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Survivor 12: Panama - Exile Island


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I really really dislike Aras & Shane. I was kind of hoping that LaMina would pull it out but Terry needs a lesson in how to get people to jump ship. His offer to Shane & Cirie was freaking stupid. Ummm Terry they would be safe for another 4 weeks if they stayed put. Terry should of least offered them Final 4.

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Man I am completely pissed that Nick is gone...I loved watching him...haha

No but for real - i'm pissed.

I loved Casaya as a tribe just bc they were ridiculous and stupid and full of drama - but now that the merge hit - i'm totally wanting to see them all fall down and get voted out except Cirie. They don't deserve to win this competition and I'm hoping Austin, Sally, and Terry can get the upper hand soon!

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I was made Nick was gone too. I hate when one team gets the upper hand at merge. And this Shane reminds me of the guy who a few seasons back who sat there and ate and ate and bragged about them having the upper hand and more. I think it was the year that Tina was on.

I can't wait for Shane to get his. Aras is bad too but Shane I can't stand.

I'm glad Terry has got the upper hand with the Idol, but I don't know how many weeks he can hold out with it, and I sure hope he doesn't give it away or pawn it away like the previews are hinting at. I want Terry to stay around. I like him as a player and he like Nick is good eye candy. LOL

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Good episode. Kinda predictable but still good. Nick going was sad. He wasn't the typical frat boy jock I figured he would be. Seemed to have a good head on his shoulders.

Terry was an idiot and showed why he isn't very good at the political aspect of this game.

Sally took a huge leap backwards. Not sure if that's good or bad for her. And is it me or was Courtney actually likeable in this episode? Bruce still annoys me for some reason, and Aras and Shane are just assholes. Aras has really disappointed me. Austin has replaced him as one of my other favorites. Shane, I can understand, I mean he was spot on in this episode. But he still annoys me and it bugs me how he walks. He's so cocky and arrogant. At least he's not truly nasty which is nice. And don't even get me started about that hand holding [!@#$%^&*]. I do have to say they are smart to stick together. Bruce and Cirie I'm sure were dying to jump ship but realized it would not do them any better, they'd both be fifth and sixth.

My rankings:

1. Sally: the ultimate sweetheart. I lurve her.

2. Cirie: best damn contestant. Love her to death.

3. Austin: so darn likeable.

4. Aras: no one really left, lol

5. Danielle: she's okay not that bad

6. Terry: slowly dropping

7. Courtney: tied with Bruce for annoyance factor

8. Bruce: he just bugs me. not sure why. I like him but eh...

9. Shane: ew. just ew.

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I agree. My thought is that if he keeps winning immunity, then he won't have to use it for a long time.

I think Terry possibly telling people he has the idol might work to his benefit, especially if they don't know for sure, then they'll have to scramble to vote someone else out, cuz if they vote fort Terry, he has the idol, then the minority group will have voted one of the majority out...it could work!

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I don't see why Terry having the Idol is such a big deal.

If Terry loses immunity in the next challenge, the tribe can vote him out just to see if his story is legit or not.

Having used the Idol, he's fair game to be axed whenever he loses immunity again.

Gosh, I LOATHE Shane!!!! Probably my MOST hated contestant EVER!

My picks:

1. Sally

2. Cirie

3. Danielle

4. Terry

5. Austin

6. Courtney

7. Aras

8. Bruce

9. Shane

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