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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Here's Danai explaining the "pet's" purpose which was talked about on the show and they said she was actually smart to come up with that idea.... they're basically a repellent for/to other zombies. A way she can mask herself in their presence.


Here's the promo for the next episode ... there's a meme with Daryl summing up my feelings about that date.


... and the sneak peek.


Here's an interview with Kirkman & Glen Mazzara regarding the finale


DON'T READ if you don't want to be spoiled/haven't seen the finale.

Edited by London
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So damn true. We called T-Dogg's fate once his ass started having more than one line (in the ep. where he bit the dust) and we weren't wrong but then again they already had another black arrive on the scene.... now with Tyrese we lose the other. I guess its more so with men since I'd hate to lose Michonne after we've been clamoring for her since day one.

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Thanks for the explanation. That does make sense (why she had the walkers). I sort of prefer the other version but can see why they weren't using it.

I get the feeling Beth is going to die - that kiss on the cheek seems like the usual "make people care" type last scene, or close to last scene.

Andrea seems like a huge moron, especially in that scene where she says she wants to visit the prison. She seems to see the whole thing as a day trip. Weird. I know she's crucial to the comics but she seems extraneous on the show. Maybe she was better early on, with her sister? I didn't see any of that yet.

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No problem.

LOL, even with a scene like that I can't bring myself to care or barely remember that she's there.

She really is. I always say this but I really want my kick-ass comic book Andrea. On the show she was just as lame in the beginning as she is now. They started to do a little something last season before Shane died with him teaching her to shoot and all that jazz but man... I simply can't wit the TV version of this character. I'm almost left wondering would I still hate the character if they hadn't aged her and flipped the ages of her and her sister once the TV version/cast was announced.

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I understand the thought behind what they have done with Andrea. And i can accept her as wanting, needing even for this town to be legit and gov to be a good man and have sex and safety and security, everyone wants that. I do not think he has even given her any valid reason to question him or the town. However, the execution didnt fully work because she came off as such a moron throughout it. I do think that in the preview she seems to be catching on/being better written.

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tbh I'm trying to remember how I held Carol in my regard. I was mainly all about Rick/Andrea/Carl/Michonne/Tyrese when I read the comics.

Agreed and one can only hope. ... I know Laurie gets a lot of grief on Twitter which sucks and I adore her as a person and actress even though I hate her character atm but I know she tries to hint or clue people that things might change for Andrea and I'm still waiting since I know she can be one of the very best if they just give me Comic!Andrea .... so here's hoping that she really gets her ish together come the back half of the season next year.

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I think Andrea was a perfect choice for it.

Woodbury could easily be seductive for someone like her. For anyone in these conditions. And again. she didnt see what we saw - not even a little part of it. She had no reason to doubt it. And that was the issue. She should have started to question things after a few weeks, given signs of everything not adding up, but being all alone after M left.

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Speaking of Beth... I love my ONTD and the comments there after this m-s finale have me in tears! People legit want a Rick/Beth/Carl triangle after seeing the peck on the cheek Beth gave Rick. But I'm looking at Tumblr gifs now and I see a cute 4 window one of Norman/Andrew & Chandler from NYC Comic Con and Chandler is all Beth is 17, Carl is 13 (or some age) and that we might see something with that and Norman is cracking up and Andrew says Son! and starts shaking his head.

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I was thinking more of the romantic element of the story. David Morrisey is very charming but the character is a little weird even when seeming sane to people. Since Andrea had already been with one psycho you'd think she would have been more wary.

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Yeah I hear that on the tumblr for Walking Dead Confessions - people want to see Carl/Beth, they wanted to see Sophia/Carl, and then finally someone will say, "I don't really want to see any of this!" I don't get it either. I do wonder if they'd have Carl try to kill his father over Beth.

That's true, but once you take a character down that road, viewers can't have any respect for them. Your defining characteristic being horniness for headcases isn't great long-term.

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