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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Don't bring up that movie -- that and Turistas makes me scared to travel to other countries, dumb as hell I know but nevertheless I have my reservations.

Oooooooooooo discussing TWD on ONTD now and YAY more theories!

What if Milton finds Andrea?!

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I enjoyed this episode. The stalking sequence was really well done, and whoever wrote this episode gave us more insight into the personalty of the governor without dialogue than that bullshit sob story waste of time last week. Andrea for all her faults is a tough customer and really gives as good as she gets in fights.

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Chit, you are so bad. LOL! I feel for Andrea. I hope that Phillip does not get the chance to start torturing her before she is rescued. I think that Milton will find and free her.

Two more episodes!

Edited by Ann_SS
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Thanks for those links. A few more.



I actually enjoyed most of the questions in this Kirman ep. 14 interview, instead of just seeing the interview as a douchey kissass, as I often do with EW.

These interviews have comic spoilers which means they might pop up on the show.



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I respectfully disagree. This episode was amazingly tense, and I'm glad it brought Andrea's spark out of hiding. The Governor's torture room is one of the most unsettling things ever printed in a graphic novel, so the fact that they set it up for next week is fantastic. Milton finally showed some balls (which means he will die, naturally), and Tyrese was actually given something to do.

The pursuit scene in the old warehouse was suspense at its best. The look on Laurie Holden's face as she watched from behind the door while the zombies attacked Philip was chilling. I just wish she had stayed there to make sure that he died for sure.

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I'd agree with all of that except for the fact that I saw the torture chair last week in a promo, Andrea starts to smart up only to be taken hostage, I called Milton helping her - and dying - last week, while I like tyrese I don't really care about him. This is the first episode since one of the early farm episodes totally failed for me. And again, I'm pret shocked because Andrea and The Gov and the ton are some of my favorite aspects this season. Idk, it just felt like a massive waste of time.

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Okay, I have been looking at the spoilers for the finale. Fortunately, no one knows anything for sure. At least, where I looked. It is all speculation and theories. Although there is a certainty that there will be a minimum of one major death.

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