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Well to get my mind off the forthcoming apocalypse, I did watch last week's SLC. I took my time since I was spoiled that Mary wasn't in it post-cliffhanger. So I figured I had time.


I thought it was a decent episode though Heather's antics drove me up the wall. The only bright side I saw to it was the possibility of a Heather takedown season. Bob is on to her, and I found their meeting at the end as the first true shot if that was the case. Meanwhile, Angie K appeared to be tuned into her antics as well. Alas, Heather might have gotten away with it by being very careful with her words so she could gaslight and play victim. It was just insufferable.


Thankfully while all of this was going on throughout the episode we had the aftermath of the last episode's fight. The husbands fighting was something else. And not NJ fighting, but I felt it resembled when husbands on RHOA/RHOP might get into it. And then they find time to talk about and resolve it. Still...WOW that was a lot. And it took the power of Mary to even get Lisa and Little Girl to back down and remember they were in SOMEBODY ELSE'S house. On top of that, we got a little more about Bob's personal storyline with the family of her babydaddy.


LISA. tbf she was the one who stormed over to Justin. And of course, her husband would defend her. Just a whole ass mess. There's being angry at something that is not true and there's being waaaaay to overdramatic to the point it makes a person think of the phrase 'where there's a smoke...' Or what's the phrase...'a hit dog will holler.' And she did all of this at another housewife's event, too? I was glad Mary checked her when they tried to get the focus back on who it should have been on aka Angie K, but Lisa was about to start another round with Little Girl. QUIT. I was not feeling her at all.


MARY. Had the one moment of checking Lisa. And then she vanished.


MEREDITH. Like Mary, she vanished.


ANGIE K. Yay for her having drama at an event. And she handled it like a pro. It was also impressive that she came to FriendOfHeather's Mormon event, showing how ability to be included in so many different groups. And I was really impressed in her Confessional that she got Heather's number. Heather is an uncool girl who is finally at the cool kids table and will stop at nothing to stay up Lisa's butt there. And it tracks all throughout the seasons. It's just nice that people are either calling her out on that or figuring it out. If anything, I felt Angie K went too easy on Heather when Heather was in her face trying to gaslight her.


LITTLE GIRL. Little Girl really doesn't have to be messy. Her husband has been doing it for her for two episodes and counting.

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I hollered at him at the house throwing out all Lisa-related products. 


BOB. I was very glad to see more of her individual storyline. It was so relatable. And the conflict about wanting her daughter to make her own choice to see her father's side of the family without her clearly subjective opinion was good viewing. And also her husband's dislike of Lisa without even meeting her. lol. Meanwhile, Bob disinviting Heather from the next cast trip and being intelligent enough to see the pitfalls of doing it shows why she's a great Housewife. As did her showdown with Heather. She handled herself so well. She has Heather's number and no matter how Heather thought she was going to gaslight her, Bob was not here for it. A verbal wordsmith Heather is not. And loved Bob's last stinger at the end of her showdown for Heather to get some self-awareness.


HEATHER. I believe Mariah Huq said it best...her slip is showing. She was just looking for an issue to have an issue. Grow up!!! I was excited to see Beauty Lab again. Other than that...



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Todd is my hero! I LAUGHED when he kicked the Barlows out. I didnt see that coming from him. He said he did not want a weekend of drama with those people and he stood on business. This reminds me of the cast inviting Quad on a trip to California only to kick her out by morning. LOL...Lisa didnt even make it to dinner


Heather was LYING to the girls in her first scene so F her too


Poor Meili. Not only was she not invited but no one even remembered her enough to ask about her. At least Brittani was acknowledged


Its still early but Bronwyn may be the best new wife of 2024. She is a stand in for we the audience and says what I would want to in the scene. I love that she isnt scared and isnt kissing the OGs azz. I stan

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Agreed; Bronwyn is a win.  Her husband clearly has no idea what he signed up for, lol. He has NO time for this nonsense. 

Yeah, Heather is a lying liar looking for tits on an ant with Bronwyn. First Potomac's Ashley, now SLC's Heather. The ones I usually like no matter the circumstance sure have tarnished crowns in my eyes now. 

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I enjoyed last night's episode but I have an observation about wealth on this franchise:

Whitney and Justin remarked on how this trip is 'next level' and their conversation implied that these new friends of theirs (Bronwyn and Todd) are rich, and they want to stay in their good graces.

Bronwyn remarked that she expected loyalty and that, at the very least, she's bought loyalty with this trip.

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What a great start! Part 1 was entertaining from beginning to end


I love the energy Shannon was giving Tamra. Call her out and hold her accountable! Its clear Tamra was on her redemption path and tired of social media dragging her. I'll say, she played this the right way and came humble. THIS is how you do it. Ive seen other amateur housewives (Monica) bomb this


Katie...what a flop! I liked her enough but she BOMBED her first reunion. It was embarassing how she let Heather and Emily tag team her and she had no good comebacks or defenses. I think if she is let go, it will be bc of this. She was in way over her head


Speaing of E,ily...fck her! She was in everyone's business and we still havent gotten into any of hers. I hate how she kept throwing in "well im an attorney". It was the equivalent of Wendy's "4 degrees". She was so condescending and acting like a know it all. Bish, like Cynthia Bailey said, win a case! She spent so much time researching whats going on with the other women for matters that are not billable hours. I cant stand her azz.


Jen has solidified herself as a top tier housewife and should have been second chair. The way she shut Emily up by saying "I heard your in-laws fund your lifestyle"....my jaw dropped. The gloves are off and Im glad Jen is finally starting to go low with these hoes. They play with her too much. Great thing to end the reunion on.

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Emily was getting on my last damn nerve at the reunion. And her bringing up Katie's custody arrangement was some nasty work. I hope Katie and Jenn join forces and give her big shoulders what she is yearning for--main character energy. You wanna do all that talking? Let's make sure your a** get the opportunity next season when we make it about you and all your skeletons. 

Heather is gross too, but she is crafty enough to know to get up and stealthy clean up her mess so that the audience doesn't go too hard on her. But we see you, stick lady. 

Tamrat... ugh. Nothing she does shock me anymore. She's only playing nice b/c she overestimated her hand. Shannon would be stupid to ever befriend her again. 

I like Katie, and I could feel she was falling on the sword, but I wish she would've dug into Emily, Heather, and Gina. 

And I am sick of hearing about Gina's "real estate" career. Girl, shut up. Acting like she's Josh Altman or something. You're not! 

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I've only seen the first 10 minutes of OC so far, so I'll give my opinions later, but the first thing I have to mention is that whatever crazy work Tamra had done to her face seemed to have made her appearance worse. Now she's got visible jowls and her skin looks rough. Honestly, she looks like present-day Jessica Lange, no offense to the fabulously talented Jessica Lange. 

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I wanted to post before watching the OC reunion to keep my opinions uninfluenced by whatever happens . . . first off, this season was FIRE--the best season of any Housewives in years and years and the first season of OC I've watched from start to finish since Lydia 2.0.  I am really looking forward to the reunion.

One of the reasons I tuned out years ago was, honestly, Emily and Gina.  They were so shoehorned into the show and I was horrified by Shane and couldn't understand why they'd hire someone like Gina who was so obviously hiding/lying about so much of her life.  Wow what a turnaround--they are like old friends now (irl and to the audience) and, dare I say, the heart of the show (?).  I don't know if Shane got a bad edit in the beginning or just didn't understand how to be on camera, but he is so funny and charming now . . . he is a masterclass in househusband redemption arcs.  A letdown of the season for me was that they didn't continue the focus on Gina & Travis--their (living) separation was heartbreaking and so real during the first few episodes . . . but I understand that Gina wasn't necessarily at liberty to divulge everything and, honestly, this kept things intriguingly mysterious and it didn't become redundant.  Consequently though, she didn't wind up having a lot to do and whatever was happening between her and Heather & Katie made her look thirsty for a storyline that was already trifling enough without her.

I have never liked Heather . . . she's obviously rude af, has a gross superiority complex and is incapable of any meaningful self-awareness.  I think what's sad is that I bet irl, she's a LOT more likable--this is a tv persona she's creating and she's reaching for all the wrong things.  The one thing that's great about her is how she plays the game--she gives zero fs, she will never bend . . . she's not a badass but 100% plays it like one and because no one checks her, she can do whatever the hell she wants.  Kelly was the only one who's really bested her and instead of fighting, she threw enough tantrums that she didn't get asked back full time.

Katie absolutely feels fantastic.  She's fun, she's fresh . . . she's cool, unbothered and feels warmly authentic.  But I think she's about to be exposed as a total fraud.  And an A+ chameleon can be an A+ Housewife, but what makes her likable is how seemingly "real" she is . . . if that goes, can she remain viable?

Jenn is a top-tier newbie on like a Shannon level.  Girl is putting it ALL out there and she's delusional enough to truly not understand what kind of long-term damage she's doing to herself like a Shannon or a Teresa, so she'll keep putting it out there.  She is amazing.  However, and like a big however--she IS well and truly delusional and putting herself in serious harm's way.  She does not understand consequences and has centered her entire life on finding a man to protect and provide for her.  She has NO security for herself and her children, and I bet she'll get grimy af to hang onto a meal ticket . . . it usually goes that way.  And she's also never been adequately checked that she'll never understand how bombastically tenuous and dangerous her situation is.  Like her delivery was whack, but Gina absolutely had many valid points with the eviction, and Jenn pulled an A+ Shannon and played victim (she does this flawlessly with everything).  And Tamra IS right about Ryan.  Jenn is insane to put her kids through this.  She is an amazing character, but on a real life level--girl, get out and get your life.  Parlay being the breakout star of OC into getting real independence.

The real story of the season was obviously Tamra vs. Shannon and they both missed the mark and so did production.  Is Tamra disgusting?  Obviously, but we've known that since "Naked Wasted."  It's very important to remember that Vicky, Tamra and Shannon connected on such a deep level because they're deeply evil people who have horrible intentions for other people.  The difference between Tamra and the other two are that she has some small ability to be perceptive of reality . . . and the reality IS that Shannon is an entitled, hypocritical LIAR and Tamra thought she could expose that.  But she underestimated Shannon's superpower of not only playing, but being perceived as the victim and teaming up with Jesus Jugs was such an epic miscalculation.  The two most authentic aspects of Tamra are her seething, deep hatred of Gretchen and Alexis.  No one was gonna buy this stupidity.  And I was looking forward to Alexis' return, but what a dumpster fire.  Anyway, Tamra should have just been honest and told Shannon she hadn't really ever forgiven her for ghosting her when she needed her the most.  And for all of the horrible things you can and should say about her, you can't say that she wasn't a really good, supportive friend to Shannon.  Anyway, no one is a better Housewife than Shannon, but she has managed to get away with murder this year, and I hope that's meaningfully addressed at the reunion.  Not that she'll ever be capable of acknowledging it...

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Ya know, I'm not sure it was mentioned here, but I'm inclined to believe what actor/comedian Joel Kim Booster said about Shannon Beador after he filmed with her for the new Bravo dating show she's on. Not only rude, entitled and rotten, but he mentioned her daughters are the exact same. I've been side-eying her all season long. 

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I thought it was another decent episode. However, it was really noticeable how much the individual scenes are outstripping the group scenes though. I had heard it mentioned, but it was weird to see it. Here were these scenes with Raquel talking about how her divorce affected her status in the art world. There was Jessel with her mother talking post-IVF talk and dealing with Pivot. Erin getting ready for her business while worrying about her mother. Ubah showing up to the event completely dressed down due to being at work all day. I liked all of that and wanted more.


But the main drama...aka Everybody vs Brynn...was just meh. Not that there weren't good moments at the event. I love that Abe and Mel have bonded as the 'Househusbands.' Sai is truly growing into being a great Confessional assassin and was easily the highlight. OOooo I rolled at the fact that since it was Erin's event, everyone immediately assumed there would be no food...such a cute running joke. And in small groups, you get a sense of who likes who. But the overall group dynamic isn't there. Yet. They still have some growing to do.


ERIN. GUUUUUUURRRL, IF YOU DON'T LET THAT FINE MAN SIT NEXT TO YOU!!! lol. I enjoyed Erin this episode EXCEPT for that. Given how her and Abe have been acting, I thought it was nice that he wanted to sit by his wife while she had her scene. It was just so meh. lol. That said, I enjoyed watching her work and show her business. And I was awww that her parents (especially her mother) made it given what's going on in their lives with the cancer. I smh at her pot stirring though. Everyone was in a good place and that whole conversation was BEFORE the Clueless party, and issues had been resolved already.


JENNA.  I'm starting to think that the reason that Ubah comes for Jenna later on per the S2 trailer is because of how she coddles Brynn. Everyone has a valid reason for their current dislike of Brynn. So her just 'slap on the wrist'ness was not helping. Nor her need to avoid confrontation this time around cuz this group won't be able to move forward without it. Even at the end where it 'appeared' to be smoothed over, all my mind thought was that it APPEARED.


JESSEL. Uh oh. That was my thought. Why? That dinner with her and Pavit was worrying. There seem to be a disconnect in their communication over a baby. And the potential for that to grow from small quirks between them could turn into a major rift. And it seem clear and since I liked them last season, I felt sad. I did enjoy seeing her mother again for sure who she also has an interesting relationship with.


RAQUEL. The Season of New Housewives continues!!! First Bob over on SLC and the New Gals on RHOP and now here!!! I really enjoyed all her scenes and that dress at Erin's event...VA-VA-BOOM!!!! lol. It was just enlightening hearing about her tales of the art scene and how her divorce rippled through that world. The snub was real. And the reveal of her not only not telling her mother that she was getting married and NOT to a guy...? Fruit waiting to be explored because it does not seem that her mother knows about how she identifies at all. I cannot wait to see how that develops.


UBAH. There was a brief bubble of her anger when Brynn finally made it to the group table. And I liked that she put it out there on the table. Upfront. Not everyone running around talking to everybody else BUT the person they should be talking to. And like I mentioned before, she is good in mini-group scenes like her in the Hamptons with Jessel and Sai. This episode it was her, Sai, and Raquel and that group was a ki. Outside of that, she was very minimal for me this episode.


SAI. MVP for sure!!! Her Confessional looks are giving. Her shade at Erin and Brynn was divine. And her giving the pigeon book to Ubah, I hollered. Like Gizelle on RHOP, she's having a redeeming season with the audience. Since I've always liked her, I'm enjoying it. The fact she didn't have any individual scenes this episode, but was the easy highlight is telling. 


BRYNN. 'I feel so guarded.' I bet you do...starting mess with half the cast like Lisa Rinna and then don't want to take accountability. I found it so funny how she was trying to avoid a confrontation...JUST LIKE JENNA. But...both air signs...so I totally get it. I was annoyed with her scene talking to her brother and how she didn't own anything even though her explaining what happened was so full of half-truths. Just ugh. And then to be avoiding everyone for a good amount of Erin's event...AND being a sexpot with Erin's father. Like Sai said...she ain't EVER beating those sugardaddies allegations, I fear. I think the only moment I liked with her was her FINALLY talking about her business. Now let's be clear...I don't dislike Brynn, but a little bit of accountability is needed for her cuz cutesy-ness ain't it for me. 


I'm curious about how next week will go. Next week begins the major plot of what was teased in the s2 trailer. Who got preggers and it seems scandalous? Will it be scandalous? Or is Eric just misrepresenting? This has the potential to be make-or-break for this reboot IMHO.

I want to say it was mentioned, but that was several pages back. 

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@DynamiteKiddo that was an absolute bombastic post (in the best sense of the word) and i have to agree with you: this has been the best OC season in about a decade. I really do believe that it stands up to sone of the OC's best seasons.

And i also kind of agree with you and @Gray Bunny about Shannon. I think she was unfairly treated by her cast mates and Production. Tamra and Alexis were so egregiously awful to her. However, Shannon managed to sidestep some element of accountability by falling willingly into a victim role. The lawsuit pushed by Johnny J and Dumblexis overshadowed the DUI, and as a result of it, I am cheering on Tamra and Alexis's inevitable TV downfall.

I'd be interested to know how you feel about Gina and Emily after this first part of reunion. Because Emily, who I have long liked (and I like Shane too), has been awful. As the self-appointed legal expert (read: a snoop who trawled the legal sector internet), she's blasting Katie, Jenn and Shannon here there and everywhere. Girl, you were a copyright lawyer, not a criminal prosecutor. Sit down.

Heather pretty much tore Katie apart. It's funny how this reunion painted a picture of Katie which I had never picked up on before, which is that she might be shady and a bit of a liar. Nevertheless, weirdly, my sympathy is with her, especially when she broke down about having to concede custody of her kids to her ex-husband when she was broke and living in a facility.

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I feel confident enough to say that this man is not a heterosexual.  Stacey...gggiiiiiirrrrllll! Quit playing in our faces....lol.  Not only was that shirt the icing on the cake but we learned he's an actor. They arent even trying to hide the fact that they trolling.

Edited by Cheap21
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I still want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but once I heard actor on DAYS OF OUR LIVES even I kinda gave a look. 


Then I stayed around to watch some of WWHL with my Countess LuAnn and saw that shirt. I hate to be that person, but SOME heterosexual man have been known to wear that shirt so all I could do was sip my wine as people judged the shirt online. JS>

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