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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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LOL another board I post at was going in on her for trying to pass. I died when someone posted "She can fool them people in Hollywood but she can't fool us" and another "They need to keep Faye bc we need some color on Beverly Hills. Corsican skin be damned, Faye's ol lyin, transvestite, tryin to pass ass will have to do" lol I am suprised nobody has ever came to confirm or deny rumors of her ethnicity



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Some blogs are up. Just one, really (from the HBIC).

Lisa: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-3/blogs/lisa-vanderpump/fayes-definition-of-a-lady

"It worries me that she perceives the definition of a lady can be defined by a handbag. There are many women I would have interest in hearing their opinion of what makes a lady -- Resnick is not one of them. Her reputation precedes her."

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Thanks Angela!

Interesting -- Kandi had a little to say on if she's returning and how Bravo didn't want her to sue Kim. Interesting indeed.


Oh Bravo, I wonder if they're still on that friends don't sue friends kick they started on BH.

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Adrienne. I am so happy she's left and not returning. What a humourless bitch. I don't even want to discuss her anymore, she is beyond irrelevant.

Marissa. I've known women like Marissa, they're good women but they want to be bad and they try and instead of looking tough or fabulous or strong they just look stupid.

Kim, Kyle, Taylor. Irrelevant this episode.

Princess Brandi, not much to report.

Duchess Yolanda served it up ice cold and was utterly fabulous, not once, but multiple times, going off like a machine gun at these dumb broads but at no one more deliciously than The Morally Corrupt (ex?) Coke Whore Professional Friend of Murder Victim Turned Playboy Whore Turned Tacky Decorator Faye Resnick.

Queen Lisa: Perfection.

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Yolanda's Blog: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-3/blogs/yolanda-h-foster/holding-marisa-responsible

That lyme disease is kind of kicking her butt. I hope she'll be back despite it.

"How cute were Lisa and Brandi in their robes? I would have much rather had massages with them, but I guess someone had to go and represent us and hold down the fort." <-- They're a clique. Yay. Really, they can't ever break up on-screen or I'll cry.

She's such a mother lion:

"Thank god I didn’t [get buzzed], because I needed every bit of my Lyme brain to function in order to understand what these adult women with their high school antics were trying to do, which was clearly throwing Brandi under the bus. Guess what, that ain’t gonna happen under my watch."

"I saw how these Pit Bulls treated Brandi last year, and that ain’t going to happen as long as this sheriff is in town."

Faye and being a lady:

"The fact that Faye defines a woman by a Chanel bag is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard. To be honest, I think it’s an insult to the intelligence of a woman!"

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Those first 4 are solid gold. I feel Kim is staying as an official HW. Taylor should be downgraded to friend. Goodbye to Camille and Adrienne. Faye causes just enough trouble as a friend. I'd bring in a potential friend of Kyle that's not Faye as an official Housewife.

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