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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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I didn't realize that there are some KDS episodes on YouTube. Do you think I should go back and watch those before moving on to the second season of DJH?

I have to say, the acting on DJH is just...ATROCIOUS. The acting and the dialogue. I love the show, don't get me wrong, because little bitty things like writing and acting have never gotten in the way of me being entertained, but it's just so PSA-ish! It feels like Linda and co. basically thought "We want this show to attack the serious issues! So we're going to use facts! Lots of facts! And the characters will recite those facts! And we're going to use as many issues as possible! This week, smoking! This week, pregnancy! This week, lesbians! This week, stealing! Back to back to back!!"

Melanie is one of my favorites, too, just because she sounds so deluded and spaced out half the time. "Iiiif you ask meeee, Yick, yoooouuu should be sports rep, and nottttt Stephanieeee." :lol:

And dude, YES! That guy does sound/look like DJH Rick. Crazy!

Edited by All My Shadows
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LOL, it's like a Daffy Duck vocal quality, and something about the lips.

I wouldn't say that you need to go back and watch KODS, it's just like a cute little bonus as a fan of the Degrssi franchise. Those episodes were spaced so far apart, I think they aired like every two months or something, so they are more stand alone and VERY little kid oriented in the beginning, especially. But by the final few ones, you can see they'd really settled on their main characters and the episodes feel more serialized as it begins to feel like a working prequel for DJH. The budding romance between not-Caitlin and not-Wheels in particular.

And yes, the show is PSA all the way, no question there. They're worse than Good Times droppin facts and statistics in dialogue. :lol: The acting certainly is bad yet almost charmingly so. :lol: I find the bad acting and lame dialogue here more endearing than the strident acting and "smart, witty" dialogue in TNG (though I love that series too, and yes I am still lightyears behind in my viewing).

Keep watching the original series though, it gets good! There's some interesting Melanie/Kathleeen stuff to come (no, they do not lez out). And one of the best things about watching Degrassi Jr. and High is watching the first seasons of TNG over again and having so many "Aha!"/"OMG, lookit so-and-so!" moments.

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Perhaps this is a chance to point out that, given your degree from an esteemed acting institution, I have always expected of you to write a nice little "technical" post about who are daytime's good and bad actors and why, in terms of technique, bad habits etc. Somehow it never materialized, LOL.

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Yeah, like I said, the acting is bad, but I love it just the way it is. I wouldn't want them to be better or for the dialogue to be any different because it all still manages to suck me in very well and it's just part of the show's charm.

The dialogue on the current show ("Degrassi: The Next Generation: The Next Generation") is its very own brand of bad. They're trying to be all Gossip Girl-style provocative, but then they also throw in the awkward statistics and slogans (anything dealing with Riley, especially the "Still Fighting It" arc), so it's just...weird. Sometimes they get it right, but most of the time it's just...ugh. But that's the whole show right now. I miss S3-S5 so much.

I think I'll have a gander at some of KDS episodes, just for the experience. I was kinda weirded out seeing Caitlin so young on DJH, I guess I'll be even more creeped out at seeing her in a more kiddie setting!! I'm looking forward to more of the junior high years, though, and hopefully finding the high school stuff as well.

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Aw, thanks Sylph, that sounds like fun and I wish I was passionate enough about anyone's soap acting these days to even muster the interest in that. :lol: Another problem would be my admittedly limited soap viewing, I only really watch OLTL and AMC, maybe the first five minutes of GH. But if somebody did start such a thread with some examples and their opinions, I'd definitely throw in my two cents, particularly about bad habits (mostly cliched attempts at naturalism like stammering, mumbling, affected speech patterns, and assorted actor "tricks").

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Indeed, AMS, Stacie Mistysyn (Caitlin) started way young playing Lisa on KODS. I think her first episode is when her brother Noel (who looks something like EricMontreal ^_^ ) has a big problem with their widower dad getting remarried. I'm forgetting her name, but you know the black girl from Jr. High (her real-life brother plays the little nerd with glasses)? She has a much bigger role in KODS and she and Lisa are best friends. There's one episode where they are fighting over a pet rabbit named Rabbit they "share" and why do they let that poor rabbit get killed by a dog? :lol: It's not funny, but it kinda is, their bickering gets in the way and they leave Rabbit's cage open. Also, the big girl I'm sure you've noticed, she has a much, erhm, *bigger* role in KODS too. A particularly camptastic episode about her weight where she sings a self-penned ballad, "I'm Glad to Be Me". A cute little show perfect for a rainy weekend afternoon and you will definitely have a few moments of, "I am too damn old to be watching this! :lol: " And given how spaced apart they were filmed, it's interesting to see some of the kids grow up so rapidly before your eyes.

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Watched last nights premiere. So the show is called Degrassi: In To Deep now....ok. I guess they're gonna have a different name for each new season now or what? lol

I thought it was pretty boring, I was expecting things to be a bit more exciting. I didn't care much for the S/L's that they showcased. I did like the Fiona/Adam stuff a lot. I think they are great and the show is doing a nice job handling Fiona's alcoholism. She is a straight up hot mess and I'm glad the intervention worked and she's headed off to rehab. I think there is so much potential in a love story between Adam & Fiona and I'm looking forward to whatever's next with them...

Dave meeting a new girl was nice but then when he realized she was like 8 feet tall he was regretting even talking to her. LOL. I did not like how this was handled at all and I just don't care for Dave all that much anyway...

I liked the Anya stuff with the older doctor. It would have been more interesting if she actually got to go on the weekend getaway that he was planning. To bad her mom had to find out and Anya had to tell the doctor she was only 17 years old haha. Now she's waiting until she's18 and then they can date.

I hope it's more interesting next week. I want to see Alli, Sav, Drew, & Zane/Riley S/L's.

Nicely put guys lol i feel the exact same way...

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Not that I can think of...Shenae Grimes & Aubrey Graham (Drake) are the only two I think who really made it big after Degrassi...

Well you guys got your wish, he finally cut his hair!! Looks SO much better!!

Now he needs to work on that chest ph34r.gif

The Riley/Zane storyline has gotten a LOT better! I am loving it & it's so sad watching Riley's mom reject him being gay and thinking of it as being a "phase".

LMAO @ Drew high of shrooms. Those were the scenes I was waiting for and I wasn't disappointed!!

Love that Alli is back!

The last two episodes have been great! That first episode just shouldn't have aired at all LOL.

Edited by AllmyDaysatGH
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