Members Juliajms Posted May 15, 2010 Members Share Posted May 15, 2010 No, she just fell in love with every guy on the show and tried to use sex to get what she wanted even when the guy was married to someone else and making it very clear he didn't want to cheat. Not that I wasn't rooting for Brooke to succeed in seducing Ridge away from Taylor because I was, but the point is Brooke used sex to manipulate men and Steffy is doing the exact same thing. How many times did Stephenie or Taylor go on about this very subject and now Steffy is engaging in the same behavior. Being in love is no excuse for throwing yourself at someone who is telling you they aren't interested. I won't be surprised at all if we find out Steffy is in love with Oliver, that's not going to make what she's doing right now any less disgusting or pathetic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members BadZoe Posted May 16, 2010 Members Share Posted May 16, 2010 It is not making it very clear you don't want to cheat when you are constantly interfering in the new relationship of your ex. Ridge interfered with Brooke and James, Brooke and Grant, Brooke and Thorne and then would pay lip service that he didn't want her too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Juliajms Posted May 16, 2010 Members Share Posted May 16, 2010 I certainly didn't feel like he interferred with Brooke and Thorne out of any affection for Brooke. That was the one time I felt he didn't care about her at all. For God's sake, he conspired with Taylor to trick Brooke into thinking he still wanted her to get her out of Thorne's life, not to help Brooke. I wanted Brooke to wash her hands of him once and for all that time around. Overall, I thought it was more than clear that Ridge loved Taylor during that time period. He straight up told Brooke time and again he loved his wife. How many times did she accost him wearing teddy's and the like? There were plenty and he shut her down time and again. In fact, those scenes are reminding me very much of the Steffy/Oliver scenes and I don't think that's a coincidence. Just like Oliver, Ridge liked the attention from another woman, but he straight up told Brooke where his heart was. Just like Steffy, Brooke refused to take the hint and chose to keep making a fool of herself. The only difference is, I think Oliver will eventually give in. There's no doubt Ridge was attracted to Brooke during his marriage to Taylor, but he chose Taylor every single time. I remember very clearly because I was thrilled when Taylor "died" the second time and was finally out of the way. Somewhere along the way I stopped caring. I think it was about the time Taylor came back from the dead the second time and he made Brooke and Taylor wait for his decision again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members BadZoe Posted May 17, 2010 Members Share Posted May 17, 2010 Ridge might not have physically cheated with Brooke but he and Taylor needed Brooke as a sexual crutch. If you look back into each and every one of their love scenes they talked about Brooke before or after doing the deed, and often times both. The Venice ploy was just a time for Ridge to show what a Momma's boy he really was and what an insecure twat and laughable psychiatrist Taylor is. It was Eric's bright idea because Stephanie had her stroke and couldn't stand Thorne being with Brooke. It was unfortunate because Brooke and Thorne actually had a sexy thing going on but Bell just couldn't let his favorite triangle die. Truth be told, this show been stuck in the shi tter ever since Venice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members BadZoe Posted May 17, 2010 Members Share Posted May 17, 2010 I don't know whether Brooke was in love with Deacon or not. It was a major screw up on Bell's part not to have Brooke seducing her SIL to save Bridget from a stupid marriage and a horrible life. I wish Brooke was as conniving a bitch as some would like to think, but she has never been written as smart enough to be conniving. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted May 17, 2010 Members Share Posted May 17, 2010 It definetly wasnt love. There was sexual chemistry and their affair sorta just happened. Anyways, I loved Steffy's breakdown after the press conference. It makes alot of sense why her hate for Hope has been explained. Its beyond her simply bing a Logan. She sees her as a an immitation of Phoebe and I can see why considering she sorta looks like her and now she's thrust into the spotlight asthe young Forrester model like Phoebe was. She's getting all the attention and its as if Ridge has forgotten Phoebe and replaced her with someone that isnt even his daughter. After that I wish someone had suggested she go into therapy bc its obvious she hasnt completely gotten over her sister's death. Instead Ridge fires her from the campaign but that will do nothing to resolve the issue; only excacerbate it. Girl needs some help and I cant believe how they all just stood there, especially Taylor, and failed to see that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted May 17, 2010 Members Share Posted May 17, 2010 Deacon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JellicleCat Posted May 17, 2010 Members Share Posted May 17, 2010 I don't know about the smart thing. I would say BB never had the guts (or the inclination) to turn Brooke into a real bitch. She has never been portrayed as evil/bad/scheming. She's always followed her heart and been impulsive, never mean or cruel or vindictive. It always baffled me why Brooke was never more bitchy towards Stephanie after everything Steph did to her. She kept on coming back for more, wanting Stephanie's approval. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted May 17, 2010 Members Share Posted May 17, 2010 I thought Donna had potential to be everythign Brooke wasnt. She had that slutty appeal going for her but she had the bitch streak, manipulative and out to maliciously hurt and get revenge. Sadly they then had her go soft and she became another Brooke as opposed the evil version they initially envisioned when JG took over the role Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Juliajms Posted May 17, 2010 Members Share Posted May 17, 2010 I'm glad about that. I like Brooke the way they've written her over the years and I think it's suited KKL to play someone sexy, but warm hearted and forgiving. She has used her sexuality at times, but she's never been really cold and calculated about it. Stephenie loves her family, but they've always played her as someone much colder than Brooke. It makes sense for Eric and Ridge to be drawn to Brooke's more affectionate personality because that's something lacking in Stephenie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Sylph Posted May 17, 2010 Members Share Posted May 17, 2010 That's simply because Katherine Kelly Lang wouldn't know how to play that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Juliajms Posted May 17, 2010 Members Share Posted May 17, 2010 Not likely. They're letting Jackie do it right now and while the girl is putting her heart into playing bitchy Steffy, I don't think playing the ice princess seductress comes naturally to her either. KKL could have done at least as well, imo. I think some people underestimate KKL. She may not be the power house someone like SF is, but she's carried this show on her back for many years. As BadZoe said, Brooke was definitely the driving force in the triangle that has led this show for 20 years. Without her, I don't think there would be many people who give a damn what happens to Ridge. Not to mention, I can't think of one time I've seen KKL phone it in. They've made her play all kinds of crap and she always seems to give it everything she's got. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members bellcurve Posted May 17, 2010 Members Share Posted May 17, 2010 She's definitely given up. Just like everyone else on the show has. She seems so bored with alot of the material and really, who could blame her? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Sylph Posted May 17, 2010 Members Share Posted May 17, 2010 She simply wouldn't. Her character has also been ruined completely in recent years and there's no way to recover from that. With Jackie, it's a combination of factors. I'm not sure they believe she can play that, I'd almost say they don't, but they have this misplaced, unhealthy wish or whatever to try to do something with this character, which should've left the airwaves a long time ago. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Juliajms Posted May 18, 2010 Members Share Posted May 18, 2010 I'm starting to think Steffy or Hope will end up physically hurt somehow because of Steffy's scheming. I can't believe Taylor isn't trying to step. Instead they have her lying in bed eating ice cream chatting about it with Whip. I've had enough Taylor/Whip in bed scenes to last this lifetime and the next. Hope and Rick actually had a scene together. That was nice. Steff in lingerie humping Oliver in front of her grandmother wasn't so nice. Stephenie seems really dubious about Steffy's plan, which is one more reason I think Hope or Steffy will end up with more than a broken heart when this is over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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