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GH: July Discussion Thread

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What would be 'in character' for her? We don't know this character any more. The last time we saw her she was a teen working for her mother, I believe. Now that she's back, rather than making a tool for Carly's mind(less) games, she could have been developed into a Tracy clone/staunch ally. She could have started as an intern at ELQ and learned the company from the inside.

It sure beats hooch-for-hire. THAT, for me, feels out of character given who and what her family is and that Lois would never have raised her daughter to accept that sort of thing... no matter how long she's been away. We saw enough of BL with Lois before she left to know that of her future plans, hooking for Carly would never have made it to the list. Even now, given her fierce independence, working for Carly doesn't seem to fit.

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So the best thing to combat out of character interaction is with even more out of character stuff? We know that she's not a business person. She doesnt even want to go to school and she hated the idea of living at the Quartermaine mansion and having Edward try to extert his influence and control over her future. At her core, she's always been about her music and thats something that still remains a part of her. Her music is the entire reason why she came to town and just a couple of days ago, she was singing bc thats her passion. I see her doing something creatively oriented. If its not singing, its producing, writing or something related where she can express herself. Running an international company is incredibly out of character for her since she has NEVER shown any interest or desire to do such. It would be one thing if they brought her back after all these years with a slight interest in ELQ and the boardroom, bc afterall its been years since we've seen her and she very well could have developed one, but they did not. In fact everything about her screams the opposite.

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Music was very much a part of her father's life, to. When did it stop him from asserting himself as a Q and wanting his share of the family business??? If anything, it's MORE of a tribute to the Q legacy and more realistic than having Brook Lynn become a famous recording artist. Then what does the show do with her?

She sings at the drop of a hat? Every wedding? Every Cheese ball first date? She does the Jack Wagner thing on Bold, who's character writes a song to sing to each new woman in his life? She opens a club and books other new acts?

There's no where to take her with that, in a way that makes sense for this show.

I did mention that she could open her own record company, but that's something she could do as part of the ELQ storyline after convincing Tracy she could make something like that work. It wouldn't require the show to commit to keeping the 'singer/songwriter' stuff going - driving fans mad. Some of her time could be spent at the record company. Some of her time could be spent learning more about the company.

Music was very much a part of her father's life, to. When did it stop him from asserting himself as a Q and wanting his share of the family business??? If anything, it's MORE of a tribute to the Q legacy and more realistic than having Brook Lynn become a famous recording artist. Then what does the show do with her?

She sings at the drop of a hat? Every wedding? Every Cheese ball first date? She does the Jack Wagner thing on Bold, who's character writes a song to sing to each new woman in his life? She opens a club and books other new acts?

There's no where to take her with that, in a way that makes sense for this show.

I did mention that she could open her own record company, but that's something she could do as part of the ELQ storyline after convincing Tracy she could make something like that work. It wouldn't require the show to commit to keeping the 'singer/songwriter' stuff going - driving fans mad. Some of her time could be spent at the record company. Some of her time could be spent learning more about the company.

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Finally got what that cymbal banging monkey signifies with Franco, and also the Route 66 song. But what the heck does Franco have to do with Elizabeth? The number 66 is at the end of her hospital tag. um ok. Is he going to target her and her baby because of Jason, or is she just a random target??? And I hope we get some Jason/Liz interactions out of this.

Also what about Franco's connection to Ronnie? That was brought up last time. And we saw him today arresting Jason. I bet Ronnie is really working with Franco and had to make up the best excuse to get him back into Pentonville. Ronnie has been pissed about the idea of Jason being out from the day it started. And how convenient that Franco managed to get that picture sent to Jason's cell? I bet Ronnie had something to do with it. That picture looked like it was one of Jake when he was younger, but with that monkey face tacked onto him.

Not a very popular opinion, but I love Liz/Nik together.

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Another slack-jawed, blank-eyed performance from Julie Marie Berman on Friday!

God, I love Claire Walsh. How ironic on a show penned by a misogynist that two women in particular -- Claire and Olivia -- stand out as sexy, intelligent divas by dint of the actresses who portray them. I just. LOVE. Them.

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So do I. I hate it when people call them Brendabots because I don't see that at all.

Coleman and Claire might be cool -- Lucky & Claire has me more intrigued, though. And I still think Olivia & Johnny have the best physical chemistry on the show.

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I agree. And I hate that Guza HAD to go there with the whole, "I only want to date you because you look like my ex" thing that's coming up. :rolleyes: It just makes me think they will really make her desperate and insecure to hold onto Sonny and there is no need to trash the character that way. If you don't wanna write for her, leave her with a shred of dignity before she leaves, gets killed off, or recurs for other court cases.

And again, Dahlia Salem has really upped her game since she was on Another World. She has better dialogue and story in her supporting role than when she was a young female lead on that show, but she handles "the tough, snappy DA" role very well. I was initially excited because it was a Friend of Jill's from another show(who likely pushed for her to Teschner) that people could talk crap about, but she has clearly come in and made this small role into something great and dynamic, beyond the writing. Is there any wonder why Guza gave her some sort of backstory?

And Olivia needs to stay, but only if Lisa Lo is allowed to have the hooker red hair she used to have as Jocelyn on The City so the Brooklyn Brenda comparisons can stop. :)

I meant that former and latter. Olivia would be awesome with Coleman. Can you imagine the two of them running Jake's together? Lisa Lo would look hot in a wife-beater tee and tight jeans, serving drinks to all the lonely hearts in Port Charles.

Claire not so much. Lucky and Claire would be interesting. You are right about that.

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Who's head and body did you photoshop Claire's face on? LMAO!

If the bitch name's her child Shirley, I'm going to kill someone. Lauren Spencer has waited years to be born

Is Sam making her own clothes now? It looked like she sewed up a towel today and put it on. And why wasnt her hair combed? This is the worst that she's looked

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