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DAYS: Discussion for the month of June

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Well it was a snooze of a week that's for damn sure.

Chloe and Daniel are atrociously bad. Ditto Carly. Those three annoy the sh*t out of me.

The shining moments were the Kate/Stefano scenes and the Kate/Bill/Laura scenes. Just fabulous. I even heard a Marty Davich-esque piano cue when Kate said goodbye to Bill. Lauren Koslow has been doing some beautiful work.

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On today's U.S. show, Sami said to Allie "Say hi to your cousin..." She was referring to Jennifer. Isn't Jennifer actually Allie's aunt (since Jennifer and Lucas are sister and brother)? Or perhaps on this incestuous show they are aunt and niece AND cousins?

As much as I'm enjoying these Alice Horton tribute scenes, can anyone actually CRY anymore? I mean, real tears? I know the actors are saving it for Alice's death/funeral, but when I see someone wiping away tears, I’m like to see actual tears! (I sorta long for the Judi-Evans-crying-so-hard-the-snot-is-running-down-my-nose crying, KWIM?)

Sorry these are so random. I'm a longtime DAYS fan who has not watched the show consistently in several years.

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Allie & jenn? Humm, def aunt/niece via Lucas being jenn's sister. For them to be cousins jen would need to be an aunt to Lucas or Sami, and jen is def not siblings with marlena, roman, kate, or bill.

so no it was an error in writing, again, lol.

as for tears Rogers, Seaforth, & Alfonso have busted out real tears, have they not?

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So I'm not quite sure what it was, but I really liked Sami today (6-21). I think I actually don't mind her when she isn't screechy or trying to cry. Also really enjoyed the scenes with Sami and Stephanie; I think they have good family chemistry. Good to see Lucas back and loved Lucas seeing Bill, Jen, and Maggie. Oh, and please break up Daniel and Chloe. I truly hope that when the secret comes out, it ends the Daniel and Chloe pairing and the Philip and Melanie one. Both don't work on any level.

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It is so great to see Lucas back, I miss him on DAYS. I loved when him and Bill shook hands, I hope we get to see them interact more.

I am just so into this Kate/Madeline/Stefano story. I wonder what Kate found in the envelope at the end of the episode?

She was great in this episode. I loved her scenes with Lucas, and I love how she interacts with Ally. Still wish that Sami could get her bitch back, though.

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Can someone explain me the videotape because I didn't understand the logic of it. What I got out of it was: Stefano needed the Congressman's vote for a construction project, so he used Maddie (who was a hooker) to tape the sex, so Stefano could blackmail the Congressman. But when the Congressman got physical with Maddie, Stefano jumped in and killed him? And Stefano knew everything was being recorded, right? If so, why would Stefano kill the Congressman when he knew it was being taped?

I forgot to ask this last week, but was the Laura/Bill/Kate scene the first time they've been in a scene together - same with Bill/Lucas from today's episode. Did Bill ever appear on the show back in 94/95 when this revelation was revealed?

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