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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The most recent episode of NYC was classic. I'll never forget that lunch scene with Aviva, Ramona, Sonja and Carole. I LOVED how Carole tried to explain to two drunken idiots that Aviva was upset they missed her event. She wasn't trying to stir up drama, she was trying to prevent it by giving them a heads up. As usual, they were clueless and once Sonja brought up that dog I was smirking right along with Carole. LOL! How dumb are these people? It was pure comedy. Speaking of Aviva's charity, I don't normally cry, but I was a mess during that scene where Jake got those legs. That was such an exciting and inspiring scene. I'll take Aviva if it means more scenes like that.

Holla!Heather continues to amaze me. She's just the perfect housewife, surrounded by a lot of idiots. I can't wait to see more of her in St. Barth's and I also hope she lets Aviva have it once Sonja and Ramona turn on her.

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I couldn't agree more... it was a great episode! I love all the new girls now. Sonja is a bit irritating this season because she's so unreasonable and unwilling to take her head out of her own a$$.

Oh Luann, showing up and thinking you're just there to cycle... she was clueless about the charity, and that's not very Countess-like ;)

Can't wait for the 3-part St. Bart's episodes! The previews are awesome - might top last year's Morocco 3-parter, and dare I say S3's Scary Island.... :D

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I thought I read they shot 4 vacations this season. So if I'm remembering correctly, this is vacation spot No. 3? The previews look fan-frickin-tastic. The new ladies are finally beginning to hold their ground against the veterans and it's starting to balance out. Can't wait to see how it all falls apart comes together....

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She is embracing it; she did a photo shoot with her grandbaby and did the article. It's alright to make up cutesie names, better than denying their existance altogether the way Sheree tried to pass off her twentysomething daughter as a friend in the 1st season (apparently Sheree didn't realize that a little something called the Internet exists...)

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Agreed. Lauren called Teresa a piece of sh-t because of what?

And Teresa apologizes over and over again all Caroline's miserable ass can say is "Stop lying" What the f-ck? And then she mocks Teresa when Teresa gets up and when she comes back Caroline says go away. Caroline is so funny to me.

I respect Jac and Melissa for saying nothing. I had to laugh when Kathy said she would never accept money to trash Teresa yet she joined the show to do just that :lol:

In the preview when Teresa said "blood is thicker than water" and Dina says "Not always" :wub:

Edited by Eric83
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The way Kathy is so THIRSTY for Caroline's acceptance is so desperate and pathetic. She has spent this season kissing her ass. She'll throw Teresa under the bus if it means she can get an in with Caroline

Jacqueline pretending to sleep...bitch please! Girl you know you were hearing all that nonsense

I defiently see where Caroline is coming from bc Teresa can be phony and she does trip over her words and lies but man why does she keep going back to the cookbook? She needs to get over that already

IA with Melissa. Caroline needs to get over it and move on.

Yay to Dina returning!

Edited by Cheap21
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Caroline saying, "Don't even answer her, Kathy" when Teresa asked Kathy a question. Who does Caroline think she's talking to - a five-year old child? Kathy is an adult woman, and a relative of Teresa's, and certainly should be both able and willing to think and speak for herself. Yet Kathy obeyed Caroline and said nothing. Caroline barks an order and Kathy practically rolls over. She clearly would rather upset Teresa than ignore Caroline. So much for family being so important to her.

I've decided to be amused by Kathy's never-ending efforts to hang out with the cool kids. She was firmly on the anti-Teresa side, but then Melissa and Jacq were making amends with Teresa. OMG, what should Kathy do? She chose to stick with Caroline, and look where that got her. Jacq pretty much took herself out of it tonight, and Melissa & JoeGo ended up running to Teresa's room. Suddenly the scales were tipped, and Caroline looked like the minority and not so powerful. So off went Kathy to join the cool kids in Teresa's room and suddenly she was all lovey-dovey-Teresa-family when seconds before she was all up Caroline's ass. She never would have gone to Teresa if Melissa hadn't. She would have stayed by Caroline's side, agreeing with everything Caroline said, and trashing her own cousin. No doubt in my mind. I imagine she must have whiplash by now trying to figure out which direction to run since we saw at the reunion that the tides will shift at least once again. I dislike her more every week. Wishy-washy wannabee. And her husband is completely disgusting. Despite all the drama they fling themselves into, I think they're both incredibly boring.

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"I am just as Italian as Teresa [...] but she has that off-the-boat mentality. It's the desire to be the best and have the best. But she has to look down at everybody. If she's looking up to you, she's thinking of a way to take you down. It's kill or be killed. But that doesn't define who I am as a person, because ultimately I am an American citizen and we don't live like that."

Caroline is a moron.

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