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GH: Maude's daughter comes to Port Charles

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:rolleyes: We need to make sure we remember she's still a lady just because she speaks her mind and is strong-willed.

More stunt casting -- GH must be getting desperate.

I guess this woman will be killed trying to protect Brenda or will be killed in Brenda's place or something?

With Adrienne and her two friends onscreen I wonder if anyone will remember Vanessa's there...

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:o Nooo! But I'm all for more hitherto unknown love children of Eric's. :P Or an aunt or uncle for Erica, the woman has like no family after all these years, never a mention of a cousin or anything.

Wow, so this is really happening. Interesting. I love Bea Arthur with all my heart but a soap opera casting item with her name in it is always going to sound like a joke/hoax to me.

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I've been away from here for a long time, pop in periodically but I have to wonder which soap is going to win the stunt castint award. GH with Maude's kid or Y&R with Julia Roberts brother.

What's interesting about all this is how we have watched film stars move to the small screen allegedly taking juicy TV roles from TV stars and now we have aging TV stars taking roles from members of the soap community. Call me crazy, but I'd rather see Stuart Damon on GH over any of these recent stunt casts and none of these folks are any better an actor than he is. Or Genie Francis back.

does the soap community believe this is helping them gain credibility? Is that why? Have any of these stunt casts worked? I guess it depends on what the objective behind them is.

As far as this cast decision, Bea Arthur was an incredible talent and had success in many venues, films, 2 wildley popular TV shows, and theatre. Adrienne Barbieu, never have really been impressed with her at all. Hope this works out for Vanessa and I hope they have a better plan for Brenda than they did for Sarah Brown's Claudia.

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I think it shows how dated many of those who run soaps are now. Nothing against Adrienne Barbeau but the idea that she is a "name" who will automatically bring up numbers is baffling. And yet the genre is now so decimated that the type of derision GH got almost ten years ago for bringing in Sally Struthers is not likely to be whispered.

The thing is there are good actors who might do a great job in these roles and possibly stay around long term, yet they don't get a look in because they are not famous.

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Well is that why she's joinging GH because she's going to bring viewers in? Exactly who are the soaps trying to attract with these stunt casts. Certainly not lasped GH viewers. They certainly aren't going to care about Adrienne Barbeau. And is it to draw in younger viewers. How many of them know or care about Adrienne Barbeau?

Maybe you're correct and these showrunners are completely out of touch with the audience of today.

As I haven't really watched any of GH over the past 6-7 months, did JJ's return really help the show at all or had it really been a bust? Again, depends on the expecations.

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Guza and Frons were much younger men during the days when Adrienne and her two friends were among some of the most known sights on primetime TV. I think in their mind she is a possible draw for viewers, and if not, at least someone they want to see again to remind them of what they used to be. And I'm sure someone at the show is probably thinking: Bea Arthur was on the Golden Girls which is popular, and Maude, starring Bea Arthur, is on DVD, and might have a few fans, so this might be their way of cashing in on some sort of Golden Girl luster.

I think it's also throwing anything against the wall to see what will stick. Michael Learned, Franco, the return of once big GH names like JJ and Marcil. Anything to try to cover up the stench of what is today's GH. It's the same with Y&R and their stunt casting. They just want to avoid fixing their shows, they don't think their shows are a problem, they just think they need to lure in viewers with some kind of trick.

As far as I can tell the only people who have enjoyed his return are those who loved him years ago and are still watching. Most newer fans don't seem to care and the ratings did not have any noticeable increase. The show itself has nothing for him to do, it's obvious they don't care about Lucky and just wanted to bring back an actor they loved.

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It's sad. All the shows. Days is about the only one I follow and while it has it's moments with returns, I've been disappointing in what I've seen of Crystal Chappell's Carly. Loved her on GL, loved her on Days back in the day, but just not taken with this current run.

AS far as JJ, it's sad. I actually liked the other Lucky's and have always liked the character. JJ was popular but it was his romance with Liz that catapulted him. Sad to hear what they've done there. And while I know Greg Vaughan was not a strong actor, he was wildly popular as Lucky and incredibly good looking. I suspect many of the recent and younger viewers preferred or prefer him to JJ or as you said just don't care.

I do like Vanessa, I won't be watching but I hope her return works out for her and this casting decision is successful in terms of her story. But like many of the lasped soap viewers, I think I've just thrown in the towel. I'm one of those viewers who's given up. Nothing GH or AMC could do or no one they could bring on screen to draw me in barring perhaps Meryl Streep.

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