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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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IA very much with your assessment, even though I hold out hope that the RHs will continue strong because the franchises have essentially become my Daytime soaps now!

Given the level of allegation against Kenya, and the fact that she has been 'paused,' and she's basically headlining RHOA now, my take is the show has been hit with yet another body blow (no Nene, failed seasons, failed production team which Bravo simply will not replace) and probably cannot recover. I wouldn't be surprised if this goes the way of UGT Morocco and disappears. Or reshaped into a Porsha Family Matters 2. One day maybe a nuRHOA could be reborn, nuRHONY-style.

NJ is toast.

SLC without Monica -- I'm sorry, I don't think people will tune in for the same-old contrived nonsense in a sprinter van.

BH will be last man standing if it maintains 1 million viewers. But its last season could be a stepping-stone to an even weaker season this time around. Also, if they lose Kyle, I can see Bravo pausing BH for a while in order to rebuild the cast.

IA Potomac is make-or-break.

Miami, Dubai and nuRHONY are not getting the TV ratings they deserve IMO, and I can only hope they are making up the numbers with streaming because I really love those three franchises at the moment.

OC eventually righted the ship by bringing back Tamra IMO, and I thin this season is going to be very watchable. The question is, has its audience left permanently, never to return?

Speaking of OC -- you guys brought up Naked Wasted and I remember how there was zero sanction for Tamra at the time, not least from Gretchen herself. Gretchen seemed to 'accept' that this was the price for being on the show, that she could milk it at reunion, but she never pursued legal recourse. Maybe she was too dumb, or maybe times have changed, but it's crazy to think how things would have changed if she had. Gretchen lawyers up --> Tamra is fired --> OC goes a totally different direction.

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@Cat, I think had Gretchen gone the legal route, at the time we were living in, Gretchen would've been made the bad guy and TamRat would've been a victim. While many of us viewed the act as heinous in real-time, others didn't. And Andy/Bravo would've done everything in their power to protect Tamra as she has always been Andy's fave. 

(re: ATL) - I don't even think we'll get Porsha's spinoff-type content for this season. No one will challenge Brit/Kelli as they've shown they'll go the legal route. I think Angela Oakley might dip out too by tweets and her unfollowing Porsha, Kelli, and Brit on IG. Angela appears to be close to Kenya. This season is flopping all over the place. I kept saying that all Bravo needed to do to ATL was get rid of production after season and simply bring Porsha back with that cast. I stand firm that this was a hit job to get rid of Kenya and it worked. I am glad she was cleared in Bravo's investigation. 

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She may have been cleared by Bravo, but a day or so ago, the implication was that Kenya would be consulting lawyers -- perhaps a rumor dropped by Keyoncé herself? And what happens if Britt pursues legal recourse against Kenya AND Bravo? I'm sure she threatened to, and that is what prompted an internal investigation, so Bravo could be seen to be 'doing something.'

I have no doubt that Truly Original is involved up the eyeballs in this nasty little 'takedown.' It smacks of TO's handiwork on late-era Potomac -- something Giz & Ashley would agree to do in a heartbeat. But much as I may dislike Kenya, she's not a complete fool. For the life of me, I do not understand why she didn't tell production that this is a bridge too far! The idea is clearly bananas and all kinds of legally dubious. Kenya knows what it's like to take the fall for production. Hell, so does Phaedra.

As for edging Kenya out and lowballing her on her paycheck, that could also be true. Given that this is her only steady paycheck, I would have considered taking the hit, but Kenya has been clearly over this production team for a long, long time. They should have gone after last season's borefest and brought back Carlos King. He's the only one who had the magic touch with this show.

@NothinButAttitude Oh snap -- we definitely agree that production needs to be fired at RHOA.

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Naked Wasted, as horrible as it was, happened at a time when reality TV was still the Wild Wild West (2009, a lifetime ago in Bravo years) and televised cruelty was “in.” Obviously even then it was a huge violation, and I’m sure producers know that more skeletons will fall out of the closet if they push too much. Kenya seems like someone who knows where the bodies are buried.

What a bed they’ve made, Bravo Bravo f*cking Bravo. The irony is that they might be forced to do more of the “cultural programming” (albeit Bravofied with more drama and glamour) that was the cable network’s original mission. They really made a mess of Below Deck, which was the biggest franchise on the network a few years ago. I heard Top Chef had a strong season without Padme, but it didn’t really resonate beyond its fandom. Project Runway feels as good as “dead,” even though it’s still technically running. No one cares anymore.

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It was a low key episode. Definitely better than Episode 2. Very easy breezy which is how I like my HW shows.


It was basically a 'follow the housewife around in their day-to-day' kinda of episode. And there was some gems. There were also some interesting stories for some of them, too (I'm talking about YOU, Caroline Stanbury). And then the episode ended at an event that went left quick.


Taleen vs Lesa was so left field. Lesa simply said what everyone was thinking. Then...she did move on. Taleen tried to make it about the usage (not the use) of the word bitch. And Lesa started to gather because they moved on. I felt Taleen was just starting a fight to cover up from the fact that her with Caroline might definitely make Brooks look a way. 


CAROLINE. Continuing to give. In fact, I felt that she gave the most out of all the Housewives in term of day-to-day. We continued to see the comedy of her living situation...and the end of it as she and Sergio moved into the new house. Meanwhile, we continued to see the drama in her relationship. I was Team Stanbury on that. It even gave me memories of my Russian ex. Cuz Sergio...sweetie...everything is in HER name and Mama gotta pay bills. Please go and do something while I boss bitca up. lol. I did like that they showed Sergio hanging with ALL the husbands (without it getting a whole plotline a la NJ) so he has some support. And interesting tea on Caroline's daughter trolling him. Meanwhile, Caroline's dry humor was on display (cuz her driver? I hollered) and I was living for it. And that whole fight at the Ayan's event, she was in her LoL element...watching ladies fight over her while she sits back and looks pretty. So enjoying her this season.


TALEEN. I feel like I have to put a disclaimer up because I geniunely like her. Her beginning scene with her boot camp job was enlightening and inspiring to me. Her Gemini hubby wanting a boy was a hoot (and good luck with that, gal!). And she continues to interact with everyone nicely almost liked she has always been there. That said...I didn't like her coming for Lesa for a simply question and being extra so I didn't mind Lesa gathering her.


SARA. I admit that I forgot that Sara meets a hot German a la the S2 trailer. Lol. So her personal life could be her storyline. And I don't mind that. And for @Cat yes, I did like Saba more this episode looking younger and flawless so...there is hope.

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AYAN. Outside of the event and being herself...didn't really do anything. I hate to say it, but compared to S1, she's background.


BROOKS. Didn't really do anything this episode except be a diva with her assistant and son which I found hilarious. And almost brought back Beyoncegate hehe. But she needed a break after last episode.


LESA. QUEEN. Sad to see her mom go, but really glad we got to see her. And I enjoyed her gathering Taleen cuz surely Taleen had to see how her walking off with Caroline would look to Brooks. And more foreshadowing of the Lesa/Ayan fallout. And I will never not find it weird when she and Caroline have scenes alone cuz it looks funny, but fascinating.


Early apologies for editing. Internet connection issues cut into my posting time this busy morning. Hope to be back later.


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I don't think Brit will sue. I don't think she ever was. Again, I think this was a plot to remove Kenya and lessen the budget. What I think they didn't factor in has been the backlash. Kenya and RHOA have been trending for 3 days straight and the comments are not good. 

Bravo needs to do some deep soul searching and realize they need to move these shows over to better production companies. 

I think Bravo not putting out an official statement is their way of trying to placate Kenya. B/c let's be honest, she knows where ALL the bodies lie. And unlike Bethenny, Nene, Leah, Brandi, Caroline, etc., I believe that Kenya (besides Mariah of M2M) is one person who can beat Bravo/NBC Universal in a courtroom or at least get a fat settlement. 

That aside, I think Bravo is going to be nothing about a year or 2. BH will be the only housewife show and it'll be aired alongside cultural programming as you stated. It's obvious. And Andy has too many allegations against him. I wouldn't be shocked if they forced him into retirement soon. 

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BH might be the Y&R. While I think they should be safe, this season has to be better than the last to ensure that. Otherwise, I see them falling to the wayside too. 

The one that Brandi has lodged against him at this moment is about him allegedly sending sexually suggestive texts/soliciting talent. 

If I am not mistaken, Leah has him in her suit about Bravo allegedly coaxing her to drink when she told them she was sober. 



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My feelings largely echo the below. I know Kenya has many die-hard fans on here who I respect, but IMPO she has an over-inflated sense of her own importance. Will she be as big a loss as Nene? Porsha? Suddenly I'm wondering. 


And now we've got Love B. Scott, who has clearly been briefed by Bravo, saying she was fired. This could be a negotiating tactic on Bravo's part to warn Kenya away from any potential lawsuits, but nevertheless, I post the Tweet here:

I felt in my gut that Kenya was looking at legal proceedings for unfair dismissal in one of my posts from yesterday, and I wrote as much. I don't know how trustworthy Love B. Scott is as a blogger, and this could be one big projection by Kenya haters, but it seems like 'firing' may increasingly become the story on the Kenya front. 

Edited by Cat
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Those WWHL moments where he ogles the bartenders have always made me cringe. They also feel like a lawsuit waiting to happen. But Bravo have stayed with Andy thus far and that says to me he's not a liability to them. Yet. I wonder if Andy's legal advisers have locked down a lot of this stuff with NDAs and consent forms, and have done so for many years.

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@Cat, I will take ET, TMZ, and Jasmine Brand's word that Kenya opted to walk away. B. Scott has changed his story 30 times in the past 48 hours. Brice Sander, who is in with Bravo, said she opted to walk away. Bravo isn't going to comment b/c they know it can go 2 ways: they can confirm Kenya chose to walk away and get backlash OR state otherwise and p*ss Kenya off that she scorches the earth. 

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Like I indicated, I'm not sure what's true and what isn't anymore with these competing leaks and stories, but I thought I should post the B. Scott one here because it was quite the opposite of the other scoops. 

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