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Y&R: Latest Arrogant Garbage From Maria Arena Bell and Hogan Sheffer

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These Y&R folks are some of the most self impressed people I have ever seen. From the producers to the writers to the actors.

Who do they think they are fooling?

That interview made me ill.

Then again, I am not from Canada and not nearly intelligent enough to understand their highbrow, Shakespeare level writing. David Chase watch out! There are some television writers that will make The Sopranos look like Facts of Life. And that is Maria Bell and Hogan Sheffer.

Y&R. Daytime's finest hour of soap opera.

I wish all of these shows would just be cancelled. Its over. Done. Embarrassing.

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Could these two love themselves and pat themselves on the back ANY MORE?

Bulls.hit lie #1.

Compelling for what audience? All this of this is just an abunance of recycled soap "talent" and some of them in very miscast roles, like Eden Riegel.


Oh, and Hogan, thanks for admitting most if not all of these inane story ideas are in the hands of the people writing for this show. Not CBS, and not Sony. :rolleyes:

WOW double-handed compliment much? This prick needs to stay quitet...

FORCEFULLY connected Maria, not seamlessly connected. Fans don't care if they're connected or not, two doppelgangers on the same show was simply overload. Not to mention how horribly paced and executed everything was, and yes, the acting SUCKED. the were bad and outlandish story ideas from the get-go.

Wow, what an arrogant bitch. Did she forget they lost over 400,000 viewers the next week? and I know for a fact a lot of people tuned in due to Spring Break or they just wanted to see Adam finally off this show. She seems to be another one who thinks ratings are reflective of creativity. :rolleyes:

And what great payoffs? I've been waiting for them since the beginning of her regime. She and her hrroid writing team SUCK at payoofs.

Horribly so, and then dropped and forgotten...

I'm fuckin' tired of her using Bill Bell as an excuse. When he had outlandish ideas, it came from the characters themselves, it wasn't done simply for shock value, what Maria and Sheffer clearly go for without proper story or character development.

What respect for history, Maria? Rewriting it at whim? Going against the show's core by ignoring half of the canvas all the time? Telling a constant succession of outlandish storylines for shock value all the time? Who the hell is this heffa?

If he wasn't before, Bill Bell is spinning in his grave.

This arrogant sh!t is what pisses me off. We all know Y&R benefits from an opportune timeslot in Canada and has for years.

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She's so in denial about the state of this show, it's not funny. Hell, most of her writing team is, especially those like her who scope out the message board discussions on this show, which she freely admitted to AGAIN.

I want to know what boards she's talking about. From what I've seen, about everyone has been negative, or discussion has dropped off significantly.

Oh, and gotta love how she subtly BLAMES THE FANS for not accepting this bullsh!t writing. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Typical MAB. Full of sh*t and arrogant from the first point to the last. Bill Bell is dead, she needs to stop riding his corpse for every excuse in the book.

Hogan, yeah, thank God you were at DAYS for a short time. His tenure at DAYS was atrocious.

The whole thing is just vile and I wish Branco had pressed them on his questions because it reads like a PR statement. Really crappy reasoning for a really crappy show.

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How convenient for her that Bill's dead.

He would not put up with this trash if he were alive, and she would have never gotten so much power at his show either.

Sad, but true.

How funny is is that Mark's now calling for a new regime, well after most of us have given up hope? :lol:

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LMAO - well, Hogan Sheffer and MAB think I'm brilliant and understand their irony.

Um - lol - Not sure what to think of that. I think based on their logic, brilliant = easily impressed. Though I did think it was funny they took a page from Nelson's book and kissed ass hardcore. hahahahaha. They know SFA (Sweet f*ck all, as it were), about Canada.

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