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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Totally. Usually I watch a RH episode and rarely look back, but this RHONY finale has kind of haunted me the last few days.

I don't know if the TV 'fame' went to her head, or Eric Fuller has been working her, but what creeped me out the most was how damaged Brynn appears to be. I think that is what quietly freaked out her cast-mates in Puerto Rico when they realised she had lied in order to smear somebody else. The moral compass is off. The next day, lounging on the sofa with production all around her. She was sending a message to the cast about her perceived power on the show.

Earlier in the episode, I thought Ubah went far, screaming "You effing bitch" at Brynn as she towered over her. But looking back at the whole trip, the whole season, I don't blame Ubah one bit for losing her cool. Brynn has gone after her incessantly, trying to manipulate her into silence by gaslighting her about being the 'angry black woman,' and when Ubah openly recognized her for the dangerous person she is, Brynn targeted her without respite. It built up to a point where Ubah couldn't take it anymore.

Racquel was the voice of the audience. Wiping away tears regarding the sexual assault (something which Racquel seemed to keenly understand), and then the dawning realization that the story was used to smear Ubah. "I checked out within a couple of minutes…because I realized she was lying" was probably the most powerful utterance of the night. 

Jessel is a nice person apologizing to Sai like that. Sai tried to say Pavitt was a sex tourist last year so IMO she didn't deserve that particular apology, but this wealthy millennial group frequently lean into their version of the Victim Olympics. 

Erin is also spiteful to Jessel. I consider her the Kyle Richards of nuRHONY sometimes, even though I think she is needed on the show. She posted this on Instagram yesterday:


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If there’s one thing that pisses me off about the “renewed” Sai, is that she’s somehow Pavitt’s victim like he just called her a bitch and bipolar completely unprovoked. She knew exactly what she spent an entire season implying about Pavit but now that she’s nice, it’s oh I can’t believe a man would say something like that. Give me a break. The way some of this cast in particular Sai, Brynn, and Erin hate that Jessel was the fan favorite for just being her ditzy vain self, is gross. And it reeks of jealousy every single time they come for her. They were even initially upset that Jessel even was enough of a girls girl to tell Ubah what Brynn was spinning until they realized Brynn was lying.

Also couldn’t help but notice, but this week Brynn was a poor put upon black woman. Without any awareness she’s completely downplayed the accomplishments and work of her dark skinned black costar that she’s gaslighted and used microaggressions against the entire season.

Ubah can absolutely be a lot and off putting. But she’s spent the entire season being poked and prodded by Brynn while the rest of the cast just told her to ignore it.

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Right? Pavit even did a food vlog of his 24 hours eating his.way through Saigon (and on the plane) which totally exposed Sai and Erin's lies! I'm sure if Sai had apologized to Pavit about it, he would have followed up with an apology of sorts. But instead she and Erin basically forced Jessel into a corner in Puerto Rico, and Jessel hugged them and told them that if this,l was bothering them, she'd be the bigger person.

I also noticed that Jessel waited till the cameras went down in order to give Ubah a head's up about what was being said about her, instead of trying to get camera time and have a moment.

Brynn knew Ubah could have said, why are you constantly going after me, a black immigrant whose English is a second language? Brynn wanted to use her race, out of the blue, as a tool to play up her victimhood while downplaying Ubah's own struggles (which she has rarely discussed on air). And she's been poking Ubah ever since she saw Ubah lose her cool at the last reunion. She thought she'd be easy to manipulate and get stirred up. Ubah saw exactly what she,was doing from early on this season and tried to tell the group, but they didn't want to hear it.

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Ironically, I think Brynn's antics at the finale may have saved the show. This is the most buzz the show has gotten all season. People that dropped or werent checking for it, watched the episode and its generated alot of discussion. I think we saw the most real moment this episode bc Ubah's reaction was genuine as was the women as they realized what had happened. The problem this whole season was Brynn and i think uniting against her has bonded them finally. The reunion will show the final test but I think now they can return as a solid friend group once they cut the cancer out. There is no path forward for her. I say keep the cast minus her and hire an actual black woman as her replacement

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I didn't like the NY reunion clip where they just talk silly. But I loved the clip where they showed Jessel eating up Brynn again and not accepting no BS apology from her either. No matter who tried to interrupt her and they got checked swiftly. 


Jessel don't play about her man. 

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After swearing off nuRHONY out of boredom a few months ago, I checked out the finale after all the buzz. Whew. Brynn is so deeply damaged. It was fascinating to watch the others realize how Brynn had twisted the narrative and then witness Brynn's nonchalance the next morning. And I thought it was compelling how the other women wanted to hold Brynn accountable but also recognized that something deeper was going on with her. 

I'll tune into the reunion. I don't think Brynn could have a future on this show, but seeing her take accountability would be nice. Ubah fights dirty, but not THAT dirty. 

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