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Nikki being accepting of Sharon doesn't mean she cared for Sharon.

It just means she accepted she couldn't change the situation because Nick was an adult who made his own decisions.

Victor & Sharon's kiss was never much of an issue for Nikki.

It was more of an issue for Nick (in terms of his issues with Victor)

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Finally finished it.

I let out a little cheer when Sharon told Victoria all the Newmans (sans Nick of course) could go to hell. And she had such fear in her eyes after she said it. Great performance from Sharon Case.

Sometimes Victoria's hair and makeup looks great in this episode and sometimes it looks garish. Maybe it's the lighting.

One of the things Y&R was good at for many years was making you care about both of the women in a rivalry. Jill and Katherine, Sharon and Nikki, Dru and Olivia, Sharon and Victoria, Nina and Jill, Nina and Victoria, Lauren and Sheila. It wasn't just one is a goddess and the other is disposable.

At the time I felt it was somewhat OOC of Mamie to take the money from Jill, and I still feel that way. I have to wonder if when they abruptly fired VRF, they realized how awful it would look if the longtime beloved maid of the family was just dumped offcamera, so they had her get a million from Jill so she wouldn't go away completely defeated.

The comedic music in those scenes doesn't feel right to me, given what she'd gone through. I did laugh when Esther said she could buy a mansion and Katherine shut that down very quickly. And Esther looking through the money.

They should have had her go do business with Victor, which would have caused tension with the Abbotts and Jill, instead of just shipping her off. VRF could have played a bitchier side of Mamie.

John annoys the hell out of me, as always.

Edited by DRW50
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I can understand Victoria's attitude about Sharon here, if you were in a similar situation with your sibling in jail and his new girlfriend was keeping her mouth shut you probably wouldn't be too kind, she is desperate and angry with how things are.

I agree Victoria and Sharon had a complex relationship, I do remember Victoria defending Sharon to Nikki or at least telling her mother to butt out on a few occasions. I think Cole was a good influence on Victoria and a big part of her softening her attitude.

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I don't blame Victoria for being upset, but she handled it poorly. That's what made her such an interesting character though. She was a true mix of her parents.

As time passed, Tom was able to play Victoria as a woman - yes, Victoria was bratty for many years, but she did mature. Now Victoria and her family relationships often seem very childish.

It's a shame to think of just how much the show took Tom for granted. There's a huge vacuum in women in that age group on Y&R today.

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I actually have a couple episodes from August 1995 myself, mostly dealing with the aftermath of Matt's shooting, Brad&Nikki, and Cole/Victoria/Ryan/Nina so it's nice to other stuff going on at the time such as Jill famously giving Mamie the huge bribe.

Interesting to see Lauren's final days here on Y&R I think if I recall right her final scenes before leaving for LA and B&B was Brad telling her about the affair with Nikki but my memory might be playing tricks on me.

Jeri Paulsen was indeed Cole's editor and was secretly a nutty obsessive. In the episode I have of her Victoria hangs on the phone on her and when she calls back to set up a lunch meeting with him she looks starry-eyed as he accepts with a picture of him on her desk.

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Yeah I remember you posted the summary to one of those episodes several pages back! It did sound like a good episode!

Yeah I read that Lauren's last scene was shared with Brad about the Nikki affair. I think Lauren's first Y&R stint ended October 13, 1995, then she appeared on B&B the following week......It's funny how I have both the Y&R and B&B episodes from October 10, 1995 (which I will re-upload at some point) Lauren's final week yet she made an appearance on the B&B episode that day.....I guess they were getting her ready for the switch.....I still say so much potential was lost by not having her stay on Y&R.

I had read the recap from this episode on the google boards so I wasn't surprised to see Katherine appear, but this had to have been one of the few times she aired all that year.....I believe Katherine even went with Mamie and John to send Mamie off on her exit cruise.Other then the courtroom fight with Jill months earlier she really seemed to not have anything else to do except support and give advice. I did like her little Jabs at Jill "How's my best friend Jill?.....on second thought I rather not know on an empty stomach...." "what did the slut do this time?"....

I need to get some episodes with this Jeri....I wonder if they wanted to recycle the Lauren and Sheila plot with this story....

I'm gonna upload Y&R September 22, 1995 sometime tonite! smile.png

Edited by YRfan23
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Maybe she was on recurring towards the end....

Ok how's this for something bizarre.....I just got more episodes today, and I'm in the middle of watching an episode from March 1990 and Stephanie Williams is in it as Amy!!!.....apparently she came back for a little that year?......anyone know about that??

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Yeah when I saw her name in the credits a couple episodes before I was thinking it was gonna be one of those flashbacks "appearances" they have to give a credit for, like they did with Snapper and Casey when Paul was having those April flashbacks in those 1993 episodes.....but nope, she was there in a scene with Nathan where they are at some sort of gym and end up dancing together....it was kind of a weird scene,but anyways it was pretty much Nathan telling her how glad he was that she was back and he missed her etc.....but she was committed to her new job.....

Maybe they were trying to plan a long term return for Amy but she got GH instead?....it's so weird now knowing that Amy came this close of being part of the Oliva/Dru part of the story.

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