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ATWT July 2010 Discussion Thread

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Well, Kreizman created Reid and established the character. Once he left, Reid's scenes with the Hughes and Katie soon stopped and he was put in the bubble with Luke. Based on her recent interviews, I definitely don't think that JP was thrilled with Reid's popularity.

Tamara Tunie came back for one episode to usher Bonnie off the canvas a few months ago.

Bingo. There is a huge generational gap between the women who could find Lisa's behavior entertaining years ago and those younger women in the 18 to 49 women demo that P&G want to attract. Vienna who used to be a great character now comes off as a nut job. This is 2010 getting pregnant doesn't trap a man into marriage if they don't want to marry you. All it does is trap them into child support. And what woman would want Henry of all men so desperately? The story is ridiculous on so many levels. Don't get me started on these women on the soaps who don't use birth control or the morning after pill. It is the freaking 21st century for goodness sake.

It also occurs to me that the women who choose to watch Law & Order over the soaps, watch more diverse controversial television and TBS, USA, and TNT, do not quake in the face of the threatened boycotts from those conservative white right wing Christian groups.

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Sigh...Carly at least had the balls to bring up AI and selective egg implantation to Janet. Jan (the sometime Catholic, which means she professes to not believe in divorce or abortion when it's convenient sturm und drang)balked at that suggestion. While Jack and Carly weren't officially "together" yet, he did love her and want to end his marriage. Jack felt obligated to stay in the marriage when Libby was first diagnosed, and did give Jan the ol' Snyder charm once before he found out about her ONS with Dusty. (in fact, Carly confronted Janet about the affair, and gave her an ultimatium to come clean to Jack. Jan ran home and bedded him.) While Jan still wanted to hold Jack to his word to impregnate her regardless of their marital status, Libby found out about their plan and told him she wouldn't accept bone marrow from any child they produced, so he put a kibosh on any more attempts. However, LaCiccone realized she was pregnant, and due to a sonogram, Jack and Jan assume he is the father. (I decline to believe anything less than a DNA test.)

Yes, Libby is mooning over Gabe and got her nose out of joint that Parker (Carly's son with Hal) is either too clingy or moving on. She went into remission three months after her diagnosis. Miracle, indeed.

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My biggest issue with Goutman and Jean P. is that the women of Oakdale have NO self-respect or, in the case of Janet, false bravado. Vienna is rich, almost married a prince, yet she has lost her mind, gone insane, over Henry? The woman has become so sad, even evil, as to lie and say she lost the baby? I get that Jean Pissy is trying to tell us that Babs is too old to have kids; however, Vienna is pathetic and now belongs in a padded cell next to NutMeg who, also, was ruined by numerous men. I also see the same problem with Emily and Paul--Paul keeing the trap secret because, you know, all women cat fight and ruin well-planned methadone scemes! To this list I will add Molly, there were moments where she came off as almost crushing on the man who tried to kill her and I get this feeling that maybe she killed him to end those lusts once and for all--hurry, get another room set at the mental hospital.

Janey has taken her indy act a bit too far and put Dusty through hell which basically makes her look like a dope. Also, I hate that Carly look the fire money knowing it was wrong using her now default phrase 'I'm not a good person!' It didn't even seem as if she was really getting the money for Parker seeing as she told Janet 'she was going after the real prize and you can have Jack' or something to that effect.

Basically, I now fully understand why Suds Report never has anything good to say about ATWT aside from the actors. The cast is a bunch of pros but the stories keeps getting worse. I'm gonna puke during the Craig and Sierra reunion!

PS: Even Lucinda sees out of character these days. She is going over the top and reminds me of Vivian from Days.

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If Branco doesn't mention something it can't be all bad.

I don't care for the stories where Lucinda becomes too OTT (like that weird stuff where she supposedly had a child with Stenbeck), but I think Lucinda by nature is over the top. She's been too passive for ages now. With Martha as Lily I could sort of understand, because Martha was a very emotional actress, but Noelle Beck is so passive, it doesn't work if both she and Hubbard are low-key.

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IA---this is classic Lucinda. Other than the fact it makes her look like an idiot if Blackie is clearly mob connected. Lucinda has meddled and done "what's best" for Lily since she was a teenager. She left a brain-damaged Holden in the hospital in NYC, and didn't tell anyone she knew he was alive. She supported Derek Mason's romance with Lily not knowing his father Niles was an SOB, which ended up getting Lily blown up.

I only wish I thought Lucinda's plan had a chance in hell of working.

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LOL...I just jumped over after tweeting about FLOVING Will ripping Katie a new piehole. I've always liked Jesse Sofer. I just hated the fact he was neutered by his relationship with Gwen.

I'm also loving Henry ripping Katie to shreds. And Kimmy finally seeing Katie for the selfish bitch she is. I've hated the Hughes' women's "friendship" with that lying tramp---knowing she falsely accused Chris of stalking her back in the day.

Color me happy---even with no Carjack on today. ;)

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LOL at the Henry and Will scenes at the spa. Will reaction to Henry and Barbara as a couple. I kept waiting for Will to say but you are gay Henry....lol. I thought at times Jesse was going to burst out laughing during his scenes with Trent....lol

I know its a short term stint but ATWTneeds to submit/nominate JLS and submit this eppy for male category. Jennifer Landon please submit yourself to beat Julie Berman ....lol

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Trent Dawson was amazing today!

I guess Chris doesn't realize how stupid he sounds defending Katie. Way to throw your own kin under the bus there Chris <_<

Katie sounds idiotic too, everything Will said to Katie was spot on. Who was she to decide that Henry & Vienna should be together. She chose protecting Vienna over Henry who is supposed to be her best friend

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