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I always Found it Funny Like Poor MacDonald Carey was Stuck Playing Leading Man to Older Actresses, like On Hazzard (1948) to Paulette Goddard 3 years older than Him or Let's Do It Again (1951) to 10 years older Claudette Colbert, and Playing the Father of A Grown Up, the actress Who Played Phoebe on All About Eve don't remember her name but she wasn't more than 15 years younger than him, and On The Original Days Pilot the Actress who would've Played Alice was 3 years older than Him As Well!

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Each of the 25 episodes that Deidre Hall appears in (from 4,976 to 5,000) will feature an episode summary countdown of her first 25 appearances on "Days" from 1976. Here is Deidre's 11th episode, # 2683, which aired July 13, 1976.

Deidre Hall Countdown: 4,986 Episodes...14 Episodes to go.

2683...7/13/76: EPISODE # 11:
Cast: Tom, Mickey, Doug, Maggie, Mike, Robert, Linda, Don, Marlena, Kim.
Sets: Don's Apartment, Doug's Place Family Room, Mickey's Sanitarium Room & Waiting Area Outside, Horton Living Room & Hallway, Ext. Horton Front Door, Linda's Living Room.

Marlena and Mickey return to the sanitarium room after their walk in the rain. There is a closeness now between them that they didn't have before. Mickey is ambivalent about Mike- sometimes he feels nothing for the boy, and then again he feels love as a father for him. Tom goes to the sanitarium to talk to Marlena about Mickey. Marlena warns Tom that no one must play games with Mickey. He needs total honesty if he is to get well. What about Linda? Is she lying to Mickey? Tom says Linda will do anything she can to break up Maggie's marriage and win Mickey back for herself. Maggie comes to the sanitarium to see Mickey but Marlena is there and she talks to her first. Maggie is very honest about her fear of Linda's intentions. Marlena warns her that she can expect nothing from Mickey at the moment. Maggie goes in to see him and he is very sweet to her. He knows Mike took her dancing and he says he would like to do the same the next time Marlena gives him a night on the town. Maggie is aglow with happiness.

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Each of the 25 episodes that Deidre Hall appears in (from 4,976 to 5,000) will feature an episode summary countdown of her first 25 appearances on "Days" from 1976. Here is Deidre's 12th episode, # 2685, which aired July 16, 1976.
Deidre Hall Countdown: 4,987 Episodes...13 Episodes to go.
2685...7/16/76: EPISODE # 12:
Cast: Mickey, Julie, Doug, Mike, Linda, Don, Rebecca, Marlena, Tommy, Kim, Johnny.
Sets: Julie's Bedroom, Julie's Living Room, Linda's Apartment, Sanitarium Dayroom & Waiting Area Outside, Don's Inner & Outer Office, Doug's Place Family Room, Coffee Shop.
Tommy arrives at the sanitarium to see Mickey. Marlena wonders why he hasn't been there before. Marlena tells Mickey that Tommy is there to visit him. Mickey is jolted. Explains Tommy's story, says he will identify with Mickey since he went through much the same thing once when he had amnesia. Mickey and Tommy talk. Tommy tells Mickey things about Kitty Horton he never knew, explaining that Bill went to jail to keep the truth about Michael hidden, protecting Mickey and Laura. Mickey is stunned. Tommy says perhaps understanding and forgiving will be his first step to healing himself. It happened to him.
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Each of the 25 episodes that Deidre Hall appears in (from 4,976 to 5,000) will feature an episode summary countdown of her first 25 appearances on "Days" from 1976. Here is Deidre's 13th episode, # 2692, which aired July 27, 1976.
Deidre Hall Countdown: 4,988 Episodes...12 Episodes to go.
2692...7/27/76: EPISODE # 13:
Cast: Mickey, Bill, Julie, Doug, Greg, Maggie, Phyllis, Amanda, Neil, Robert, Don, Rebecca, Marlena, Kim, Dr. Powell, Ben.
Sets: Doug's Place Family Room, Doug's Place Powder Room, Doug's Place Bar Area, Mickey's Sanitarium Room & Waiting Area Outside, Horton Living Room.
In Mickey's sanitarium room, Mickey tells Marlena he wants to go dancing with his wife. Marlena tells Mickey she was very pleased with his first trip outside of the sanitarium. Marlena tells him that he's been making progress. She says she'll okay letting him take Maggie out, but asks why he changed his mind, since Dr. Powell told her that Mickey had said he didn't want to.  Mickey says because of guilt. He tells Marlena that Bill performed surgery of Maggie so she could walk again. He says he gave Maggie a red dress and dancing slippers and wants to keep his promise to her. Marlena says she'll call Maggie and make the arrangements. As Marlena heads into the hall, she sees Dr. Powell and tells him Mickey is having too much family pressure. Powell suggests he and Marlena drive into town and meet with Maggie first before she okays Mickey's trip. She calls Maggie and sets up a meeting at Doug's Place. Later, at Doug's Place, Marlena sees Don with Julie and says that he took her advice to go after her. Don says that Marlena is an observant one. Marlena says she has to be in her business. Marlena congratulates Don when he tells her that he is going to marry Julie. Powell shows up and Robert escorts him and Marlena to their table. Maggie and Bill arrive and Maggie is ecstatic that Mickey wants to take her out dancing. She tells Maggie that she needs to act casual with Mickey. Powell and Maggie exit. Marlena can sense Bill is uptight. Marlena tells Bill that Mickey is ready to be alone with Maggie. Marlena senses Bill's hostility. He tells Marlena it's because Mike got drunk and ended up at Linda's apartment. Marlena asks Bill why she's been getting referals from Laura's regular patients, but Bill doesn't want to talk about it. He says Mike's rejection was the final straw for Laura. She's closing the door on her work, on everyone. Marlena says whenever Laura is ready for therapy, she'd be happy to do it. When Bill again calls her Dr. Evans, she tells him to call her Marlena. And he says to call him Bill. Marlena says that accoding to her mother, she's been analyzing her friends since she was in high school. Bill says that sounds a lot like Laura. Marlena jokes and says no one would go out with Laura in high school either then. Don passes by the table, startled to see the switch in "dates" from Powell to Bill, and says hello to Bill and Marlena.
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Thanks also. Not Marlena related, but the summary where Tommy talked about his situation answered a question I always had as to whether the show addressed that two of the Horton sons had experienced amnesia. Bill was stretching credibility there by repeating a storyline a few years later. But he got away with it.

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Each of the 25 episodes that Deidre Hall appears in (from 4,976 to 5,000) will feature an episode summary countdown of her first 25 appearances on "Days" from 1976. Here is Deidre's 14th episode, # 2696, which aired August 2, 1976.

Deidre Hall Countdown: 4,989 Episodes...11 Episodes to go.
2696...8/2/76: EPISODE # 14:
Cast: Tom, Alice, Mickey, Julie, Doug, Maggie, Mike, Linda, Marlena, Janice.
Sets: Maggie's Bedroom, Horton Living Room, Mickey's Sanitarium Room & Waiting Area Outside, Doug's Place Bar Area.
At the sanitarium, Mickey is dressing for the evening, uptight about the whole thing. Linda enters, presumably to wish him luck for an enjoyable evening. Marlena enters, Linda exits. Marlena gives Mickey some money Tom has dropped by to pay for the night out. Mickey is touched by his father's thoughtfulness, has a beginning of awareness there are other people in the world. Linda waits for Marlena outside Mickey's room, wants to know why Marlena called her. Marlena says she has to know Mike better if she's to help Mickey, and she understands Linda is the only one who seems able to get close to the boy. Julie comes to Doug's Place early to meet Marlena, who asked to see her. Doug plays his little cool game, and Julie tries to respond, but we sense the sparks that are always between the two. Marlena arrives, thanks Julie for being here tonight, when Mickey shows up with Maggie. Julie is doubtful, but Marlena assures her Mickey needs to face the past and the people in it. She also congratulates Julie on her engagement to Don.
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