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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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RHONY - Season 14

I'm curious why Andy and co didn't cast Jenna on season 12 or 13 of NY?  She had the fashion cred (J Crew), a business, part of the LGBTQ+ community, and is very eccentric/quirky.... plus she is 50+ years old.   She would have fit in much better with the OG then Leah ever did..imho.. and she might have been a better bridge between the OG's and Eboni.


@DaytimeFan  It's just the first episode.. and pilot episodes usually introduce the players, get to know them, etc.  I'm willing to give this more time since I do seem to like the women so far.

Edited by Soaplovers
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I had the same thought about Jenna. She actually would have been a decent Ramona replacement. Erin might actually have fit in well with that group too, in spite of being much younger. She has an older vibe to me and was my favorite of the group.

That said, I still think it was a smart idea to do a full reboot with a diverse cast of women with existing bonds and not attempt to shoehorn one or two women of color into a long-standing contingent of friends. And I can’t do another season of substance abuse as a joke.

It was a low-key premiere, maybe even a little boring, but I liked it ok. I feel like I saw more of NYC in one episode than I did in a whole season of the OG version. NYC’s center of gravity is no longer Manhattan; it’s Brooklyn. If anything, this group of women might even still be slightly too Manhattan-centric.

Edited by Faulkner
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Sometimes I wonder if Bethenny is ill. She can't pull off the super skinny older woman with dark brown long hair look that someone like La Lucci was able to do for decades (and even La Lucci cut it shorter as she got older). I dunno. She just looks off these days. 

Nu NYC:  I watched. I liked it more than I thought I would. I'm willing to give it a try and continue watching. There are some standouts (Erin, Ubah, Jenna's home) while others are doing too much (Brynn... especially if you watched them on WWHL).  

I agree about the idea of Jenna being brought on with the previous cast. Her take on things reminds me of Carole... Erin is kind of a mix of Bethenny with the look of a prettier Leah without the nagging voice... The nagging voice belongs to Sai (especially grating during the WWHL show)... My hubby has already clocked Jessel as being unlikeable, lol...  I like Ubah's personality.

I liked the various landmarks shown of NYC and the various neighborhoods where everyone lives. I got the vibe Bravo is trying to make this like a reality TV version of a Sex and the City, where the city is like a member of the cast. They kind of lost their way with that aspect on the OG RHONY, especially as it followed the now-tired tropes of 5 different cast trips to other parts of the country/world throughout a season. 

I could see Eboni fitting in with this new cast. But perhaps it was best to make a clean break from anyone previously. Even though the title is the same, I consider this to be a different show than the RHONY we once knew. 

I'll continue watching, but as Nene Leakes recently pointed out, the Housewives shows don't produce stars anymore. I don't think we'll ever get a Bethenny 2.0, Nene 2.0, Vanderpump 2.0, Teresa 2.0, etc. of that type of magnitude. 

Casts of New Jersey and Atlanta better beware: you could get the reboot too.... 

Side note: I love that Jenna is gay and it's literally no big deal. It's not a story; it's not "a thing."  That's how it should be. 

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I thought nuRHONY worked much better than I thought it would. Yes, it's a different show than what we had with the OGs, but that makes the transition easier in a way. And the cheese fight was funny to me -- the fact that the rest of them were sitting around laughing about how insane it was, and then even the women involved wound up laughing at it, went a long way. If they harped on this for an entire season, I would lose my mind. 

Brynn could be fun as a pot-stirrer, but she's giving me Kelly Dodd energy in terms of eventually becoming too unhinged to be on the show.

I agree that Jenna could have worked as an addition to the prior cast.

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It could be worse. Wasn't Dallas' premiere episode about plastic poop? 

Re: @DaytimeFan ATL... I agree the cast doesn't gel as they used to and the newbies aren't enough to usher in the next successful era. I could see Bravo seriously considering doing a total reboot of Atlanta, but at the same time I think they would hate to cut ties with Kandi and possibly Kenya. 

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This was good! So refreshing and it feels like a new franchise. I like that the girls are doing their own thing and arent trying to emulate the original series.  I hate to say it but the OGs were old and tired and we were tired of them. All they did was get drunk and yell at each other. NYC hasnt had much substance in recent years. I was skeptical but I like this new younger refresh and Im glad they didnt keep Ebony or Leah as a bridge like someone suggested

Erin....looks just like Jennifer Aniston

Brynn might be my favorite. I can see why some may not like her but she's fun and funny. I think she may end up being the show's breakout star

Sai. She kinda reminds me of Coral from MTV's Real World/Challenge. Im here for her and Brynn

Cheesegate seemed silly but I like that htey resolved it in the first episode bc it wasnt that deep. On other shows this would be something that would be dragged out for half a season. This is how old school housewives used to be

Jessel reminds me of Seema from RHoCheshire for those that have seen it

Jenna....she's the one that everyone was talking about before this debuted. I like her energy

Ubah sounds and reminds me so much of Chanel Ayan and of course they are cousins! I hope Ayan makes an appearance

Shocked that I like all the women. None of them annoyed me and I think each add something. This is a GOOD cast. They gel well and its a good sign that its not gonna take me weeks to warm up to them. Im already invested. All the other cities are put on notice bc Bravo can and will replace you

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I also have thought the flashbacks and reasons why we didn’t actually see cheesegate was because they had to scrap a ton of stuff in the beginning when they had the other housewife before she quit. They had to do some serious reconstructing for the beginning. 

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and I think they did a great job, all things considering. We didnt need to see it bc it wanst that deep. It felt like we were dropped in to an existing season with existing drama and friendships. We were catching up with the ladies as opposed to having a slow start and intro.

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I listened to the whole thing, and boy does it give my OG RHONY nostalgia of the first 4 years. 

One major takeaway which I'm inclined to believe is true due to both their reactions:  Bravo did both of them dirty when it comes to filming outside of Bobby's funeral.  Jill didn't know Bethenny was mic'ed, nor that the people filming outside were from Bravo (she thought it was TMZ, press etc. as TMZ was in fact there). Bethenny thought Jill knew beforehand. Jill didn't know about anything until she saw the commercial for that season of RHONY and saw a clip of her. She never signed a release form from Bravo and Bravo took their chances that she wouldn't sue.  

When they discussed this, you could tell Bethenny was taken aback when it clicked that Bravo set her up and felt it was disgusting to know she had "ambushed" (her word, fittingly) a funeral. 

I forgot all about that; who she was and what she did/said to get herself kicked off. 

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Yeah. That whole thing, not only pissed me off, but also felt very disgustingly off-putting and predatory. Plus, Jill remarking she was told the producers hoped she wouldn't sue. She should have sued Bravo, but then Jill also knew she'd never be involved in anything Real Housewives again, via Bravo/NBCUniversal.

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