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OLTL: Discussion for the week May 17

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The original musical was an absolute abortion, terrible music, singing and stories. This one was marginally successful, with several fun numbers, so like others I'd call it a qualified triumph. I'd expected much, much less from this. Sure, there was the ugly, like "Our Lips Are Sealed," "Turn Back Time," etc. and various unintentionally hilarious bits like Markko's little dance interludes, Brittany Underwood's goat singing (I'm sorry, baby, I love you but it's been two musicals now and you sound like a goat riding a vibrating coin-operated pony outside the supermarket), and the horrible Dan Curtis Productions Chromakey effect from 1968 on "Turn Back Time." But I actually really loved the opening number, the Pat Benatar and BEP songs, and several others. It only occasionally looked horrifically cheap. "Battlefield" was fun too, if ridiculously camp. I couldn't help laughing hysterically when they brought them out on that medieval torture rack or whatever, pawing the air. The stories were still nothing special, but they were at least more interesting than last time.

Special marks go to Tika Sumpter's unbelievable voice and commitment putting everyone else to shame, and Eddie Alderson in the Black Eyed Peas number. Go back and watch that - he is on his own trip. It is not a game. I loved it. I honestly wouldn't mind them making the musical an annual event if they could improve the stories and continue to improve on the quality each time - they'd have to involve the older generations in a proper way. But then, I thought they needed to make Live Week happen every year as well. I still do.

I feel awful teasing Brittany Underwood again. The last time I did it during the original musical, she showed up at the Wreck Center and made me and Darn feel like [!@#$%^&*]. Several months later they gave her the Dorian storyline and she became one of my favorite youngsters on OLTL. I think she's supremely talented, silly stories or not, I just think someone needs to lay off the vibrato in her singing. Cause it makes her sound like a damn goat.

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Yay, we both have Dan Curtis Chromakey burned into our brains. :lol: Those OLTL/DS ties will live forever...

I agree with what you said. There were some letdowns but overall I thought it was decent and it looked good, for the budget contraints.

The one thing in the Battlefield number that got me was when they were doing the kind of square dancing, as I'd seen that a month or two earlier, the same moves, in a 1993 ATWT episode when Hal and Barbara got married. I guess those are common moves, it's just odd seeing them in the whole futuristic female warfare moment.

That number, where the women walked off together, and the Blair propping Tea, as little as I am invested in that story, are at least signs that the show may be moving away from pitting women against each other so often. I wish there were more female friendships but at least it's moving slightly in that direction.

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