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Kylie's 11 album, out July


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It'll top the dance charts as always, and do next to nothing otherwise. Even though the US is getting (slightly) back into dance music--it's that Gaga "[!@#$%^&*] me" agressive stuff, nothing as stately as this.

It's meant to be dated though. What kind of style of production, right now on the charts, is current? It's amazing how the US disco sucks attitude still lives on when it comes to charts there.

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This single will flop in the US, which means the album won't even register.

She needs a single with a harder edge to possibly hit the charts here. Let's hear the rest of the album to figure out what the US single should be.

Of course, if they could work out a television tie-in....on some CW show or something...

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Yaye for Kylie officially saying no to botox! (Let's see if she actually keeps to her word...)

KYLIE Minogue has spoken about how - with her 42nd birthday next Friday - her face looks so flawless and attributes it to a $4 moisturising cream available in pharmacies and department stores.

In an interview with the News of the World newspaper in the UK, Kylie insists she's scrapped wrinkle-busting Botox jabs and would never undergo surgery, preferring to grow old gracefully.

Asked that she'd had a facelift Kylie grew visibly frustrated, pulled back her fringe to reveal her forehead and declared: "People want to check behind my ears for surgery scars. But you can look yourself, I don't have any.

"I wouldn't want to go under the knife" she said. "You're not yourself if you do that."

Kylie, whose new single All The Lovers is out next month, said that now she's found love with her Spanish model boyfriend Andres Velencoso she is happy to accept her body will age naturally.

"I'm healthy, I'm with a man I love and I'm happy," she explained. "It feels good. So I have to embrace my age, I have lines just like the next girl now.

"I've been honest about the fact that I did use Botox. But I don't any more, I won't go near it. I have lines. You can see the lines on my face."

Kylie said that she had replaced Botox with one of the most traditional (and cheap) anti-ageing treatments available ... Pond's Cold Cream, which can be bought in Sydney for $4 for a 99g jar.

"It's really changed my skin," she said. "I use it every day. It's all I really use to look after my skin.

"It's such an old classic. My mum uses it. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and it really does work. It's made such a difference."

The former Neighbours star then revealed another trick in her armoury for looking great all over.

"I honestly don't really work out," she said. "But I use a lot of body make-up which helps. I was sprayed up just before this!"

Kylie also admitted to a drastic eating regime to keep her famous curves in shape - cutting out carbohydrates like potatoes, rice, pasta and crisps.

"I do a low carb diet, especially if I know I'm going to do a photo shoot," she said. "But it's not really dieting, just last minute panicking!

"I'm body confident and I don't really have to work for it which will make people annoyed. But it's kind of true."

She admitted the video for her new single shows her in hot pants. She refused to wear white, opting for black.

"When I knew I was going to be in the tiny hot pants again I said, 'Cover my legs and bum with body make-up!' It's definitely the way forward."

And in related news, she just did a kinda bizarre ad for TOUS Jewellery, directed and styled by famed photography, Ellen von Unwerth. It's dividing fans, especially with her extreme makeup, but I find it cute (though I don't really see any jewellery...)

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And we have a clip from the video premier, set for Friday, for All The Lovers. Again, seems to be dividing fans (the concept was to hire non models who all rip off their clothes and makeup under Kylie's spell I guess) but I like it--has a different "look" than the standard Kylie video.


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That's great if she stops using the Botox. I think Kylie's biggest appeal is a natural quality. Not natural as in she walks around in sweatpants and unwashed, but just that she is herself. When I see some of her old stuff from 20 years ago it's her naturalness which really sells it, along with some catchy beats. I saw this 1989 video on a Chart Show from ITV. Jason Donovan also had a video on there at the time -- I guess his music career was much more short lived. He didn't have much of a voice, although he was beautiful back then (and how I laughed when they had a moment in the video where they showed how "serious" he was by having him wear glasses).

Here's the 89 video.


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I have it on DVD ;) Love those early Stock Aitken Waterman acts and their videos they always had the same kinda non threatening male dancers, etc. I agree though--what's so appealing about Kylie as opposed to Madonna (who she's always compared to) is that she comes off as genuinely sweet, nice, and yeah natural. Not forced, not aggressive, not desperate (not saying Madonna is necesarily any of that, well besides aggressive, but...). It's kinda refreshing in this day and age (as much as I do like Gaga, but...)

Of course right after that video pretty much, she did start to take control of her image away from SAW, hiring her own directors which probably is what saved her career and is why she didn't go the way most SAW produced puppets did (like her then boyfriend Jason Donovan. His SAW singles initially actually outsold Kylie's (how savvy of Stock Aiken Waterman to sign them together at the same time) and of course their sacharine duet, Especially for You was MASSSSIVE, but then something happened after two albums--the singles didn't chart--his final hit was a song he sang in the West End production of Joseph--and of course he left to a new label which bombed, he started losing his hair, and had his huge coke problem. He's made a mini comeback now as a genuine star in musical theatre, despite his weak voice, but it was a long road--but I often forget how gorgeous he really was back then--it certainly didn't last).

(I love these videos even though they do lose some of that natural Kylie quality)

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I used to be obsessed with collecting as many SAW productions as I could--always intrigued me how massive they were in the UK--truly the Hit Factory as loathed as their cookie cutter sound was--and all but unknown here...

Anyway for laughs--here's the uber cheeze Kylie/Jason duet (I admit it was touching when I saw her live and she sang it to the audience, with bouncing ball words projected for us to sing along--she also did a cute duet of it with Kermit [!]) Love how Jason's vocals always have that uber processed mechanical sound to them--before autotune! :P

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And poor Jason's last SAW single (I think it charted in the 20s--a huge fall for him) when he tried to pull a Kylie and go with a bit more of a clubby sound. It's my fave of his singles with SAW, but yeah not a big hit... Whoever his new stylist was shoulda been shot.

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There was a lot about Jason Donovan I didn't know until I read his Wikipedia page, like the lawsuit he said ruined his career. I guess the coke took away his looks, or too much sun. It's weird through to see just how big a star he was 20 years ago. When Dame Edna had her shows in the late 80s he was on the show but Kylie barely got a mention...

Does Kylie ever have any involvement with Waterman now? The last I heard of him he wrote the main song for the UK's latest Eurovision entry, which a lot of people panned. It didn't help that during the also panned show where viewers selected the UK's contestant, when the host asked Waterman about his song, Waterman couldn't even remember the title.

I know this sounds odd but the first time I ever saw Kylie was on an episode of Vicar of Dibley...

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Carl, Waterman never writes anything. That's his myth :P He HAD an eye and an ear for what will sell, though he hasn't had any luck since Steps (who I guiltily loved) and he came up with the titles, often, and likes people to think eh's a songwriter. Mike Stock was the main talent there, with Matt Aitken as well--when they left Waterman as he was taking too much credit and did their own stuff (some fairly successful--remember Nicki French?) Waterman had no more hits at PWL, till he discovered the similar songwriting team of Topham/Twigg who did the Steps stuff for him (as well as minor hit Tina Cousins), until THEY left cuz of Waterman's ego as well. Mike Stock has teamed back up with Waterman (without Aitken) and they did a non hit for some advertising girls, The Sheilas one or two years back (awful song) and the dire new Eurovision entry (I feel so bad for the guy who won the chance to sing it--he seems nice, but the song isn't as good as even the average Kylie album track Mike Stock wrote back in the day).

Actually before leaving PWL/Waterman, Topham/Twigg andhim formed a band called Pop! which I found cute and fun (and beyond cheezy--one of their male leads is one of Kylie's regular dancers, Glenn), but after three singles they crashed and burned.

Kylie has publicly thanked Waterman for her career many times and they're friendly, and he tried to get her to team back up with Stock and him, but thankfully she was wise enough to know not to.

I have a friend who worked with Jason D in Australia in the late 90s, and he said he honestly was a sweet guy, just seemed lost (he was starting to get his career back on track then though). He did get good reviews for both his tour of Rocky Horror and, in something I find hard to imagine given his poor vocals, Sweeney Todd (then again it's not like Johnny Depp has much of a range, maybe he sang it in his notes and not the Len Cariou original).

I do think it was the coke that aged him so much--it sounds like he had a real problem, didn't just occasionally "party", though the balding is inevitable I guess (and must be quite upsetting when you're a once teen hearthrob, literally famous for his hair).

Few SAW artists really lasted after they left the confines of SAW--even though SAW basically was over by 1992 anyway. Bananarama have had some lukewarm club success, Rick Astley has made some comeback attempts with no luck, Dead or Alive were and apparently still kinda are "big in Japan", artists who came to SAW looking for a hit, Like Donna Summer, did more or less fine but even I have to admit she hasn't exactly rocked the charts (despite a top 20 album two years back). Only Kylie really seemed to miss that curse, despite the huge UK flop her almost completely self penned (and fan favre) 1997 album Impossible Princess was (it was a huge hit in Oz). I think that in itself is argument to any of the Kylie haters who claim she's never had any control or direction on her career--she was also the only major SAW artist (aside from Donna Summer) who they let collaborate on songwriting.

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That RSVP video is a trip.

Flava Flav + drag queen in a brassiere + Vogue. The shots of him looking like he was left in the desert for a few days are odd. The hook is catchy though. Does it remind you of Instant Replay?

It sounds like they wanted him to have a Rick Astley sound.

It's fascinating how many boy bands were burnt through in the UK in the 90s. Since Westlife/Take That/Boyzone had comebacks I'm surprised Jason didn't try again.

What did you think of Kylie's Doctor Who appearance?

I didn't know Donna had a top 20 album a few years ago.

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It is VERY Instant Reply (which I believe was covered by Boyzone not long after? Or was it Dan Hartman's Relight My Fire and Take That? LOL). Yeah the visuals are just bizarre--it was when SAW were trying to be more hip but it doesn't really work (Kylie when she did the same was smart to insist on using non in-house directors lol). Donovan and Rick Astley actually sang a few songs written for each other (which was also common with SAW), though Rick had the far, far, better voice (even if I've never been a huge fan of his tone, there's no denying he atually could sing). Jason did try a comeback a while back (so did Rick) with a dance song I think. Rick did better on the charts, though it was no breakthough (I believe it did lead to an album). Sleeping was the name of the single.

Two of SAW's boybands did attempt comebacks--Brother Beyond (who had two of my fave Motown rip offs homages by SAW, The Harder I Try being the bigger one) and the now hysterically gay camp looking Big Fun, who briefly were pretty massive (they even did a duet with SAW's attempt at having a new Kylie, when Kylie started to get more sexy, the ridiculous pop strumpet, Sonia).

I thought Kylie's Who appearance was... fine. I've never been a big fan of those Dr Who specials as they try to shove everything from a season into 80 mins or so--comedy, pathos (they ALWAYS have someone die, but it's hard to care after only 40 mins) etc. Bt I thought she was ok...

Donna Summer's Crayons peaked in 2008 at 17 on the Billboard album charts, which wasn't bad considering it got no radio support. (It's a decent album though oddly the best track, It's Only Love was only on international versions--still it was nice Donna spoke out to her new label against their plans to get her to do an album of standards which I think woulda been the death knell).

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I thought Kylie was good on Who, it was a nothing part but she was believably ethereal. Those moments when her character had died and she was talking about falling and falling and falling, they got to me, so did the husband from Keeping Up Appearances saying, "She's stardust."

Wow you really do know a lot about SAW. ;)

That's a real credit to Donna Summer that she refused to do a standards album. The only standards stuff I ever liked from a pop artist was Linda Rondstadt, whose voice was suited for that. I know he has sold a ton of albums but every time I hear a Rod Stewart standards song I want to punch the radio. It's just like gargling glass...

That's a big accomplishment though at this point in her career to get that high on the chart. I guess people are just desperate for someone who can actually sing.

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