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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I think with each state having different covid rules, you'll see different types of shows.


Since CA had the strictest rules, I'm hearing all 6 barely interact together once they resumed filming.


TX had somewhat more relaxed rules..so I'm interested to see how that plays out on Dallas.


GA had the most relaxed of rules..so I'm guessing group interaction will be consistent with pre covid.


NJ and NYC..I'll be interested to see how they handle filming with the pandemic restrictions

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I think OC has the unique position of having a good amount filming pre-corona, in-corona, and then of course post-corona.


I want to say NJ barely started before it hit so it's most in-corona and post. I don't even think they were filming when Jennifer got it for example while you have Shannon filming and documenting it.


ATL and DALLAS started filming in the post-corona world.


NY started post (but filmed confessionals after everything had already been filmed pre-corona).


I am sure OC will ruin it, but it has a very unique BEFORE/AFTER vibe which should be interesting viewing in a way that, while great shows all, is lightning in a bottle. Perhaps Tamra/Vicki will be a blessing as they do this light reset. 

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Chile Texas has been pretty much open the entire time so I would expect a very similar Dallas season. They still do a couple trips and you’ll see them at restaurants. The biggest change will be more house parties than events in public spaces. 

New York I’m curious how they will handle filming in the city. That seems like the worst place to film when you need to social distance. I’m also curious where they will go for their cast trip. I’d love a return to Montana and also Heather’s Berkshires house if she truly is back. 

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Oh yeah...this season of DALLAS is the year of 'themed' house parties. 


And this...is me.


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My apologies. Everyone knows I disliked last season of DALLAS. Unlike BH, I have not quit it yet, but that last season left a bad taste in my mouth. But I am at least curious. 


I don't know. NY started off strong in lockdown and they have tried enough tactics to keep the city going going by my friends on FB who live there. And what I've seen. I don't know how their new system of lockdown down sections of the city by zip codes with the highest cases is going. 


And thank you. It has seen been argued that Heather is not full time, but at least I am hoping for heavily recurring at the moment. 

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@Taoboi I’m the lone wolf. I hated season 3 of Dallas but loved season 4 so I’m excited for once. New York I feel always delivers so I’m not worried about them either. The one I worry for is Beverly Hills. They seem to always be trying so hard to be interesting I’m hoping it’s not another overproduced season. Hopefully the lack of international travel and public events forced them to be more real. 

Bravo is wrong for posting this. 



Edited by Chris B
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Yeah, NY no matter what has delivered. I may watch it funny, but I do like those girls. They have given me so many lmfao moments after a bad day at work this year. And LuAnn is Bae for me. 


Well BH would not have to try so hard if they would be REAL. *sips*


I've enjoyed your commentary on DALLAS Season 4 so you be excited. When it was airing I liked it but it got a little too personal for me given what was going on with me that year so it was a sharp dislike. Andy Cohen at the reunion on a year where he has not been a good host at all for ANY of his shows did not help. 


And speaking of Bravo...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! at that shady tweet. They are so trolling the fans. I find it funny since how is it that no one knows (other than us apparently) that Marlo gets paid just as much as a housewife now and now it is a personal choice to NOT have a peach?

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ITA. Ever since Carlos King and his team left the show and we got the Tardy production crew, my emotional investment in RHOA has fallen dramatically.


I've tried hard to reconnect with the show, but Carlos for all his faults, was in these women's ordinary daily lives and picking up on all the cracks they didn’t want us to see 


Since S10, I've felt that ATL is too much about the lewks and glam and it is verging on BH territory. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy fashion as eye candy, but not as replacement for actual substantial stuff going on. Thank heavens the ATL women are funnier and sharper than the BH women, and that is what keeps the show going. It is also why I enjoy the reunions. On the show itself, I am finding the reads increasingly rehearsed. Again, I put the blame for the over-glam and scripted reads at the door of this particular production team. Even in this latest trailer, all the supposed 'unexpected' stuff like Mike putting his hand on the car cam, or Porsha creeping around a house on cc-tv seems a bit contrived to me.


Perhaps the fact that I am watching S6 ATL at the moment is spoiling my mood for current ATL. S6 is crammed full of so much stuff happening, and it is all real. Glam was incidental to the marriage and relationship drama.


Kenya was villainess but an enjoyable villainess, with human streaks, and there were checks and balances between all these women so that a lot of their worst impulses were checked. Now I see that Kenya has managed to run Tanya Sam off the show -- for a FOH, Kenya sure was threatened by her presence! -- which is a shame. I liked Tanya. She and Marlo could be peach-holders, but Bravo keep trying to cast semi-famous names who end up being duds. Or they make a bunch of FOHs fight it out, and after filming is done they re-edit the season around their eventual picks and it feels like gaps are missing when we watch.


As for Kandi, I get where you are coming from, but its the principle of the thing IMO. Even if Riley's dad pays a symbolic, modest amount each month, its about participating financially and sharing responsibility. Personally, I hate it more when I see Pipsqueak Todd -- who lives high on Kandi's money himself -- complaining about Kandi buying Riley stuff. It is none of his business tbh. He gets an allowance too!

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+ 1 and good to read before I go back to sleep. lol. 


If I wanted to add everything it would be this...I do not feel that Tanya never recovered from the Cookie Lady drama. While Kenya was wrong for that, it tainted Tanya who up to that point was all light and bubbly and smart. Going forward while her feelings for Kenya was justified, a heretofore cattiness popped up of her that was just ugly to me. I went from feeling she brought a fresh air to the show to respecting her, but slowly disliking her. It felt like she was dragging it out with Kenya more than Kenya dragging it out with her at the reunion and THAT was unflattering. Hopefully before Kenya strikes again, Tanya gets her halo back.


Yeah after rewatching the trailer, I agree with you re: Kandi. It isn't about the money. It''s about the time lost between father and daughter. And I think Riley is truly hurt over that. Thus Kandi is truly hurt over that. 

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I will have to go back and re-watch but my snap judgment on last season's reunion was that Kenya was just AWFUL. She tried to shout her rehearsed reads over Tanya and Tanya was calmly but firmly not having it.


It's funny you thought Cookie Lady was the beginning of the end for Tanya. I thought it tarnished Kenya and Cynthia to keep bringing the thirsty-ass mistress around. Kandi also pulled this ish with Dennis's alleged mistress while pretending she had never met her before. I personally hate this trend of bringing on somebody's alleged side-chick to the show in order to 'embarrass' another HW. Kandi did it in S9 with Apollo's prison pen-pal. Back in S5, when Kenya tried to play up that Apollo was coming onto her, it backfired so badly on her. All the other women were like 'How can we trust you or your motives with regards to the other husbands?' Kenya was eventually vindicated, Scarlet Letter-styles. But bringing on the mistress cheapens RHOA, IMO. Like I said, it didn't make Tanya look bad, but it did make Kenya look like a unlikeable b!tch. 

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But im ready to see how Tanya comes across this year. Maybe I will eat my words. Wouldn't be the first time!

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See? I don't remember Tanya being calm about it at the reunion. And that was the thing I liked about her. She was acting like everyone else which meant Kenya got to her.



Yeah, Cookie Lady wasn't good for anyone, but Tanya did lose a little of what made her cool for me.




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For me, I think  Tanya lost a lot of appeal when she was suddenly friends with Nene again after Nene said those disgusting things to her at the reunion. I knew then she was desperate to be on the show. I also think Cynthia's speak on it with Kandi spoke to how duplicitous Tanya is (. I remember thinking Kenya was fantastic on the reunion, and Nene was a disaster with her rehearsed reads and her weak comebacks to anything Kenya said. Porsha had the social distancing read, but for the most part, she was annoying too. I think it was probably the worst RHOA reunion as the first part was great, but the last two were duds. 

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