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DAYS: Discussion for the month of June

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Hell, we're lucky to get an acknowledgment at all! Louis Edmonds (ex-Langley, AMC) died, but it was years before they allowed his character to die with him -- and even then, no funeral, just a passing mention at wife Phoebe's memorial service. (I'm sorry, I liked the guy, I felt he deserved better.)

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I wish DAYS would show more of the Madeline/Kate/Chad story line, because that is way more interesting than all this Danloe nonsense. I want to see more of Jessica Tuck and Lauren Koslow, and find out this secret that Madeline and Kate are hiding. So sick of superficial psycho Chloe and her changing her mind every 2 seconds. Yawn.

I just love Jennifer. And I don't know who those two people were at the door at the end of the episode (I know who they are, but haven't watched long enough to see their characters in the past before), but I am looking forward to seeing more of them tomorrow.

I loved Daniel and Chelsea together, I thought that was a really good story line for him, and pretty much the only one. When that was officially over I thought everything went downhill for him.

I want Molly Burnett to stay on DAYS. I like Melanie. She should be with Nathan, though.

Totally agree about Daniel and Chelsea. If she were to come back, I would want DAYS to put them back together, because they were smokin'. I just found them to be such a great pair together. I remember when they first met each other on that bench. Ever since that moment, i loved them together. She's the only women I've ever liked him with.

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I agree, however as bad as the danloe storyline has been plotting i do like the way they have plotted the balance of the stories. the danloe story i coming to a head and the madeline story is starting to build and the hope/ari/nicole stories have merged and rafe is on the verge of coming back to town and all this time we are still waiting for ej to be exposed. the individual stories mayu be shitty, but as a whole the plotting isnt that bad. i like how the alice thing had just dropped in the middle of everything because that is how it is in life.

also, samis flashback today <3

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Loved new Bill and Laura and Kate....i dont know if Bill and Laura are back together but i think i remember Marlena said they got remarried a few years back..Bill and Kate have LOTS of chemistry and loved them in their scenes i think Days should keep him and Laura on recurring. They would be great in a storyline especially when Kate/Stefano break up.

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I'm very much enjoying the goodbye to Alice scenes. I think John Martin makes a good Bill and it's good to see Jamie Lyn Bauer again. But my gosh what has Peggy McKay done to her face that she can no longer move her mouth without sounding drunk? I got a kick out of the fact that McKay is majorly ticked that Maggie and Victor have a story together.

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Today was good! Bill mentions he and Laura still are not together. You can tell she still want him but is still living with that Lucas and Kate stuff in her mind. When Jenn asked if Kate upset her that made me think of crazy fragile Laura. I agree bring them back recurring!

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Guest dc cubs

I thought John Martin did a good job as nuBill. I really liked the scenes with Bill/Kate/Laura. I think there is potential to bring Bill back for other special occasions.

I'm also really enjoying Stefano and Kate's relationship. They went into that marriage as a business arrangement but they both really do care about one another.

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Caroline rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif omg she is turning into a little old biotch, im sorry lol! She is simply annoying, and I'm glad Victor pointed out to her that she had her chance a long time ago, but she wanted nothing to do with him! Now she sees him grasping it up with Maggie at the Brady Pub and gets all jeoulous, lololol. Caroline is acting like the girls at my school a little bit, lol. I think she just needs to stay away, I don't want her coming in between Maggie and Victor, no thanks.

DAYS should try to keep Bill, I like him. I enjoyed his interactions with Kate. So he is Lucas's dad? I also liked the Kate/Stefano interactions.

Hate what DAYS is doing to Brady....but Eric Martsolf is doing great with the material given. I believed him in his scenes where he was all drugged up by Dr. Bakers pills. He did a really great job.

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Caroline is soooo jealous and i love it. She always seemed like she wanted Victor to want her but didnt really wanna be with him. Attention whore, if you will. Maggie & Victor have been so suprisingly good. It actually comes off very natural, and not just because Suzanne & John are fab, its actually in the writing too. I really am excited to see where this goes. I am happy with it staying at friendship, but i would very much like more.

Yes, Bill Horton is Lucas' dad. He is also Jenn's dad. The rest of this is all off memory of things ive read & clips ive seen so someone feel free to correct anything that wrong because im to lazy to fact check.... And Mike's dad. He & Laura had an affair when she was married to Mickey and she got prego with Mike. Then they got together and had Jenn. Off screen, he cheated on her with Kate and she got prego with Lucas. I believe Lucas had a few scenes with Bill whe this all came out. o thats how Lucas & Will are Hortons. For a hot minute the show actually was buidling up a good bond between hope/lucas/jenn as next generation hortons but like always i was dropped and she was brought back into the brady world, jenn went off, lucas was put on the sidelines. I would give anything for them to buildup the Horton family again, even getting rid of most of the bradys.

Also, i think Eric M has been doing great as Brady. He really tried to sell the crap they give him.

What is Stefano & Alice's history?

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It wasnt really an affair. They both had feelings, but never acted on it. One night Bill got drunk because he was depressed. He went either to her house or job, but he ended up raping Laura. He had extreme remorse once he realized what he did. Laura found out she was pregnant, but never said anything about the attack and said it was Mickey's. Mickey ended up getting some tests done (I dont remember why) but then Tom Sr. discovered while reading the results that Mickey was sterile, and that is when it was certain Bill was the father. The rest is history.

Agreed. I wanted to see more of Jennifer and Lucas building a sibling relationships.

Hortons>>>>> Bradys

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According to one DAYS history book, Laura was in the nurses' private quarters the night Bill raped her. The morning after, Bill asked Laura what had happened, b/c (I think) he saw bruises and scratches on his person. Laura, however, realized Bill felt guilty about what he suspected had happened, so she lied and said it didn't.

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Guest dc cubs

So true. The show went the route of making Lucas a Horton but then they never really showed him have relationships with Bill, Jennifer and Mike. Lucas and Jen were in Salem at the same time for many years but barely shared scenes together. That was a huge wasted opportunity. Lucas shared some scenes with Alice and than later his best relationship was with Maggie.

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Can someone fill me in on the Kate/Stefano/Madeline stuff? I've been playing catchup with Days a lot lately and have been watching this week with the funeral. I've been loving everything so far, especially with those Bill, Kate, and Laura scenes. And loved those Jennifer and Marie scenes.

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