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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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More not so thrilling reviews...

"Tell It To The Frogs"

Shane has a very nice ass.

I was very moved by the scene where Rick reunited with Carl and Lori. Andrew Lincoln was just incredible. Apparently Sarah Callies played that scene as if Lori wasn't sure if Rick was a walker, which is an...interesting choice.

I thought Lori was running too hot-and-cold with Shane but then I understood her anger more when she thought he'd lied to her about Rick being dead.

I had to laugh when Darryl's first scene was accompanied by a slightly awestruck closeup of Rick. I guess those Rick/Darryl OTP or bromance (not the same thing, of course) people enjoyed that. They seem to have taken a lot of care in the writing for Darryl early on, making sure he was not as racist as Merle (aside from the ugly comment to Glenn).

I could have done without Merle ranting and raving on the rooftop but I thought Michael Rooker did a good job.

The scene of everyone awkwardly trying to kill the zombie in the woods was a little odd, but I got the thematic point. The show's stunt coordinator played the zombie in that scene, as he also did in the scene where Amy gets bitten.

I liked the scene where the women were talking about being forced into "women's work", and ignoring that they had their own identities before the world ended. It was nice to actually get to hear Jacqui.

Shane gave Ed such a beating that I was surprised he wasn't even more seriously injured. He just went on and on, full force.


I don't really buy Dale as the voice of reason and wise man of experience. Maybe it's the crazy eyes, I don't know. I would have preferred someone like Jim in that role.

Jim's dreams leading him to dig the graves for the attack that would soon happen...I don't know, I thought that was a little too clever, didn't quite get into it (especially the "It was my dream!" type dialogue at the end). But I quickly grew to care about Jim very deeply. His collapse over his family being devoured as he got away absolutely broke my heart. There are also people on the show who I just can't quite believe are surviving a zombie apocalypse. I completely believe it with him.

Andrea...eh. I like Amy, and while her relationship with Andrea is a little too much tell and not enough show, the actresses worked well together. I felt so terrible when she was eaten alive.

The whole story of Rick's morality and goodness being a fatal flaw was fascinating viewing. I didn't get all that much out of the Atlanta sequences, as everything up to the last stuff at the nursing home was amateurish and impossible to buy (Glenn apparently has super-healing powers to have zero aftereffects from being knocked around with a baseball bat), but I did like Darryl's freakout when he realized Merle was gone. That also led to the oft-quoted "Nobody can kill Merle but Merle" line.

The zombie attack back at camp was certainly scary as hell and nicely put together. Considering how little Morales has to do on the show, it was nice that they let him have so much airtime during those killing scenes. I guess that was a goodbye present.

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Great poster. Awww, my Rick. I hope that he digs out the Governor's other eye and lets the walkers eat the rest of him alive.

I have am still staying away from the promos. I am so proud of myself. Let us see how long I last.

Edited by Ann_SS
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