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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Unless they want to do a rape a week show, it's better to just ignore it I think.  Realism for the sake of realism isn't always a virtue, and of course there would be roving rapists attacking every woman they find, but who wants to watch such a show? 


Rick's love life seems like the last concern the show has.  I never thought whatshername was ever that significant, and her attraction or lack of one for Rick was non-essential information.   He loves Carl, that's enough to flesh out this character emotionally I think.   It seems like romance is the last thing on everyone's mind except for Glenn and Maggie, and their uniqueness I think is what makes them compelling or interesting to any degree.   They have the love story dept covered, and there doesn't seem to be any need for assistance.   I am a little skeptical of them having a baby since what can their baby do for the show that Judith can't? 

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This is one show where romantic entanglements never cross my mind. Mainly because half the time these people have gone weeks without showering and just imagining the smell of them plus what by now has the be the omnipresent scent of decomp in the air shuts down my willingness to even imagine sex in the ZA.


I'm not a Richonne shipper but I do love how she has basically become Carl and Judith's mother. The way she started clearing a path when Carl got shot, her kissing his forehead while he laid on the table, the sweet, loving, slightly desperate way she held Judith, all really got to me. (Remember when she could barely stand to be near Judith?) I don't know how much of it is direction vs. how much is DG's acting choices but it's wonderful to watch. I'm a viewer who loves shows about families of choice so I'm completely here for Mama Bear Michonne being a co-parent with Rick but I have no real interest in seeing them enter a relationship.

Edited by marceline
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Romance usually doesn't seriously cross my mind on this show or most dramas of this sort. Richonne is an exception. I remember doing a double take during that scene in the prison in late Season 3 at how easy they were with each other - I think Carl said the same thing.

Edited by Vee
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Watching live tonight! I wish I had some dice to blow on to make sure this pans out.


Nice time-jump. Carl's fine.


I can't!


Denise is the best. I hope our Carl has gotten up to date on her and Tara.

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I only knew about the very end, so it was astonishing how much of the episode was a very, very clear setup for that ending that really made it work and tied it all together. Everything Michonne went through with Spencer and Deanna, everything Rick said to Daryl really indicated how far they'd come and that they were both ready.


I'm glad the script (and Danai on Talking Dead just now, this is the only time I've ever watching this) acknowledged that Deanna's final conversation with her in the first half of the season ("What do you really want?") was about Rick. I had gotten that vibe off the scene at the time back in the fall, but thought I was overthinking it. Glad I wasn't. Also glad DG said she could tell Scott Gimple had been building up to it over the last several years - so could I. Lookin' at you, Carl! (Our Carl)


Just a lovely episode, even if it wasn't the most eventful. The characters deserved that.

Edited by Vee
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This was a pretty good episode.   It's weird how they waited one whole episode to go from whatshername to Michonne, but I guess they have a reason.   It was a good scene with them on the couch.

Praise Jesus!   This guy is hopefully a keeper because he seems to have super powers.  I don't even know how he got untied and on the roof of the truck, and how he magically appeared in their bedroom, but he has had more than one opportunity to kill and he hasn't, so hopefully this means he is a goodguy.


Some things on the show don't make sense, like how Dead Deanna managed to walk out of town and wander around for two months, but ok.  

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