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Y&R: Latest Arrogant Garbage From Maria Arena Bell and Hogan Sheffer

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Let's forget about the awful, sophomoric stories for just a second:

I'm just kind of floored that Maria isn't even concerned about the changes that are taking place at CBS Daytime. I guess Nelson didn't bother to ask her that, but it would have been a very valid question. Anything can happen to knock Y&R out of its timeslot, to erode at her lead-in, or anything else. I am literally stunned that she cannot see that Y&R has benefited from a great timeslot over the years.

The people BTS at these shows are viewing their situation with these rose-colored glasses. "We're the #1 show. We're the #1 show." Yeah, that's great, but when has that ever meant anything?

I can see Barbara Bloom shifting Y&R around just to kill it faster. It's happened before(i.e. Search For Tomorrow). And judging by how easy it was for the Atlanta affiliate to move Y&R to 3PM to compete with GH, I can see her moving it or maybe even The Price is Right to a different timeslot, which would really hurt Y&R's ratings.

And the insider's comments at Nikki Finke about CBS "recalibrating" daytime television leads me to believe that CBS may be looking beyond the hour that will be open when ATWT is canceled. B&B's demos are atrocious and the affiliates may be looking to expand their newscasts for more local ad-time.

I don't think Les Moonves is as fully committed to Y&R/B&B as he wants people to believe. And neither is Barbara Bloom, especially after being disrespected by the likes of Maria Bell. Bloom wants her promotion and if she and anyone else behind the scenes really chooses to deny that, then they're lying to themselves. She(just like everyone else in an executive position at a network or cable outlet) wants to be seen as an executive that can bring up ratings and turn in a profit at a lower cost. Y&R/B&B might turn in a profit or break even, but it's all about MORE money. And after the embarrassment that was Public Access GL, she and the network won't take that risk with another show again. And I really believe she will do anything to make her promtion happen.

Hey Maria. I know you're reading this... you should be very, very worried.

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First of all, judging from that photo, Trent and Thad don't look enough alike for a doppelganger story to work. Of course, I wouldn't put it past Y&R not to try.

Ironically, though, if anyone "needed" a hokey, ridiculous "evil twin" story, it's J.T. IMO, he's become such a straight arrow. It would've been delicious, if more than a little preposterous, to have someone - say, a former classmate whom J.T. had bullied a lot in school - undergo cosmetic surgery and then kidnap J.T. in order to assume his life. Then, when he starts behaving un-J.T.-like - quitting his job @ Newman, hooking up with Mac on the sly, even keeping quiet about Billy and Victoria's affair in exchange for a cushy job @ Jabot - everyone would just assume he'd reverted to his old ways.

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Geez that made me laugh... and then I shuddered a little because it could happen. Too bad neither MABell nor Sheffer is talented enough to cook up a page full of dialogue that reads as unintentionally hilarious as that interview. Sheffer seems like a bit of a cruel guy to mock his former co-workers the way he does.

On the plus side, I would never have thought about the possibility of Craig Sheffer being Hogan Sheffer's brother. It's an interesting bit of trivia.

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I'm not a troll. Review my posts and you'll see I contribute thoughtful insights to discussions.

Days did a switcheroo story (and flirted with a second one) with Deidre and Andrea Hall, and they are mirror twins. Thad and his bro look like mirror twins. It could work, but it might not.

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