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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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Can someone help me out here?? I have been watching this show for first time all day (there was a marathon). The episode where Owen put "Riley is a fag" on that bus, Riley punched him, etc, the bachelor bid, Riley & Zane making up in the end, was that the last episode?? I'm just wondering because thats the last one they showed in the marathon and then they started with some other one I already saw. That didn't seem like the end episode to me...lol, I'm wondering if there's more?? So that I could look out for them ohmy.gif

Omg I wish I would have watched this show earlier so I could discuss it with you guys, I sure had a lot to say as I watched...LOL. Just started watching it and couldn't stop, and I am going to watch it daily when it returns next month.

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S1 is hard to watch if you watch the later episodes first. It was soooo tame before the "It goes there!!" era, so if you're used to stuff like Paige's rape, Jimmy's shooting, JT's death, Liberty's pregnancy, Manny's abortion, Ellie's cutting, Peter's meth addiction, and Craig's bipolar disorder, then stuff like JT and Toby watching porn and Ashley scheming to win an election just looks silly. It was cute at the time, though!

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I've been trying to catch some of these Boiling Points episodes and my one criticism (perhaps unfair) is that the same thing seems to be happening in every one. I guess it's more like soaps that way. :lol: It's confusing with all of these two parters and the way they play like six episodes back to back that aren't necessarily in order and I can't tell what happened last week or two weeks ago or what. :wacko: It would have REALLY helped to follow this novella format the normal way than trying to play catch up. ^_^

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At the time i found it lame and didnt enjoy it at all, until the season finale when Ashley took X and tried to eff sean. LOL. I remmeber watching it with my friend and when it ended it was like, yeah, this [!@#$%^&*] just got good. then season 2 brought craigs issues, paiges rape, and i was addicted.

Also, i believe they are dropping TNG from the title and its just Degrassi now.

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SFK, yeah, it definitely would have been easier to just watch it as it aired, but you don't have TEENick, right? I just watched them on MTV the next morning, so I was able to keep up.

Aw, me and my friend liked it at the time. We'd discuss it as we walked laps in PE, haha. What I liked, though, is that I was just about the same age as the original group of characters, so when it started, I was still at the age to enjoy the more sillier, childish type of stuff, then as the characters grew, so did I, so it was good that the show transitioned got soapier because it wouldn't have kept my interest if it had stayed more sitcom-meets-afterschool special.

I think I read that the lack of TNG was only for the Boiling Point episodes, but that wouldn't make any sense.

Edited by All My Shadows
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I love Drew, Allie, Adam, & Anya on boiling points. What I like about this show is how it's written, it is darn near perfect. One story I wish could have been explored more, was K.C. and his mom. After that episode where he decided to live with her again, I don't think we ever saw them interact again (I still have a few more episodes to see so I'm not sure), but I would like to. I liked that story a lot because I related to it a bit.

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:wub: That just gave me the best shot of warm, nostalgic, 7th/8th grade "life isn't hard yet" feelings. ^_^

Nah, I don't have cable at ALL at my apartment but I have it at my house which is where I was trying to catch up the last two weeks. Admittedly, I was getting that impatient/frustrated feeling watching because I didn't know where I was in the story, not to mention the fact that I don't know these kids really. So *click* went the remote.

How do I say this compassionately... the transgendered guy, not so believable. Her friend, the guy with the emo pout, he'd have been better cast. The gay Greek dude, it's like same [!@#$%^&*] different day with him, you coulda fooled me if there was an actual progression of story there, gay one day, back in the closet the next. Sav and sis, can't make heads or tails of it, argh, I hope this whole season and all remaining seasons won't be a wash for me. I think the fact that there are no familiar faces is what's really my deal here. I'm guessing since Emma's gone we don't see Spike either. Snake can't hold it down ALL on his own! Let Lucy or crazy ass Stephanie K. be somebody's embarrassing mom and I'm back in full force!

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I did to! From the moment he asked Riley for that pen to sign up for the football team. I thought he was gay, and the show was going to make it a Riley/Drew/Zane story, but that didn't happen. LOL, I love him with Alli, though.

Really felt bad for Dave when he thought Alli wanted to be his girlfriend, and she broke the news to him that she wanted Drew the whole time. LOL


Ugh I don't either. I really thought him and Anya should have worked things out and stayed together. I think they are a much better pair and more could be done with them.

That annoyed me so much how he kept switching around. I also wish that guy would cut his hair.

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Awe, i like Riley and found his in.out of the closet story very true to life. He never really came out, until the dance, but wanted too but didnt for various reasons. It wasnt the best told story tho.

I like the new faces, a lot. But i see what you mean.

See, i love Holly J & Sav because its so.. casual. Its just fun, flirty, light. Its so rare on tv, yet so common in life.

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Pulling out the multi-quotes...

That's what annoyed me the most about Boiling Point. They paid all this lip service to being able to tell stories with more completely, having the episodes to take their time and hit every beat, etc, but it was all lies. If you do the math, nothing about BP was different from the last few seasons except for the schedule they were aired on.

Aw :wub: Those days were sweet.

But yeah, I know what you mean. That's kinda how I was in the interim immediately following the departure of Paige'n'em. Ask me anything about Lucas, early Jane, late Mia, Mia/Peter, Mia/Darcy, etc, and I don't know. I did watch those episodes at one point, but I just didn't care enough. I was too busy wondering how Natasha Bedingfield could sing Pocketful of Sunshine in 2007 even though the song wasn't even written or recorded until 2008.

The Riley story was the most frustrating for me, and it has been since the very beginning. It should not have taken so long for them to show us what his parents are like (and even then, we only got one), and when we did meet his mother, a bolder statement should have been made on how she would feel about having a gay son. And with the way Riley's been acting, it should have been evident that things would NOT have been okay with her. I wish we didn't have to deal with the coming out drama anymore. It still has a place in television, and shows should still do it, but the number of gay teens who are out by the time they're in their junior or senior year is growing rapidly. It's annoying, it really is. It'd be nice to see some gay characters who aren't obsessed with staying in the closet.

As for Adam...eh. I think a lot of people on other boards overly praised that story simply because "OMG, it's a transgender teen! And I'm so liberal and open-minded and cool, this story is fantastic!!!" The actual story, I liked a lot. But the acting and dialogue was like [!@#$%^&*] on a cracker. Todosey was all right, but she tried way too hard to play the character as a biological male (which, I know, is the point of the story, but still, her little piece in the opening aggravates). The dialogue, though....just cliched and cliched.

And I objected heavily to Claire being the "one to turn to" in regards to the self-mutilation scene. Claire's the stalest, most boring character on the canvas, and having her be "good" all the time doesn't help. I'ma need her to be a bitch.

A Drew/Riley/Zane triangle would have been epic if they all got extra acting lessons, especially Riley.

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