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Dean Santoro - another confirmed bachelor with 'a definite feel for decorating'

Watching the 79 clips I'm surprised how much Chris and Nancy feature - I can see why Helen Wagner quit as obviously the Dobsons cut down their appearances and importance.

Interesting to see the Hughes living room in the ep where Kim and Dana come for dinner.I had wondered if it had stopped being used at some point cos all I ever saw was the kitchen.Had to laugh that they were eating dinner off their laps-no dining table at the Hughes.Anyway the set looked a little different than what I had seen in the 50's and 60's pics. The staircase in particular.

Still waiting for a glimpse of Carol.

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So I was watching Holden&Lily's '98 wedding and Hal&Barbara's engagement party where Carly was busted on the DVDs again the other night and I was wondering, why were Lisa and Carly written as rivals? So many thought Carly reminded them of a young Lisa and the similarities are there. I think it was a lost opportunity. Instead of them befriending each other I have bad memories of the Fashions Inc. hoopla, a drunk Lisa running around the Dominican Republic on Thanksgiving hoping to crash John&Carly's wedding, and Carmen Duncan as Lisa badmouthing off Carly to Sarah Brown's Julia. blink.png

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They initially weren't. In Carly's first run, Lisa had taken her under her wing, and Carly's exit was Lisa investing in Carly's Get Real line and going to Hong Kong. Then after Carly returned, Carly lived with her, Carly told Lisa about the $50 million dollar trust and LISA not only understood, but advised Carly to pursue it, knowing she was chasing Hal and not in love with him.

The change was really cemented when Carly married John to secure the $50 million, which never made any sense. I think a lot of it was due to Goutman assuming control---friendships in general really took a hit under him. But I also think Goutman saw Carly as a woman who really wouldn't have a lot of friends, period, and never wanted to show her having a support system. (Even Molly's support came and went with the wind.) Carly wouldn't have had to keep doing as many "desperate" things as she did if she wasn't constantly one step from poverty and/or disaster.

Ugh...the way the entire TOWN treated Carly after Jack brought his fake wife/dumb whore to Oakdale still makes my blood boil. It's the ONLY time in her history she did NOTHING wrong, and they ALL took this unknown woman's side and acted like Carly should just suck it up and let Jack "Jackson" move on with his life.

Edited by P.J.
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Interesting theory...they did the same thing to Babs after her the explosion..where her entire extended Hughes family, who had stuck with her through all the crap she did, suddenly turns their back on her. I think that, and with the Lisa thing, is that Gautman but especially Fatso HATED ATWT's close knit but constantly strained family ties. Too "old fashioned," for him.

I also hated how they took Lisa, who would take all of the bad boys and girls of Oakdale , the down and outs, etc, under her wing to help them (going as far back as Marcy, who accused Bob of all people coming on to her, still took her in.) Its like she became a ABC soap snotty rich lady.

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Well, at one point, they did make a point of saying Kim (and Lisa and Bob) had tried off-screen to visit her after the explosion, and she wouldn't let them in to see her.

Some of it was about the budget. But I would submit that a caring EP or HW could have made sure relationships were referenced in a timely way, instead of backwriting it six months down the road when you decide to deal with it. And Lisa was still used in that way---as with Bonnie and Casey. But too often Lisa just became a plot point and snarked about Carly, Emily or whoever was in the storyline of the day.

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I remember that Carly and Lisa worked together and got along well but I recall that when Carly came back from Hong Kong and Montana that Lisa wasn't thrilled at all to see Carly after the whole thing had failed. Behr and Broderick were still in command back during that disastrous Thanksgiving wedding I remember being so angry at watching but you are right about Goutman and friendships. I hated, hated when Kim and Lisa disowned Barbara to her face there 2001/2002. Same with Carly pushing Molly far away after reconciling with Rosanna and blowing it off when Molly asked her about it.

The worst had to be when Lisa took in Sarah Travers working in her store. I remember Hoggie prompting it as "you asked for it, we have a special story with Lisa!" for a sweeps preview.

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Kim and Lisa disowned Babs? I don't recall it---but I'd argue they stood by her long after she deserved their support, especially after she had Carly, Em and Rose kidnapped. That BS that she wasn't responsible chapped my hide. She knew what she asked of James and she reveled in it when they were gone. The fact she then spent weeks in Parker's company literally had me seething in anger.

I don't remember Carly blowing Molly off either---but C&M rarely were involved in each other's stories. They just mainly "caught up" on plot-point days. Even when Molly was with Jake---she started acting like Carly was beneath her somehow---like Molly suddenly didn't remember she'd been a LOT more screwed up than Carly ever was. At the bachelorette party Carly threw for her, all the guests (Kim, Lisa, and I forget who else) were markedly snotty to Carly (after Babs' burns) knowing that Carly had been the target of Julia's bomb and nearly killed by Julia herself in the mud pit, and Molly says nothing to them. NOTHING.

So if Carly wanted to bond with her sister....too bad. LOL. Not that I don't think that should have happened...but that's a whole other story.

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This has probably already been discussed, but does anyone know if the feud between Barbara and Lucinda was a scab writer idea, and Marland just decided to integrate it once he returned? I think they were close through Marland's tenure, pre-strike. The strike material is when they had the start of Lucinda not giving Simply Barbara back and Barbara wanting revenge, isn't it? Or did he start it?

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That is such a story point, and so true to Lucinda's character---I think it had to come from Marland. I'd really like to know if Marland would have ever hooked up Josh and Meg if not for the writer's strike and Jennifer Ashe apparently wanting to leave though.

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I post very little here but I'm enjoying the Willows clips that are being posted on YouTube. Is there a reason why they are not being updated on a regular basis like they were before?

Please- I am very thankful for what we have been offered to see so far- I am asking if we are going to see more from this era and continuing forward to 1980? So many questions I have concerning these clips, but have learned not to ask too much about how these are available since they (Procter & Gamble) don't seem too interested in offering their shows streaming for a fee online.

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