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I enjoyed that episode too! It is fun just picking random episodes to re-watch, especially when you have nothing to do on the weekends, haha.

All the comments were wonderful from you and everybody, and i so wish i could at least get all of those back.....luckily there are ones that I remember cause they stick out in my mind (mainly yours) but I just wish i could find an old link to my comments.....

I would still make all my videos public again in a heartbeat if we found out that SONY has given this whole blocking episodes thing a rest.

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Thanks for sharing! The Scott and Lauren remarriage turned out to be pretty loveless you can't tell Lauren isn't really feeling it. Those Victor and Nikki scenes are pretty intense, if I recall right Victor was in the process of leaving Ashley and Nikki was going to leave Jack until she learned of the pregnancy.

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I thought it was hilarious how everyone else cared more about the bar exam results for Cricket, then the wedding. You would think they would save time and combine the wedding with Cricket receiving the good news......I thought it was sweet that Lauren asked Lynne to be her maid of honor, and the kisses that Lauren and Paul shared in the bedroom were also kind of sweet, though I sort of felt sorry for Scott......That had to been one of the few times Danny shared scenes with Lauren during this era.....it's a shame how the show seemed to forget about the warm friendship they shared before the Sheila stuff, though i know they later sort of revived the friendship after Danny came back with Phyllis,

I recall seeing those VERY LONG Victor/Nikki scenes as a flashback on another episode.....it's always nice when you watch an episode that shows a flashback and eventually that episode pops up in the future.....I agree those scenes were intense and sad, especially the part when Victor says "I will always wish you well".....I loved the music too

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Lauren had reconciled with Scott and remarried him for Scotty's sake, even though she really belonged with Paul or Brad. Danny and Lauren always seem to be so long ago and long forgotten.

It took ten years before Victor and Nikki finally worked there way back together between the '88 divorce and '98 deathbead wedding. Every time they had come close something happened or something came between them. Yet it was always a complicated mess because they always had to intersect and often intervened in each other's affairs.

Victor and Ashley's divorce was pretty amicable for the most part however I did always like Ashley better with Victor than Nikki.

Edited by soapfan770
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Thanks for sharing!! This is an era of the show we haven't really discussed too much yet Y&R was still hitting 6's in the ratings while the rest of soapdom sunk into the 2's and 3's.

It's interesting to see those early build-up days of Billy and Mac juxtaposed with the 90's leftovers ie Ryan running to see to Nina if she could help Tricia following her miscarriage as well as the last days of Tony and Megan. Ramona and Tomas are lost somewhere in-between.

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Welcome Back....again! haha, no need to worry, because of a slight malfunction I didn't have my laptop so I couldn't upload, but hopefully this weekend (maybe even tonite!) I can upload the rest of 1990 that I have....

I'm gonna watch that 2000 episode right now, i found it a couple weeks ago, but I'm gonna watch it.

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Rebels unite......someone else has just opened a channel with several episodes from the 80's and early 90's.


I have actually seen 3 or those episodes (the 11/20/87, 10/4/91 an 10/7/91) but not the 10/15/87 and 10/23/89 episodes.....I particularly enjoyed the en10/15/87 episode because it covered more of the forgotten Faren story with the crazy maid Janet....

the 10/23/89 is the follow up of 10/20/89 episode I posted and has the Derek/Cricket climax/finale and probably one of the most bizarre endings i have ever scene on Y&R.

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Thank you so much for finding that. I will have to watch those before they're taken down. More of 1987 is especially wonderful (Faren isnt't singing is she...? Eh)

Anyway, Vee mentioned this article in the status updates. MTS chooses her five craziest Nikki moments. Some of these clips are very rare - I'd never seen them.


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Thanks for sharing!! The "horror" music that was used for Derek's fall, was this time it was ever used? It's the earliest I've heard it so far and it would later accompany so many memorable scenes throughout the 90s I was just curious. Interestingly Derek is nowhere as creepy as Michael or Rick Bladeson would later be yet received the most dramatic exit of them all.

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Those vintage Nikki clips are great. I cracked up when Addison was doing his heart attack and final collapse in the hotel room. Someone posted that it reminded them of something that Harvey Korman would have done of the Carol Burnett Show......LOL

According to IMDB ,Paul Savior who played Walter Addison is a soap veteran appearing on several shows dating back to Love of Life in the 60's.

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I haven't watched them yet but I'm so glad those were put up. I was a little shocked. I hope that means more may be on the way.

Watching some of this Y&R from 1987 and it feels like a different show than what it would be a year or two later. It seems more thoughtful and subtle. Faren is much more old school soap heroine than almost anything else at this point. I can kind of see why she was written out, although I wish they'd kept Andy around. I like seeing Paul's old set, as his later one just looked like a more nattily designed Jabot office.

Carol really does sparkle more with Terry Lester.

Did Jack know at this point that John wasn't Ashley's bio father?

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Rare indeed! How nice that they were able to dig those up in honor of MTS 35 years! I love how it's kind of an evolution of Nikki.

It's nice to see actual clear footage from 1979. I appreciate all those audio clips that alphaguy posted from that same year (mostly dealing with the Katherine/Derek/Suzanne story) but it's nice to see actual scenes......that Walter Addison guy looks like a cross between Quinn Redeker and Roscoe Born IMO....that whole scene was really campy and OTT in a good way, you can kind of tell that MTS was still a little green especially when she was getting attack, but there is something so genuine about it, that she keeps you watching.....LOL at the heart attack scene.....I was thinking Nikki was gonna kill him liked she killed her father but that probably would have been to extreme to have her murder again so early in her run.....I was worried that for some reason that they edited out the background music but i'm glad it's there, haha.

That 1981 clip was plain scary!.....What's the deal with this Edward Norman Bates rip off story.....i flinched a little when he showed Nikki his mother's painting.......Melody looked very pretty in that clip though.....You know I keep praying that TV Guide will one day air classic character marathons and show all these great episodes.....

that 1987 fantasy scene was beautiful, I love when EB plays tender Victor moments....too bad most of this story doesn't exist online....

finally the Nikki stripping scene had me rolling.....it was so perfect but my favorite's were the looks on Victor and Cassandra's faces......I guess this is what really led to Nikki's drinking later int he year besides the fall.....I could have sworn I read that Nikki did this again later during the actual drinking story less then a year later?

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