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I personally boycotted NBC's primetime lineup for years after they cancelled F&G. Not because of the cancellation, per se, but because of the obvious bias then-network president Garth Ancier held against it. It wasn't bad enough that NBC's poor and erratic scheduling doomed the show to bad ratings; according to the show's creator, Paul Feig, Ancier believed "nobody wants to watch a show about a bunch of losers," or words to that effect. :rolleyes:

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Depending on who you ask, Good Times WAS NOT!!!!!!!!! a spin-off of Maude. But it definitely was.

And that "boozy British broad" was the great and underrated Hermione Baddeley, who will always be Kezia from Little House to me.

I don't really have much to add here. Everything I want to see, show-wise, I've seen or can see for the most part. There are tons of seasons that I want, though, like Knots 3-14 (or at least 3-10), Dynasty 4-9 (which I'm getting to), Falcon Crest 2-9, Dallas 2-13 (or at least 2-9), etc.

A few random shows just popped into my mind. The mini-series Flambards, the Canadian drama Avonlea (I saw the pilot, and YT has most of the series, but I'm following like 10 shows right now, so it'll have to wait a few years), and Sordid Lives: The Series, which I can't even find torrents of.

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Well, it was, and it wasn't.

The original "Black Family" pilot, written by Mike Evans and Eric Monte, existed before the decision to spin the "Florida" character off on her own series. Norman Lear, however, decided to piggy-back the character onto their premise, changing the name of the family from "Black" to "Evans" in the process.

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Dexter. I hear its a really good show and its premise seems interesting enough. I dont have Showtime though and never downloaded any episodes from the internet. Its too far into the series now for me to really care. Maybe one day Ill watch it

Big Love. I watched a little bit in the first season but stopped and never got back to it

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The new seasons of Big Bang Theory, Bones, and Smallville(I'm actually excited about SV Season 10)

Boy Meets World-I watch it everday it's on ABC Family

Who's the Boss? I watch it everyday it's on Hallmark Channel

Other than that, I mostly watch old movies LOL

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Well, obviously all the shows I'm watching currently and haven't finished--SFU, KNOTS LANDING, DALLAS, DYNASTY, FALCON CREST, 24, and about another 50.

Of those I have never seen... THE COLBYS, FLAMINGO ROAD, TITANS and I'm sure lots more.

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