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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Marissa's irrelevant ass was looking for screen time and tried to portray Brandi like she was some pyscho sitting at home texting her sleep with different men at random. It was probably a playful text, and why would Marissa bring it up when she knows Adrienne, Faye, Kyle, and whoever else do not like her like that? So irrelevant and I am glad Yolanda pulled them aside and when Marissa tried to play it off like she didn't think it was a big deal Yolanda said "Thats not what you said last night" I love her wub.png

And who caught when Marissa said "If I saw a tall, dark, and handsome man I would f-ck him right now" WTF? You make a big deal about the text and yet you admit you would cheat on your husband? That's why I find it hard to sympathize with her and Yolanda's face when she said that was priceless.

And DO NOT get me started on Faye's trashy ass. Just walking up to the convo throwing out baseless insults just so she could get some screen time. Even Marissa told her she didn't need back up but yet the coke whore, transvestite refused to walk away bc she knew this was her moment. Everything she said from "you ruined a family" to "no matter how many Chanel bags you borrow...." sounded scripted. Ugh

Edited by Eric83
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Just watched the preview. So, once again, Kim is being ridiculous. I'm definitely Team Kyle on this.

1. Kyle held a grudge against Brandi for what she said to Kim when it was the hot topic. She would defend Kim [and her own] righteous and unrighteous anger ferociously from what I remember.

2. Brandi may have gotten the wrong drug - probably due to rage from all of the Richard-sister bullying that night - but the statement was accurate otherwise. At least Kyle has some sense she and her sister were bullying Brandi that night unlike Kim.

3. They've moved on. Kim is getting along with Brandi. Brandi is getting along with Kim.

4. They've moved on. Why on earth does Kim feel that Kyle is supposed to talk about Brandi like Faye does WHICH is to talk about her in the sense of trying to turn everybody against her? That's what Kim appears to want Kyle to do in this preview. "Why aren't you bringing up what Brandi did to Me? It should be about what Brandi did to Me? Remember what Brandi did to Me? You need to hold what Brandi did to ME against her for life and always bring up what Brandi did to Me first. ME, ME, ME!!!!" In this situation, Kyle feels Faye is wrong it appears but feels it's coming from a good place (she considers Adrienne a good friend & she probably does use Faye as her mouthpiece to a point). IT ISN'T ABOUT KIM. And, for the 18th time, the situation is in the past. Kyle and Kim punished Brandi. If anybody should have an issue with what Kyle is doing now, it is Lisa. Kyle is defending Faye and Adrienne but the trap stays shut for Lisa.

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Yeah Kim annoyed me in that clip. That was last season clearly all they've been talking about recently is what she has said about Adrienne, IDK why Kim inserted herself and got so upset.

And I guess she is staying on next season, since she was on WWHL usually they have made casting decisions by reunion time. Taylor getting her new man seems like a good ending for her. She doesn't grate as much as last season, but she's a waste of a HW spot IMHO

No she yells for about a minute about how she should be saying What she did to my sister AND Adrienne.

oh faye resnick tell me more about good wholesome marriages, you thrice married, former cocaine addict/playboy posing skank #RHOBH

Bless your heart Faye, but if they wanted you they would have cast you by now. #RHOBH

Faye Resnick, who cashed in on her best friend's murder, is lecturing Brandi about being a lady? That's rich. #rhobh #famewhore

And Faye Resnick, no matter how many parties you crash, you'll never be a real housewife. #RHOBH

"I am involved in everything." "I'm not going anywhere." Like, one of those phrases is tattooed on Faye's ribcage, for sure. #RHOBH

So much Faye hate on twitter. She is never getting a HW spot. :)

Edited by Eric83
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Faye is best kept as a friend of. Do we really care about her life? No.

Kim will be back. Its well known its basically a term of Kyles contract and Kim makes next to nothing compared to everyone else and they dont film much of her outside of the ladies - shes a glorified friend of.

Kyle/Lisa/Brandi will 100% be back.

Yolanda i expect would return if her health permits, if not id expect her to pop up as a friend of.

I think Taylor is out.

I expect two new wives and two new friends of.

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Andy was practically drooling over the Faye hate on Twitter on WWHL. Hopefully this doesn't mean he'll give her a diamond.

I wish. My second response was after watching the longer clip at the Bravo site and that one is hard to misinterpret. It's pretty much like Eric said. Maybe Kim just has a lot of dead brain cells. IDK. I don't mind Kim harassing Kyle but this one is just stupid even if she had gone with the grudge angle. Kyle held a grudge. Kim did too. They both acted like they did nothing wrong at that party for the longest.

WWHL showed a clip of Kim and Yolanda going at it hard at the reunion on the line Yolanda said about Lisa to Kim in Paris (about Lisa not being her friend). Kyle goes in hard too. They're going at it like they went at Brandi on Game Night except a little less ghetto. The whole back and forth though sort of reminded me of the girls harping on Brandi for saying "sued" and ignoring anything about the threatening letter part so they can win the argument by refusal to hear. Picking one statement and trying to rope and hang somebody with it. Andy mentioned Yolanda and Kim went at it HARDcore at the reunion.

Kim and Brandi are friends although Kim will probably yell at Kyle to bring up how Brandi annihilated her for no reason the mostest, once again, ANYTIME Kyle and Brandi aren't seeing eye to eye over ... the weather, politics, Adrienne, the color of the moon, turtles versus lizards?

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Faye isnt someone people love to hate. Shes just someone people hate.

And yeah, i think we all knew via blogs Sisters Richards would be going in on Yolanda. They must attack her, as she sided with Lisa and Brandi. namely Lisa, as I dont think Brandi is much of a factor to them in this. But still.

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Yeah, I really don't think Andy and Bravo would bring her in full time. He'll probably just give her a showing anytime he thinks Brandi or even Lisa needs to scrap a little (to add to the root-able underdog element). Faye causes enough trouble for these ladies just by existing and with Bravo ensuring she shows up a little too much.

I thought some of the Yolanda/Richards thing would have happened on the actual non-reunion episodes. Maybe that will still be the case.

I had doubts about this reunion being fun and those doubts have been put to rest.

The preview clips of the reunion also have a feel of the women fighting over HBIC Lisa's "approval." "If I can't have her, you can't have her either." What a turn around if that is accurate. If they go after Yolanda harder than Brandi and Lisa, it's because they know public opinion and think Yolanda had the weakest base of the three. It's the divide and conquer technique and it'll backfire again.

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LOL, indeed.

Kim is also going after Brandi at the reunion, too, right? I think I remember seeing that in the first clip posted in here. Oh, Kim. They must have put her on some good medication for lucidity and given her a great script. This is the good actress coming out of lil Ms. Richards.

Taylor who? LOL, I hope they at least keep her as a friend if she continues to be on Team B/L/Y.

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Lisa: "Unfortunately we aren't going to Adrienne's vodka party. What would I rather do? Adrienne's party or massage?" LMAO at Ken mounting Lisa and humping her. She and Brandy were throwing a lot of shade at the party but it looked super fun. I wish I was there

Wow, Adrienne's chef Bernie looks just like Paul. LMAO at him pretending to be a tree. She is such a bitch though saying he looks pathetic to the camera. The separation is no surprise bc she constantly emasculates him

I would say that what Brandi wrote to Marissa would be inappropriate if it was anyone but Marissa, BUT Marissa is always talking about how wanting to sleep with someone else all the time. She contradicts herself and if she was Brandi's friend, she should have given her the benefit of the doubt and figured she may have been joking as she often does. Girl you picked the WRONG group to align with. And shut up Faye! Kyle actually defended Brandi and Faye calls her out

Go Yolanda! She is EVERYTHING! What a great addition to this season. I liked that she called Marissa out and told her she should have confronted Brandi and not shared that text with the group. IA. That whole Brandi trash talking session was horrible and I love that Yolanda was there to chew them bitches apart.

I love Lisa's gay sidekick! Every season has one and he is my favorite. "Shi-shi-shi baby. Shi-shi-shi Beverly Hills" :lol:

WOW, I didn't even realize Shana was missing from the episode till she popped up towards the very end. They didn't even bother to give her a talking head explaining why she wasn't going to Adrienne's party early on. Bitch is so gone

WHAT. Faye has a fiancé? I didn't even know she had a man. Hmmmmmm, showing a glimpse of her love life, maybe its a sign she could be added next season with her wedding being an event? "No matter how many Chanels you borrow, you will never, ever be a lady." She is such a bitch! Oh I love that Faye Resnick! She is such a sh-t stirrer and needs to be the villain of season 4. I love that she embraces it and doesn't try to front like she isnt like Adrienne, Camille or Kyle.

Brandi: "Faye puts her d-ck on the table and decides she wants to be apart of it...Morally corrupt Faye Arsenic"

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You dont know how much I have fallen for Yolanda. I seriously watch the scene where she shut Faye and Adrienne down and confronted Marissa 4 times on my DVR. There have been some tell it like it is ladies on these shows before but she shuts these hoes down bc you know Faye, Adrienne, Kyle, and co thrive on BS and drama. I love her :wub:

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