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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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Here I is my summary of the Friday, August 4th 1995 episode of ATWT with a lot of action going here:

--Mike shows up at Rosanna's and invites her out for a very special date alone which Ro accepts when Carly barges in coming home from work at the Yacht Club. Mike gets rather hurt and tries desperately to shoo her out but Rosanna graciously sits down with Carly to talk. Rosanna tells Carly she's was impressed to hear that Carly donated $1500 to the new children's unit at the hospital. Carly says she did it from the bottom of her heart and wants to to help people worse than her, it makes her feel better. A sarcastic Mike pretends to be impressed. When Ro inquires if this was money from her earnings at work, Carly says no, it came from the trust fund Rosanna had set up for her. Ro tells Carly it's a good gesture, but she doesn't want to see Carly use that money like that. Instead Ro insists Carly to save it and use it to live the life she never had. Ro also asks why Carly loaned money to Julie for her trip to see her daughter. When Mike tries to pry into why Carly really loaned the money to Julie, Carly pretends to have a breakdown. Carly tells a sad tale of how she is envious that Julie's daughter has a mother who wants to see her. She goes off on how she resented Rosanna at first but now just wants to make a sisterly bond. Ro stars crying crocodile tears and wishing life had been to fair to Carly, a sister she has always wanted. Mike stands silently annoyed and appalled over the sisters' love fest. Ro steps out and Mike asks Carly what kind of games she is playing now. Carly says she is not playing any games and can't the two of them just get along? Ro comes back and tells Mike she doesn't want to leave Carly alone for the night. Carly says she can plan something for the three of them. When Carly steps out, Mike stays stick with the plan and pushes Ro out the door leaving the apartment WITHOUT telling Carly. As Mike and Rosanna share a candlelight dinner on the rooftop, a disgusted Carly vows that Mike has still not won.

--In Malta, Damien and Lucinda deserpately race to cliff side screaming Orlena and Luke. It seems Orlena has taken a drunken stumble off the cliff. Damien brings up Orlena who is clutching a letter in which Orlena has written that Lily has kidnapped Luke. Damien immediately contacts the authorities and the entire island is now on alert for Lily's escape. Orlena is taken to the hospital and her the outlook after her fall is not good as she barely clings to life. Damien and Lucinda argue over Luke's safety. Lucinda believes in spite of Lily's recent mental condition she would not do any harm to Luke. Damien believes otherwise and blames Orlena's accident on Lily as well. Damien wishes Lily had been under better observation and he thought she had been improving but a disgusted Lucinda says Lily was never crazy to begin with. Orlena is given her last rites. Damien arranges for his organization to start a man hunt on Lily. As Lucinda prays in the chapel for Lily's safe return, Damien sits by Orlena's side vowing vengeance on Lily, saying she will be very very sorry.

--At sea, Mark, Lily, and Luke are hidden amongst cargo storage on a merchant ship. Mark explains only the captain, an old pal of his, knows they are on-board and no one has seen them except for a couple crew members. Lily feels relieved as she is finally fleeing from Orlena when suddenly the ship stops. It's the Maltese sea police stopping ships looking for Lily. Mark hides Lily and Luke in a crate as the captain and a couple of officers come down into the cargo hold. Mark says he has seen nothing while the captain stays cool. The officers start inspecting and nearly discover Lily and Luke but don't. Just as the officers are about to leave, Luke cries out, causing the officers to rush back and start smashing crates open. Mark quickly saves the day by saying the sound they heard was actually a rat, and lies to the officers the ship has a huge rat problem that they don't want to get out to the public. The officers seem convinced and finally leave. Lily is thankful to Mark for saving the day, but says they are still not out of danger for Damien's men probably already await their arrival in Rome. Mark tells Lily he has the the best escape plan up his sleeve.

--Back in Oakdale, a huge fight is occurring at Tom and Margo's. Jeremy tells Tom and Margo that Hal has someone tailing him. Hal doesn't deny it, Jeremy is right he having Jeremy followed because Jeremy has information that he needs on a girl. Tom is furious and threatens to slap Hal and the police department harassment charges. Hal says Jeremy is a threat especially to Adam. Tom says Adam is *HIS* son not Hal's and that Hal doesn't even live his own family so why bother theirs? Margo tries to be the voice of reason between the two but to no avail. Jeremy flips out and leaves, and Tom then tosses Hal out. Jeremy goes out for a moment and runs into an angry Nikki. She wants to know who that other girl Jeremy is seeing is. Jeremy tells her to meet in the park later, but an eavesdropping behind the wall Hal hears this. Tom and Margo cool down, discuss John, Lisa, and Scott briefly when Jeremy comes down and tells them he's going out to a late movie. He leaves and Tom and Margo say its pretty obvious he's lied. Margo suggests following him but an angry Tom tells them that would be no better than Hal and why on the earth would Margo side with him. Margo gets and leaves angrily noting the whole family was falling apart with the way everyone has been acting. Jeremy and Nikki meet at the park but Nikki doesn't want to hear any of it and runs into the street. Jeremy is about chase after her when Hal comes out of the shadows. Suddenly car breaks are heard screeching and Nikki is heard screaming as Jeremy and Hal watch in terror.

I'll try to summarize more episodes that I have.

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You're welcome. I don't remember any of this Jeremy stuff either although I found it fascinating it was a contention to Tom that Hal was trying to have involvement with Adam. I believe it was the following year when Adam learned the truth, ran away and fell down a well to be saved by Ryder. Jeremy of course was Dawn Wheeler's son and after she died Tom and Margo became his legal guardians per Dawn's request. He was involved with both Nikki and Dani and left for college in early '96 I think. The writers for this ep where Juliet Packer Law, Garin Wolf, and Richard Culliton and Valente was EP by this point.

Edited by soapfan770
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Oh I remember Jeremy. I just didn't remember the story of Hal and Tom warring over him. I'm surprised Tom would defend him so much...I guess he was a proxy for Adam.

The actor who played Jeremy wanted to leave so he could finish his education. I was sorry to see him go - I think it was around Thanksgiving or Christmas 1995. He had a certain soulful quality which most of ATWT's junior leading men did not have. I still don't care to remember Ryder, or Eddie Man. It didn't get better until poor misused Craig Lawlor Adam, and then years later, Jesse Soffer's Will.

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This is my summary for Friday May 26th, 1995. Unfortunately I believe this recording of mine was either cut off or disjointed (Jeremy apparently went running at some point!) but there's enough here to do a write-up:c

-Dani comes home from school and is greeted by Ellen. Dani wants to rest but Ellen tells her she has guests over and Emily, Jeff, and Nancy come out talking. Nancy is thrilled to tell Dani about the newest Hughes family member, Jeremy Wheeler. Dani looks nerved. Nancy and Ellen bring in tea and coffee and doughnuts. Jeff asks how Dani's schooling is doing and Dani thanks Jeff for all of his help on her schoolwork. Jeff asks Dani's about how she analyzed happy families in a book she read, and Jeff invites her over to read Tolstoy. Ellen and Nancy are thrilled over Dani's success. Jeff thinks Dani should be working at a higher level, but Emily says girls her age don't want to be smart. Ellen and Nancy talk about how Dani has no friends and has had a rough life. Jeff proposes to Ellen that Dani enroll in Oakdale Latin. Dani is trying to pretty up when Ellen tells her about Oakdale Latin but this gets Dani upset. Dani insists she is happy with her life and has friends, she doesn't need Jeff's help.

-Meanwhile Jeremy is unpacking his stuff at Tom and Margo's house. Margo surprises him by saying she's taken the day off to spend time with Jeremy. Margo hopes to discuss with Jeremy about his mother's memorial and funeral arrangements but Jeremy storms out only to be stopped by Tom, who also has taken the day off to spend with Jeremy to his digust. Kim comes by as well to offer her well wishes and gives advice to Jeremy and reminisces with Kim about his mother, but after Margo brings up the memorial again he storms out. Tom and Margo are confused over what to do about Jeremy and ask Kim for her advice. John comes by and discusses his the lawsuit with Tom, Margo, and Kim. They give him their support and Tom tells John just listen to Jessica. Jeremy comes back and says he filed for summer classes. They try again to bring up the memorial service. Jeremy remains adamant about not having the memorial service, which Kim asks why.

-Lucinda and John are having lunch. Lucinda is gushing over Luciano's birth and how he is named after her, but John seems very down and depressed. Lucinda then gives John a pair of rose-colored glasses(LOL!) and John starts bemoaning about Lisa's lawsuit against him. Lucinda gives him support but John's still worried. No one at the hospital seems to be supporting John's side and he's fearful of the tactics Lisa's lawyer, Ric Hamlin is going to use. John is also upset that Hamlin has subpenaed Andy from that night because John and Andy had a fight in the ER the night Eduardo died. Lucinda gives her full support to John despite John asking her to stay out of it. John believes there is a mole working in the hospital against him. That mole is revealed to be Larry, who gives an earful of testimony to Ric Hamlin and tells Hamlin this is the truth about that night.

-Damien comes by the hospital to bring Lily and Luke home, but Lily is seriously down and asks Damien if everything is actually okay. Larry comes in and agrees to discharge Lily but notes Lily isn't producing milk for Luke to get plenty of nourishment with so he's adding a supplemental formula, much to Lily's dismay who thought her nursing was going well. Damien(who has a gigantic bandage on the side of his face) assures Lily everything is fine and he has set up the house for their arrival. Lucinda greets Damien and Lily at home with the baby. After the welcoming celebration calms down, Lily tries to confide her troubles to Lucinda but she's in a rush to leave. Lily remains down. Emily calls the house asking to give Damien a message to tell Connor about the change on the quarterly reports. This causes Lily to have a flashback to finding a piece of jewelry in a drawer. Lily starts to look again for this but Damien comes in and asks what's she is looking for.

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Thank you again for your hard work and detailed notes. This is a wonderful resource that we don't deserve.

I wonder how far into 1995 Ellen appeared.

I was watching at the time but don't remember a lot of this. I loved the lawsuit story which brought in so many characters.

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It's no problem and I actually enjoy writing this down in a way because I realize this even with what comes and goes on Youtube not all will ever see the light of day again. Those Dani scenes were actually very tedious to watch, mainly because Ashley Williams was terrible in the scenes and its hard to watch a discussion on Tolstoy novels.

That's a good question about Ellen, doing a search on Youtube lead me watching the '95 Christmas and New Years Eve eps where Susan and Emily were such wrecks with Larry's affair and Jeff leaving they could have really used Ellen. Sad to say though in the above episode I summarized Ellen and Nancy had matching granny dresses on bringing out coffee and doughnuts and Bruder's hair was entirely gray though I guess since Dani is Ellen's great grand-daughter they did that. Still makes no sense why they got rid of her.

I have a few more summaries I'll be putting up here sooner or later.

Here's this clip from this time period I discovered that I didn't even think was still up, its great. West looks a LOT different here:


Gotta love that slap!!

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I believe that's part of the 45th anniversary shoot. I believe it was a longer photo, with cast on either side of this "nucleus". The 50th cast photo is them all on one stage, and I know somewhere I've got the Carly/Jack/Julia segment of this photo saved.

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As I make my way through the few 1991 episodes on Youtube I haven't seen, some of them have John and Iva. This is one of those relationships which, while not bad, doesn't ever quite make sense to me, because they are both low-key characters who have outbursts only when pushed and who both have sarcastic senses of humor (if Iva had a sense of humor). I think this pairing just suppresses both characters. I get the idea of the two of Lucinda/Iva conflict over John, but Iva's not really that type of character. I wonder why they didn't consider a John/Lisa pairing at this time, leading to a triangle with Lucinda. This was hinted at in 1996 but never happened.

I love the part where Lily greets "my two mothers," and Lucinda says, somewhat acidly, that it's SO wonderful Lily is able to say this to them.

I also love that Barbara now has to get advice from Margo about how to deal with paternity lies to Hal's family. That's the type of irony ATWT did so well, and so naturally, not clumsy or obvious. Marland set up decades of story by giving Barbara a child with the man Frannie loved. How sad that it amounted to less than nothing.


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I think John and Iva were really only paired because Brygmann and Brown were dating at the time. It did however play into the Julie/Holden/Aaron paternity secret, since she lied to him and went along with letting everyone think Andy was the father.

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Oh. I'd forgotten they were dating at this time. It's just odd to me (the character relationship I mean, not the actors dating). I can never remember how long it was before John found out and if that affected his relationship with Iva.

I never really thought of Larry Brygmann as the type of actor to be dating so many co-stars.

At the time of the Aaron paternity story, was there anyone you sided with or didn't side with? At the time I remember always sympathizing with Iva, but then I didn't watch every day.

Doesn't it seem like there's a big change, stylistically, in ATWT starting around 1991 or so?

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I think I could agree with this but I don't know where to put my finger on it. I'd say it was a time of transition as ATWT as the show had new characters like Evan, Connor, Edwina(LOL I miss her!), Linc, Rosanna plus all those involved in the never-ending Carolyn Crawford mystery. I think some elements changed too. Watching 1985-1988 eps even if the show had a dark atmosphere there was an air of whimsical fun about all of it. 1992 eps under Marland all seem like pure heavy drama.

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