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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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While the interview was classic Brandi I have to admit I found parts of it in poor taste. She really needs to understand and learn form Lisa, Yolanda, Camille, and even Kyle (to a certain extent) how to act the proper latdy in certain settings and stil stay true to herself.

I think she revealed a little too much and talked about certain subjects that she shouldn't have broached. While I appreciate her candor there is something to be said for discretion.

Anyawys as for RHOBH I say you can let Kim go and definitely Taylor so long as you bring in some new blood. Kyle doesn't bring a whole lot but I think the relationship between her and Lisa can't survive another season and soon the gloves will be off....on both ends. I want the cameras to be there when it happens!

Adrienne I could not care less about. She can stay and continue to look like the poser she is next to The Queen aka Lisa Vanderpump and try to throw daggers at Brandi or she can run away like the punk that she truly is.

I really hope Yolanda stays though. She's the voice of reason that the audience can relate to and needs desperately to voice what they're thinking to some of these vile and fake ladies.

Catching up on my RHOV soon...looks like I missed some fun episodes.

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Where she said these things is not the issue for some. I think it's more that is was so unlady like a trashy. There are some things that s/b kept to yourself, and I think Brandi went too far. I don't listen to Howard because that's not my kind of show, so I would expect vile stuff if I did listen to him. But again, it's not about HS. Brandi needs to learn that less is more. Glad her book is doing well, but now I'd like to see less of her on BH.

Edited by ChitHappens
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That's how I feel. It's Howard, when a guest goes on Howard they're either going to be his kind of guest, like Brandi was, and play the game with him and get amazing promotion out of his show and be a success or they'll not play the game and he'll shut them down and wipe them off his target demographic's mind.

Brandi knew that when she went on she'd have to be bold. She was the ideal Howard guest.

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Brandi has always been blunt and very open about her sex life and what have you. She's that kind of girl; I have girl friends like that and it is so refreshing to hear it straight. Remember in Season 2 at Adrienne's part when she referred to penis as c*** and Kyle, Kim and Taylor collectively clutched their pearls in horror like a trio of vexed virgins? It was right after that that we had Game Night at Pam/TwennyFiveThouzind's house, and Brandi being treated appallingly by the Bitchards.

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You and friends having "girl talk" is not the same as Brandi telling the free world she takes it up the ass on occasion and invited women into the bedroom for her husband. I don't need to know that, and "it's Brandi" doesn't make it any less trashy! There are certain things I don't need to know, and I don't like anything that [!@#$%^&*] with my viewing pleasure.

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LOL I did do a lil "gasp/UH OHH" when she first said that....But I thought about it later and was like "it wasn't reallhy all that bad"

Damn now I have an urging to watch that entire Game Night episode....probably the 2nd best BH episode of all time (right after The Dinner).

I get what yall are saying about Howard Stern but I dunno I think she could have handled it better and walked away having accomplished both goals.

So happy for her though that her book is a NYT best seller. Lets see how the Maloof Hoof book will do (if it even exist)


That steamy picture of Laura Wright and that man....is that from GH or a show called "City"? And is that Roger Howarth? He is one fine man. I could not get enough of him on ATWT!!!

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:lol: :lol: :lol: OMG, no! I didn't mean in reference to you guys at all. :lol:

I can see why it bothers people and when I first listened to it I was, like, woah. The sex stuff was a little TMI and I personally cannot help but think that by bringing other women into the bedroom and saying she needed to keep him "spent" before going to work, she was kind of giving Eddie the impression that he could eventually !@#$%^&*] whenever, wherever, whoever. And that he had this super-important libido that "needed to be satisfied" at all costs. However, I was making the point that Brandi has always been very TMI about... everything so as soon as I heard she was going to be on HS's radio show, I knew where the questions were going to go. I mean, a few years ago, Kelly Monaco was on there and she didn't hold back either on crude subject matter.

I'm curious, though: do you think it is ok for her to put it in her book? And just not speak about it on TV or the radio?

FTR, my friends and I don't sit around talking about taking it up the ass. :lol:. Or sharing our men with other women.

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