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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Brynn is vile and disgusting. Ive been hating on her all season but that was just low. She is a horrible mixture of the worst parts of Mia and Monica and needs to be fired if this show comes back. There is something seriously wrong with her

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Wait a minute now! We are not about to clump Queen Monica in with the aforementioned. 

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Yes, she ran a blog with tons of others and stalked Jen a bit, but she ain't that bad. 

I don't even think Mia is that bad as she's doing more harm to herself than others. 

But yes, Brynn = Phelony Parks = Lisa Rinna 1000%. You have to hate someone immensely to do acts that they are guilty of. 

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Nah she definitely gives Monica. The trauma dumping and victimizing of herself when the women were ready to call her out. That was Monica's MO last season. It was speculated that she may have lied or over-embellished the trauma that she shared, just like people are speculating with Brynn. Both did and said wild things for attention, sympathy and deflection. They used this as a manipulation tactic. I liked Monica but lets call a spade a spade. Both were immature and emotionally stunted bc of bad relationships with their mothers that neither ever healed from

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Kyle is a lying liar who lies. And she's been caught. And she knows she's been exposed as in the wrong. And she's being held to account. And she knows nothing she's saying makes sense. Of course she throws a tantrum. I've always seen Kyle for what she is and this season proves me unequivocally right.

Loving Boz so much and loving Boz enjoying Dorit. Even Garcelle, who has had legitimate gripes with Dorit in the past, is seeing Dorit in a new light. 

Erika is having a great season doing the balancing act between Dorit and Kyle and staying diplomatic.

Jennifer Tilly made me laugh when she spoke candidly to the masseur. Beyond her Simpsons fortune, she is self aware and hilarious. 

Sutton was so awkward with Dorit but I like her calling out Kyle's hypocrisy. 


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Kyle is spiraling bc for hte first time, she has no power within this group. She was protected by her friends (Fox Four or whatever it was called)  but that has been fractured


Dorit sees her for who she really is and has not only turned on her but is not backing down from calling her on her ish. This alone has really weakened Kyle bc she expected Dorit to fall in line nad kiss her azz like a little soldier as she's done in the past

Erika straddles the fence between the two but it feels like she is more od Dorit's friend and possibly scared to alienate Kyle bc she is her connection to the rich BH social scene

Sutton and Garcelle. Kyle is forced to film with the two women she's had the most problems with in recent years bc she doesnt really have many to film with. The two are playing with her though and keep stabbing her in the front and there's not much Kyle can do about it bc she is desperate.

Boz is new and Kyle waited too long to try and form a friendship wtih her. By the time she did, Boz was firmly on Dorit's side

Jennifer Tilly is just a Friend Of and she's Sutton's BFF

Kathy isnt really there that much and even then kyle cant fully trust her bc of their history.


In the past Kyle had Rinna to act as her bulldog but without her, she is forced to fight her own battles and she is incapable of that. Running off last night was a horrible look or her bc someone else will pick up that crown and Sutton is hungry for it. She thought this would be a Dorit takedown season but its backfired and its actually Kyle's downfall

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Don't tempt me to watch.

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Now that I am more time...


Awww. Thank you. 


Well judging from the reunion trailer...everyone (EVEN JENNA!) look like they are coming for Brynn. I haven't watched last night yet (or RHOP) because my system has been down since Sunday, but I'll probably be watching it today because the backlash against Brynn is A LOT. So I need to see it for myself. 


Happy you are making it through SLC *cough*DinnerPartyfromHell*cough* but yes, the scene with Robert had the whole audience (including me) in tears when it aired. And just the aftermath from Mary's point of view. I felt so much for her because her reaction are the reactions of a mother and most definitely not fake. You felt that. 

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I believe my last season of BH was Kathy roasting Ex Soap Opera Star and EricFake over an open reunion fire. And then...I bowed out because I got tired of Kyle's favoritism with Production which I still feel play a part in Crystal leaving because that feud was literally right there and was edited out (along with anything of interest with Crystal from what I heard).


Funny now given how many HW shows have manipulations going on on them now. I see clips here and there. The only thing that would get me back is either LVP appearing or a complete and total takedown of Kyle. 

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