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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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Most intersting moments, sure.

Finest for a pathetic slut, i guess.

Her best moment was Ashley telling the entire school what a little slut she was and how shes prego. Loved that ish. Must go rewatch now.

Seriously tho, Manny is my all time most hated char on Degrassi. Ever. By far. The only other person who comes close is... i really dont even know. I would say Dean, because he raped my girl Paige.

Soeaking of, paige had the best pairings. spinner, matt, alex. i loved her with all of them. im so bummed they never address if she got hiv or not.

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Your least fave is my most fave lol Manny/Craig was my OTP.

Paige was all about the drama, and I miss that. They've tried to put Holly J in the Paige role, but it doesn't work because HJ just doesn't have the posse of friends like Paige did. There really isn't any big groups of friends on the show like that anymore.

They didnt address her HIV scare in the Hollywood movie? I'm just waiting for them to address whether or not Marco's finally done with Dylan for good. He needs to be. They shouldve had him bring along a little slice when he did his student teaching last season.

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God, no. Death to that skankwhorebitchfromhellmanny. Craig/Ash forever!!!!!1!!!1! And after that its Craig & Ellie.

Paige was the HBIC of Degrassi. She ran that [!@#$%^&*]. And in her last year at Degrassi she just didnt care and was like whatever. I loved it when Darcy and Manny would try to bitch up to her and Paige would be all, no. I just dont care.

They dont have big groups, but i like that. I dont recall a lot of huge groups of friends. People had their cliques, their group.

No, i dont think they did mention her hiv scare.

Also, odd note... The girl who plays Ellie's other canada show has been picked up by the CW and Paige and i think Craig are on it. Thats means on The CW we have Darcy, Mia, Ellie, and some Paige. lol. (Another odd tidbit, five actress from degrassi read for the 90210 role that SG got)

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Yeah, 18 to Life. Ellie's gf/bf with Derek from Life with Derek on it. I'll check it out to see if I like it because I do love those two.

Craig/Ashley?!?! Noooooooo. Ashley made Craig boring as hell with all of their sensitive musical episodes. Remember that lame song they did? "There was nothin at alllll, NOOOTHING at allll, there was nothing at allllll..." Ewww...just a hideous pairing. Ashley was too emotionally high maintenance for a high schooler.

I liked Sean/Ellie a lot, especially pre-shooting when they lived together in Sean's apartment because of Ellie's alkie mom.

I miss the group aspect because it felt like they all at least had friends, especially with the Paige crew. Right now, who are Sav's friends supposed to be? Danny, Derek, and Peter graduated and Spinner's busy marrying old characters. Alli's desperate for friends besides Clare. Holly J's clinging to Fiona. Riley only spends time with Zane when he feels safe enough to. Nobody's got anybody to hang out with.

LOL at all of the girls going to the CW. Miriam is becoming the new princess of Lifetime movies, so if she's liking that, good on her. A lot of them are focusing on music which is just a baaaad choice. Jimmy was a fluke.

Edited by All My Shadows
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I def see what you mean about the friends, but i just feel like this is much more realisitc. I did love it when Paige, Alex, Emma, etc came together against Rick back in the day.

Yeah, the cw is the new landing for degrassi stars, lol. miriam actually just makes really bad movies that lifetime picks up because they dont even get a dvd release, lol. But whatever, a job is a job and they all pay.

Wheelchair Jimmy turned Rapper Drake is hilarious.

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It's AUBREY, bitches! I wonder how much he despises being called that? :)

All this talk of Degrassi makes me want to go back and start at the beginning. I want my memories flooding back to me like Hurricane Katrina! :0

Sorry guys, but I [!@#$%^&*] LOATHE Craig. LOATHED!!!

But Manny, Paige, Ellie. They were my girls. And someone brought up the guy that raped Paige ... he is was divinely sexy. Shawn Roberts :wub:

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I couldn't stand Craig, he was one of the most selfish characters ever and I just could never bring myself to see past it even given his mental health condition. I did feel sorry for him though when his abusive dad died. And when he ran up Joey's CC and freaked out at the wedding and tried to propose, he was rather entertaining. People like him are dangerous though, I've witnessed the work of a couple "Craigs" of both sexes in IRL. They are manic and "extra" and everything is life or death with them. They latch on to people who are drawn in by their wounded souls and who put them on a pedestal, all the while the "Craigs" make them feel "needed" and "important" to keep the "Craigs" sane. And then one day they no longer serve their purpose and they are unceremoniously dumped, no rhyme nor reason. I've seen this happen to at least three friends.

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Um, hon, we're talking about rape here. Thanxmuch for your oh-so progressive Mother Theresa-like compassion. <_< Now I'm going to move my massive Slovakian head which is currently blocking the sun so it'll hopefully blind you. Kbyehun.[/Paige Michalchuk]

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See, my thing with Craig (and other TV characters like him) is that I always see the way he is as some kind of tragedy, some kind of heartbreaking result of the way he was brought up. That's why I sometimes get frustrated when the shows don't delve deeper into characters' psyches or have other characters call them out on their BS. Manny's subtle smackdown on Craig at the end of Holiday was perfect. Just perfect. Most DTNG fans don't like that episode because it focused so much on Joey/Caitlin and so little on most of the TNG kids, but I was in Manny/Craig heaven with that hour!

IDC what people say. Paige Michalchuk is an icon. An icon, damn it!

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I suppose I should have more compassion for Craig. I guess my deal is that I don't recall his moments of naked vulnerability all that touching, which is a horrible thing to say, but the writers seemed to always "ruin" it by giving him a guarded snarky line (like a teen boy). It's like, let us just have a genuine, "Aww, wow, poor guy" moment instead of, "Damn, this dude is so fucked up" all the time. I dunno, maybe another viewing is in order.

I loved the Holiday episode, the best of the old and the new.

Paige was a trip, she annoyed the hell out of me and I'm ashamed to admit that sometimes even I confuse real life with fiction. ^_^ She was very convincing and they totally borrowed from the soaps making her of all characters the rape victim.

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I can get why one would hate Craig, though, so it's all good. I'm just weird like that...I'm always intrigued by "bad" characters.

Yes. Well...I've seen the first four episodes. I have so much crap on this poor little laptop to watch, but DJH is always on my mind as one that I don't want to get out of step with. One of the things I looooove about these episodes, though, is how we get to hear little snippets of conversations with characters we know absolutely nothing about. Very fly-on-the-wall. Still can't stand Stephanie and Voula, but I thought it was interesting that in the fourth episode, they were still referencing the first episode. I always assumed the junior high episodes were strictly self-contained.

"Joey Jeremiah, ESSSquire!" is too adorable for words.

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Totally never knew this little tidbit about how the show came up with the name for Spike's baby, who we all know as Emma.


In 1987 Degrassi Junior High won an International Emmy in the Children and Young People category for the episode "It's Late", where Christine "Spike" Nelson gets pregnant at the party believing she is ready to have sex with the new kid, Shane. Spike's baby was named Emma, to commemorate the award, and Emma wound up being the inspiration for the spin-off series, Degrassi: The Next Generation.

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