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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Under the best circumstances, it is hard for parents to see their children clearly. Look at how Hershel had to force Rick to accept Carl was in serious trouble after shot that boy. Carol is so desperate to be a mother again, there is no way that she can see that Lizzie is seriously ill. Her little sister understands that she is messed up, but I doubt that Carol understands the depth of Liz's problems. It is bound to end badly for all involved.

Last night, I was really glad to see that Rick has been able to pull Carl back from the edge. Carl telling Rick the truth about Carol, not keeping that secret and sharing his opinion that Rick should let her was a strong moment for them. It showed that their bond as father and son had been restored. I love Rick so much. He is such an underrated character. Andrew Lincoln did a great job last night, especially when he was sacrificing the piglets.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Great episode. Once again, they get the balance between character and action really well. I loved the beginning--the mystery person feeding the rats, and then how it took several minutes before Patrick and the rest were discovered. The tension just kept building, and building, and building. Carl and Michonne have such a cute relationship, and watching Carl and Rick was fantastic throughout.

I was moved to tears several times throughout the episode... Carol taking care of the guy that was bitten, Michonne and the baby, and of course that heartbreaking scene of Rick with the piggies. When, at the end, Rick put on his belt and took off his shirt, it was thoroughly earned.

In the meantime, they're building Carol and those girls, Glenn and Maggie continue being their adorable selves...

And loved that ending! Now they not only have to do battle with that "flu," but some psycho is among them.

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I thought that was a pretty fantastic episode. There's scenes in there, duets with "minor" characters that would not have seen the light of day a couple years ago. Certainly not the Beth stuff, or the now much more prominent role for Carol, which Melissa McBride is taking by storm - she has such a core of strength and grace, and I don't fault Carol for what she did. That Carol/Carl palace intrigue scene is also something we'd never have gotten before. Those were amazing scenes with the father and the kids as well, and the little girls were quite good. If McBride and Danai Gurira do not warrant a nom next year it will be beyond me. Just that one wordless scene with Michonne and Judith was incredible.

I felt bad for poor Karen, but I was just glad it wasn't Sasha (though I still fear she is doomed -

). And poor Rick and the farm!

They're freaking me out on a lot of characters' potential to get sick. I got a twinge on both Maggie's dazedness at the fence, and Michonne having such an extreme reaction to the baby's crying. That may just be her PTSD re: her own child, but when they pitched the sound FX up I thought it was the illness.

I don't think it was a psycho who burned Karen and the other dude, or the Governor. I think someone burned them because he or she knew they were infected and decided they couldn't take the risk for the rest of the community. I don't know if that person bled them out or if they were bleeding out like Patrick on the way outside. The question is who would make that executive decision. I know all the obvious suspects, but frankly my first thought - after tonight - was Carol. She is fast becoming the shadow council, making the hard choices under other people's noses. I'm not condoning burning them per se, but I saw it when she was talking to Carl. She was not [!@#$%^&*] around. I can buy that evolution because I think Carol's come a long way - I don't think it's like her sudden bout of Kirkman PMS at the end of the Season 2 finale - but it is still a bit bracing.

Edited by Vee
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People kept saying they think Rick got something too. Or that this might be used to kill Judith.

I could see Carol burning the bodies but I can't see her killing the people, and it looks like those people might have been stabbed to death before they were moved.

Here's an interview with the woman who played Karen.


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I know that the show can be unrealistic at times, but I think that it would have to be a man who killed both Karen and David. They were locked in that cell. Whoever went in there was strong enough to overpower both of them, kill them, and then drag them both out the cell. What I find unbelieveable is that they were both burnt without anyone smelling the gasoline fire. I have no clue who did this, but it I think that it would have to be someone new to the group.

Edited by Ann_SS
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A woman could've done that. Certainly, if they were already weak and/or bleeding out.

Most people seem to think it's army medic Bob a.k.a. D'Angelo Barksdale though, and that's probably correct. Disposing of them - if they're dead, that is - would likely be field protocol.

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I just hope it's someone we get to know. Even a little bit.

The death of father of those little girls would have been a lot more impactful if we'd met him even one episode before this one. Yes, we would have quickly dismissed him as cannon fodder but still. I liked Mika calling Lizzie stupid, that got a real laugh out of me. Someone had to say it.

Maybe I'm grown numb to it but I used to have a much more visceral reaction to the zombie attacks/violence. Now I'm just like "Well, ok as long as Glenn, Maggie, Michonne and Carol don't die I'm good."

Or maybe I just miss Breaking Bad.

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That's how I am with Mad Men (well that and I am not a fan of shows that need to teach me about how being gay means being self-destructive and failing at life).

I am almost always numb to zombie deaths. It just depends on how the scene is staged, and the performances.

I do agree that we need to know more about some people before they die. I don't think the Karen/Tyreese stuff worked for this reason. I would have had her live for at least one more episode.

Edited by DRW50
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