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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Team Teresa! She actually did seem to have Melissa's back and did not want to hear or get involved in any alleged details about her stripping past. I commend her for that bc a season ago, she'd have been like Kim D inquiring and planning a way to expose her.

Ashley came across more tolerable in that short webcame segment than she has the entire series. Being on her own seems to have done her good


Kim D needs to lose the extensions. She's too old for that

LMAO at Teresa saying the Posche Fashion Show is always fun and cut to flashbacks of her fighting with Danielle in 2009 and Kathy in 2010 there. I also really enjoyed her Italian lesson to her girls

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Eh, having her back? im not sure where or how you saw that. She didnt want to hear anything more, thats it. She didnt put an end to the discussion, she didnt tell Melissa about it. They got ready for the fashion show and this dude showed up. Tre knows Kim and how she is. She knew he would be at the show and all of it and did nothing. Is it her fault? No, not really. But she didnt have anyones back except her own because now she can somewhat truthfully claim this isnt on her.

And i am sure the PFS is fun for her, in all those years listed. Isnt this what she loves? Drama and conflict? it allows her to play victim. Thats what she always does. She never ownes anything,

I tuned in this week after several weeks off, and man was it a chore to get through. Melissa and her fake ass career? Kathy and whatever that meeting was? Teresa being... Teresa? The only somewhat enjoyable moments was Ashleeeeee/Jaqui video chat and the lunch at the Manzo boys'.

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She told them to stop discussing it but as soon as she left the room, Kim went on about it again and Teresa asked her to stop when she came back and heard them. Should she have told Melissa? Maybe. I dont think she wanted to embarass her by repeating unsubstantiated rumors. She is in a good place with her right now, and didnt want to dredge up that drama and put her in an uncomfortable position. She probably thought that would be the end of it

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Eh, i disagree with her attemps to stop it. She just got up and left the room to another room where she could still hear everything but gave her deniability. And honestly if she didnt know Kim was setting melissa up, shes a bigger freakin idiot than even I have been giving her credit for. So kim tells her she called Melissa despite trashing her all this time and invited her to the fashion show. Then this guy just magically appears and he used to be her boss at a strip club, mind you he shows up at the place where she is getting ready to go to the show with Kim? It aint rocket science. Its seriously basic. Like I said, assuming she had no part in it (...) she allowed it to happen. And the sad thing is if the roles were reversed, Melissa would have (likely) ended all conversation and if Kim kept going would have left and yes, i do think she would have told her right away. Even if Teresa really had nothing to do with it, it clearly gets blamed all on her and I dont feel bad for her at all. Shes done nothing but trash melissa and be fake to her and when you hang with trash like Kim, you get what you get.

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I love Teresa but this is plainly something Bravo set up. Teresa just so happens to go get her hair done after all the times we saw her get it done at her home? Kim D gladly inserted herself into the drama, but how would Teresa know this man would show up to the Posche fashion show? Wasn't all of this in the same 24 hour time period? Maybe Teresa wouldve told her the next day after it was over? Teresa was set up yet again and now Melissa gets to play like Tre has f-cked her over and ruined their reconciliation :rolleyes:

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Yes. Im not looking forward to next week looks like all of them will jump on the I hate Teresa bandwagon and act like she calculated all of this herself. :rolleyes:

We'll have to agree to disagree. Kim D looked so thirsty and fake during those scenes and Teresa told him to stop talking about it. I don't know what else she was supposed to do? Sad that Bravo would do all of this just to have a big "event" season finale.

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So we sat through that looooooooooong ass season just for the Posche fashion show? Hell, they should have just shortened it to that godforsaken PFS mess, Juicy Joe's Napa booty call and anything involving Milania and Gia, and thrown out everything else.

First of all, I can't anymore with Ricky Wakile and his inappropriate sexual jokes at [!@#$%^&*] business meetings.

Melissa chasing that "singing career" is just rolleyes.gif . "We chose not to go with a label last year"? Bitch WTF ever. .

Caroline and Jaq are so sour I can't even with them. I only liked Caroline when she and Lauren were looking over the premises of Cafface (that name is so wrong BTW).

Dina, who I used to love, made a MAJOR mistake last week coming on the show to snigger about her sister with Teresa. It made her look so petty and hard-up for publicity.

Teresa is living a life of her own invention for the cameras. I think we already know this. That Italian lesson was about as authentic as Stouffer's frozen lasagne. I can't make out whether Strippergate was something Tre set up or not. Probably. Though she did look wearied and cornered when that guy introduced himself. Like maybe she'd set it up beforehand with Kim D and then had last minute reservations about it. BTW, Teresa looks 1000 times better and younger with little-to-no make-up.

I have to wonder if the palpitations Teresa had at the PFS were palpitations of guilt. There again, I don't know what to make of the fact that Teresa didn't scream "prostitution WHORE" at Melissa when Melissa claimed she couldn't place her former boss. I know Teresa is passive-aggressive but she seemed hesitant and off. Like I said, either she didn't know but knew Kim D was behind this, or she knew and was having second thoughts as to how the fallout was going to make her look.

Edited by Cat
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Yes, exactly.

Really though, at best she knew what was going down and didnt tell Melissa beforehand, At worst she set it all up (herself, with him, with producers, whatever). Teresa is the one who has made this an issue in the past and i find it impossable to believe she had nothing to do with it, but again Even Giving her all that belief, she did nothing to stop it or let Melissa know. Thats a shame too because damn is Melissa hasnt bent over backwards to make [!@#$%^&*] work with Teresa for her husbands sake.

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Funny bc Melissa has been the one playing all innocent the entire season. Her past has finally come to bite her in the rear. Didn't she say she never danced at last year's reunion or some other time? LMAO at her playing like has had no clue where she knew that guy from. Bitch please

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This bitch is so phony. And after she and Tre talk privately next week she calls Joe Gorga knowing that the situation will escalate and that she is going to get Tre in trouble by tattling on her. rolleyes.gif

She can play innocent all she wants but she is the one that's going to turn te situation into a damn mess next week.

Edited by Eric83
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It did seem awfully contrived and set up by Bravo, no doubt. Whether Teresa is innocent or not (and supposedly, we'll learn the truth of the matter next week), she definitely covered her bases in looking innocent. Whatever the case turns out to be, Kim D looks more than willing to play the game and stir the pot for the sake of causing drama (and getting airtime, no matter how bad she looks... figuratively and literally).

Yesterday, they replayed the Posche fashion show from the early part of season 3 when Melissa and Kathy were still the newbies, and boy, they were practically salivating on camera at the fact that they were a part of the show. From chatting with the likes of Kim G (the 55 year old who dresses like an 18-year-old prostitute) to acting like a total diva (hi, Melissa!) when strutting on the runway for the fashion show, you could tell these 2 wannabes were loving their newfound limelight.

Kim D... Posche fashion... kind of takes me back to the good ol' days of season 2 when Danielle was the big thorn in everyone's side. Sigh, good times.

I'm hoping that was the last supper we'll see of the Manzo clan, as well as a final wrap-up of Ashley and the relationship with mama Jacqueline. These 2 sourpusses (Caroline, Jacq) need to be replaced come season 5. Jacqueline was even a total buzzkill on last night's WWHL. Meanwhile, Lauren, a.k.a. the Meg Griffin of the Manzo family, is becoming a Caroline-in-training, which does not look good on her. I hear Lauren even appears in the reunion and goes off on Teresa.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I've read rumors that Pete Guidice and his wife may join the show next year and her and Teresa are great friends. I would love that as opposed to stealth bitch Kathy, and Caroline and her minions.

They need to get rid of everyone except Teresa and Melissa, cast Pete Giudice's wife Sheila, and then add 3 more women who have no ties to Teresa, Melissa, or each other. The show has gotten way too messy and dark.

Edited by Eric83
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