edge........now he's nothing but an insufferable old man..........

I'm shocked......during the Brad and Victoria scenes, I saw a bit of HT's Victoria coming out of AH.....granted HT would have slayed those scenes, but again such a shame that even if Heinle wasn't capable of playing a strong Victoria the writers still decided to write her that way here.....though I guess that was bound to change eventually...

It's weird we haven't seen Jill show up yet in these episodes, but she's been getting mentioned a lot still and in business mode.....the entire town doesn't even acknowledge her anymore....so sad...

Jack and Phyllis were still married here right? I forgot that Stafford and Bergman had great chemistry though I'm not a fan of Jack and Phyllis as a couple....

I'm glad it looks like the trial is coming to a close, though Phyllis kicking Katherine out of her "good luck" chair was both childish and funny at the same time...

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I can't even remember when exactly it was that Y&R took a nose-dive into utter mediocrity, but going back and watching some of these December 2006 episodes just now, Latham was definitely in full swing by this point. Dare I say it, I think I dislike these episodes more than I do anything that's been shown in the last three years. I haven't bothered to save any episodes after Dru's memorial service up until Katherine's final episode to present.


I had the same opinion on Jack and Phyllis as a couple until GT took over the role. Something about those two together, they bounce off each other better for me. As for Victoria, I try my best not to compare AH to HT, but my god does the prospect of it challenge me every time I see her character lately. Oh well, HT seems happy at B&B, so good on her.

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Early 2006 was pretty good when Latham first took the reins. We had the Lily paternity reveal thanks to Phyllis' big mouth, the JT/Victoria affair, Colleen vs. Kevin, Sharon taunting Nick with the truth by wearing Phyllis' lingerie etc. Even the early face cream stuff was good. Once summer hit, the show fell apart fast between Brad vs. the Nazis and Victor's seizures.


Jack and Phyllis seperated/divorced in 2004 between Phyllis' loyalty to working at Newman and Jack allowing Diane to custody of Kyle as well as accepting her bailout money. However, they remained an on-off again item through 2006.

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I watched 8/24/05

The Jill scenes were an example of why she's currently missed.........The scenes of her having to show identification to be allowed in the house and then showing her displeasure at everyone being there is some traces of who the character should be today and not what they have done the last 7 or 8 years.....

MTS is still killing those PD scenes....she makes it all seem so natural.

I actually was quite shocked that Daniel actually was found guilty though I guess I will have to watch to see how he ultimately was set free......I loved it when Christine bashed Glenn when she was giving her statements.......I wish there would have been some scenes of her slyly reminding him that she has always come out on top in every case against him since he was the one who was involved with Nina's trial against shooting David and I think Nick's shooting of Matt, and he was just as cutthroat with those cases as he is here with Daniel....

I find it funny how they make it seem like Victor really pushed for the case to happen quickly yet none of the Newmans were even present for Daniel's verdict.....I prefer that now then to constantly see Victor pull strings behind others backs just to get what he wants....at least here it was mostly just mentioned that's what he did....


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Three characters that I'm surprised haven't come back yet: 

-J.T. It took me a long time to grow on J.T. but the sexy bad boy definitely won me over as he transformed into Paul Williams 2.0. I actually liked him and Victoria together, even if the story-line had become muddled in 2009. J.T. and Mac were boring as hell both rounds, and I'm surprised we haven't had him drop back into town. Then again, doesn't he still have full custody of Reed? I guess that would unfortunately put him on Victor's hit list for the next doppelganger... 


-Nathan Hastings. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised at all, but it would have been nice if he had been Leslie's secret new husband. if he and cousin Devon were the ones fighting over Hilary and Leslie with a exasperated Neil trying to act as a good patriarch. 


-Cole Howard. Why in all of Victor's schemes to break up Billy and Victoria he never brought back Cole is beyond me.

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Sorry for the absence, everyone. Here's some more from 2005:


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(2005-09-12) I believe this is the last gap in between episodes that I have of late 2005/early January of 2006.






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I gave up on trying to upload on DM, because they mostly just reject your uploads, besides the ones I have already on there....

I would have just kept everything on youtube, if it weren't for those annoying claims from those international people...thats one of the reasons I tried DM in the first place but YT will always just be better..

I still sometimes wish I could make it all public again, but we all know what happens :(


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