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Dallas 2.0: Discussion Thread


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Yes! And then she had me crying at the gravesite.

Well. That was a great hour of television. I had a drink in J.R.'s honor while watching, cried three times, was on the edge of my seat at the end. Can hardly wait to see how this unfolds.

Val next week!

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She didn't! When she has good lighting on her side, she looks great. The way she was dressed, she definitely looked more Joan Van Ark than Valene Ewing. I'm really interested to see where they go with her next week.

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This was a decent show, not great but not bad. Linda Gray and Josh Henderson did really well I thought. Now everyone has to give a speech at a funeral and it is realistic that someone, anyone, would be too angry or grief stricken to give a monologue. Flashbacks were needed but is it possible this series does not have the rights to the old series? Now sure what I think about John Ross and Emma or whatever her name is. She is a druggie tramp from the looks of it.

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KMan, SueEllen drinking because of JR is all kinds of wrong. I watched every eppy of the original series and JR was a monster to this woman. It would have been more of a progression to have her almost a bit gleeful that this man is dead. I'd even settle for mixed feelings but diving head first off the wagon for the man who constantly cheated, put her in a mental hospital, took her son, called her a whore on more occasions than I care to count, humiliated her at every turn...its insulting!

JR is my all time favorite character, but his treatment of SueEllen?

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I guess so. Ive seen every episode of Dallas and am well aware of the history. I think how it was handled was regression for sure. I thought she did seem to have mixed emotions. Idk. I would have liked to understand everyones grief a little bit better.

Im glad others thought it was a good episode but I surely expected better. Oh well. Moving on .... Looking forward to Val and Afton.

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I don't think the writers understand Ray AT ALL, but mostly this episode was good. Not the best tribute, but it was the best episode of this show. It allowed them to slow things down and write a character driven show which was a welcome change. I don't think this episode needed Ann or her storyline, certainly didn't need to feature Drew or Emma AT ALL. I wish Lucy had interacted with her father, Cally was COMPLETELY wasted. Where is the mention of her son with JR? I thought that was going to be the bombshell, since nobody (including Cally) knows that her son is JR's and that he knew. I'd also like a James mention.

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Don't care about Valene (but JVA looks so much better than she did on YR a few years back) and Afton. Don't need either. I'm a forward moving kinda gal, and my sights, if I watch, are set on THE MAGNIFICENT Judith Light.

Back to last night, the conversations between the women were so forced. Ann HAS GOT TO GO! I was so underwhelmed that the great JR got such a mediocre 1 hour eppy! Ugh!

Just give me Judith Light, and I'll be happy. If I can't have JR running Texas, I will take Judith Ryland!

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Judith Light has been amazing. I think they'd be smart to keep her for good (if she wants to).

The women's talk was forced. Ann is a total waste and I was starting to come around to her last season.

I agree about moving forward though, although I think for Rebecca, Afton is needed, we kind of need to see that aspect. At least I do. Val is likely going to be wasted but I'm still glad to see her.

The last few minutes of the episode were definitely the best parts for me and the previews for the season make it seem pretty good, so we'll see how the season goes.

And Chris I agree. The writers don't seem to get Ray at all and Lucy should be much more important than she is. Maybe. IDK. I go back and forth on that. It's too bad she's got no husband or kids. I'd much rather watch her than Ann though.

And it irks me the other kids (Lucas Wade, Cally's kid, etc.) are never mentioned.

I also think Emma has potential as a Lucy-ish character, but I have no idea what they're doing with her.

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I suggested they pair Lucy and Ryland, which could be fun. Lucy needs to be written as more of a spitfire. Let her be the aging Real Housewife that she was meant to be. Create a child out there, or let her be a mother figure to Emma. Lucy has a lot of untapped value. I also think Valene is important if only for Gary. Especially with JR gone we need Gary so Bobby has a viable brother on canvas. Ted Shackelford brings a completely new element to the show as well, so it wouldn't feel like you're replacing JR. Just knowing what a dynamic actress Joan Van Ark (REGARDLESS of her surgeries), she's going to add another layer. I have no doubt she'll blow me away with whatever they give her to do.

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