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Actor Christopher Cass briefly took over for Breen while Breen became suddenly ill. (This is the infamous "mid-love scene" episodes). But Breen returned to continue the role after he recovered from his illness.  Then a month or two later Neal was murdered and a distraught Scott disappeared shortly afterward.   Breen was on-air until at least June of 1993.

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That is a great idea about Chuckie not actually being dead and the revenge plot from Michael Shea. The Dobsons probably would have loved writing all that mess too. Just add in Cricket getting pregnant again and John having a death feud with Michael. 

I remember liking Scott at the time. When I have rewatched parts of that period in the last decade, I still do, but that's more down to Breen's charm and breeziness than what should have been most important (his ties to Lisa and Tom). It didn't help that Tom was in the middle of a very heavy story at this time with Margo's rape and HIV scare. 

I didn't care for Wert at the time, but if the show had been in a better place and he had stayed I might have felt more invested. At least this time around he was more directly involved with Lisa and Tom. I just wish they'd had better plans for him. Pining after Sam and then scheming to get Rosanna's money - none of it interested me. Anything with Rosanna tended to be a nonstarter for me.

Cass mentioned how odd the timing was as he was appearing on Loving as a hallucination of Jack Forbes at the same time as he tempted on ATWT.

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Sabrina had the makings of a bad seed daughter.  Remember she pretended to be Frannie in order to get with her boyfriend Seth...then she dumps Seth and marries another man.

And Claire Beck had played a more crazed and desperate character on AMC so she could have easily tapped into Sabrina's darker side.  For some reason, Marland refused to go all the way in making Sabrina the black sleep of the Hughes family.

1977 and 1979 episodes really highlighted Joyce's dark and demented side.  No wonder people in early 1980 were leery of Joyce...and if I recall...it turned out Joyce was faking the nice act and was exposed in 1981 before leaving town.

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