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What mistakes did Christopher Goutman do to get ATWT cancelled??

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Sped everything up, with no buildup or proper fallout. Apparently, we don't have great attention spans to flesh stories out. I mean, when Emily found out about Hunter (after all these years) it happened in the space of like 20 minutes. And then she went back to trying to have a baby, and Hunter disappeared...??? Still bitter about that but anyway. -_-

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Of course, firing one of the only two women on the show to win a Lead Actress Emmy is Goutman's crowning achievement.

Firing the great Scott Bryce ranks right behind. But also, Goutman's use of storyline "bubbles" has been fatal. Characters only interact with a few other characters. Remember when Katie, Brad, Henry and Vienna shared EVERY scene with each other? Now, it's Carly, Jack, Dusty and Janet. Then there's the Meg/Paul/Emily vacuum. Whatever happened to character interaction?

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ITA. The Emily/Hunter story brought me back in after I quit when Jennifer died. I was thrilled that the Stewart family had a story. Then we suddenly had Emily wanted a baby again?? WTF. This was a perfect example. By the time they started to get it together (relatively speaking), then the show was cancelled. Ultimately, MB's loss was the final nail, the table had been set. However, this just sped up the decline. It tanked far faster than GL. Should have had at least two or three more years. Oh, well. I stopped watching again in January, but will tune in for special episodes (like 54th Anniversary/Bob & Kim) as they arise and, of course, the last week. When I see all that history (like the anniversary show), it's clear that the lack of focus on these key families and the longstanding players was what killed the show. I better stop because this still p****s me off!

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1. The horrible writing for Noah. Of course he wants Luke to leave him alone the minute he's struck blind.

2. Carly

3. That bizarro [!@#$%^&*] where Chris Hughes is in the coffee shop across town, then he walks through a door in the hospital in the same act.

4. Carly

5. Was he around when they ruined David Allen by turning him into the Stenbeck of the month?

6. Carly

7. Was he to blame for Orlena Grimaldi poisoning Lily?

8. Carly

9. Carly

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Once again, I love Jay!

I really need time to think about this but, for now, a few thoughts.

1. When Goutman took over, the show was a mess but a hot mess can also be an opportunity for radical change. Instead, he went backward and repeated every mistake made by past writers and EPs. Firstly, the Snyder family was finished. Marland knew this and planned on working most of them off the show. Instead, Goutman made them the first family of Oakdale.

2. Locking Lucinda in the closet. She was the Y&R Kay of ATWT and a great mixer. The was no need for her to be basically retired. Not every character needs to be screwing their brain's out.

3. Destroying both the Hughes and Ryan families. He recasted Chris four times, didn't bring Andy back, killed off Jennifer, got rid of Will and never recasted Frannie. Also, loosing Bryant and Lucy. These characters were ATWT the next generation and were needed due to the overall aging cast. Who needs Janet and Libby when you could have Frannie and her off spring.

4. Forming 'bubbles' and the new production episode model. ATWT is not House, Brothers and Sisters or Grey's.

5. Recasting Lilly and Craig. I loved Hunt Block but there are many Bryce fans and either actor would have worked.

6. Even after the show was gutted, ATWT still pulled a 2.4 and came in at 4th place in the 2007/2008 season: FANS are loyal. In late 2008, Goutman let go or recasted seven major characters. Within one year, the show had fallen to 7th place due to the changes and lots of bad writing (PEG, JOSSIE, ZAC and ZOE, AMERIA). It was as if he and PGP were trying to kill the show and, as we see, they did.

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