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AMC: OMG! I Just Remembered...

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OK, this might seem pretty random, but as soon as I remembered it, I laughed for about 30 minutes straight. Someone mentioned Carmen (Erica’s former cellmate) in one of the daily episode threads (I think) and it got me thinking of Erica in prison about 2 (?) years ago. Remember when there was that ''Free Erica!'' rally/protest made up of her fans and that boyband showed up out of nowhere and sang the song ''Erica Kane''? bwahaha! Then Erica and all the butchy prison gals and guards were dancing to it!

I've never dropped acid before, but I'd like to think that's what a trip would be like. I know that's how I'd like mine to be, anyway.

I think that was maybe the campiest thing AMC has ever done.... besides maybe Erica & the grizzly bear.

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You mean, you weren't there for the gripping, powerful, return-to-form storyline that Annie Sullivan Agnes Nixon allegedly penned for the show?


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Yeah, I remember this, it was heavily promo'd and I don't think I had heard of that boyband before or since that episode. They were like a bootleg O-Town, and that's really saying something. But I guess that makes three songs about Erica Kane.

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To spare my retinas, I won't be watching either of those clips. I avoided 2008 AMC like the plague for a reason.

:lol: Good old Aggie probably wrote that episode after dropping acid while chained to her desk in the basement at ABC from where she ghostwrites.

In all "seriousness," another board I frequent had a poster who finished watching that travesty, calling the boyband "that bunch of dancing doorknobs." That pretty much summed up the episode for me. Didn't feel I missed a thing.

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Good God. Really!? I was busy trying to graduate then, so AMC was at the bottom of my list of priorities, if it was even on the list, so needless to say, that wasn't a date I had circled on calendar. This is exactly why OLTL is the only one that gets musical guests anymore.

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OMG, Y’all! I can’t help it. I love it! It’s so bad that it’s good! It’s like the film Mommie Dearest! I can’t look away!

''This is America! Freedom for Erica!''

''5, 6, 7, 8, Open up the prison gate!''


I’m surprised some of you had no idea that this happened. ABC advertized it so much! They were even selling ‘Free Erica!” t-shirts on their website.

Oh, and I love that the “protesters” seem to be 20-something women and men! I’m sure Erica Kane is HUGE in that demographic. Well, maybe if all the guys are gay. La Kane must be a big gay icon because she's so fabulous.

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Whoa. LOL! This was seriously like the one time I didn't read spoilers or anything. I had NO idea. I would have LOVEd one of those t-shirts. LOL

I'm scared to find out what else I missed during this point.

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Hey, I just firgured.... the women at the rally are probably the gay guys' ''fruit flies'' that they dragged along....

''Oooh, gurrrrlll! We gotta go to the “Free Erica Kane!” prison rally! If you come with me, I’ll take you to the mall afterwards and buy you something pretty.''

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