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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Have felt for a while I would much rather watch the kids -- especially Milania who sends her father running in fear, and Gia's search for fame and talent -- then some of the grown-up antics on this show.

Lauren Manzo has such a negative attitude. Whining and pissing and moaning and calling her brothers girlfriends whores. I hope in watching the episode, she will realize how immature she is.

Joe Gorga putting his hand on Chris Laurita's lap and Chris moving it to his groin was :lol:

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Oh god, between tre&joe or their kids im not sure what one id rather suffer through more. I guess the kids are at least entertaining, at times.

Lauren is miserable and hates herself. Its sad cuz shes seriously stunning.

Joey&Chris are my new OTP! That was AMAZING.

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Perez Hilton is reporting that RHOC has put out a casting call for a new Housewife. Hopefully Alexis won't be back. I'd like the last image of her on the show to be her hilariously running after the husband who drove off without her.

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Oh, totally the kids! They are so much more entertaining. I also think Kathy's son is hilarious.

It is sad about Lauren -- I was like that about 5 years ago. I didn't even realize that everything coming out of my mouth consisted of putting myself down while at the same time projecting that self-hatred onto others. It has been a real retraining exercise for me to actually listen to what I was saying, ask myself why I was so negative, and fix the underlying issues. I feel a lot happier and more positive now, and I only hope that for Lauren, these are twentysomething growing pains and that she will gain more confidence in herself. Maybe watching the show will be that A-Ha Moment for her where she goes "What am I saying? Why am I so down on myself?"

Joey & Chris L were hilarious. And deeply hot! BTW, what is OTP?

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This MUST be Alexis. I'm assuming Heather is here to stay, Gretchen has handbags to sell (plus Slave would have zero comedic/radio "career" if she wasn't on the show), Tamra is a RHoOCer for life and Vicki has to keep Brooks in the style in which he has become accustomed. So Jim put his foot down, huh? What a blowfish-faced idiot. RH money was probably the last steady income stream the Bellinos had coming in.

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Agreed. Heather is a huge hit with viewers, Gretchen and Tamra's friendship is awesome, and Vicki is the trainwreck that keeps on burning. Alexis' big moment this season was her nose job, which she TOTALLY needed for medical reasons.

Perhaps the trampoline park that she and Jim built will make them a fortune...

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RHoNY: London Baby! My (current) hometown! So perhaps you guys might have found the episode boring, but I was all "OMG! The Mayfair hotel! I walk past it on my way to work!" The Mayfair is where the RH had their insane penthouse suite.

Carole continues to be a whirlwind of quiet fabulousness, whether it is showing everyone her former home in London (in Notting Hill, how trendy!) or refusing to stand up and talk about "what Yummie Tummie means" to her. This chick is zero bullshit and I love that. I love even more how much she is showing up LuAnn, and LuAnn is going to work her last nerve very soon.

LuAnn is working overtime to try and fit in with this new set, but Ramona is starting to stick out like a sore thumb as the blousy, loud, less sophistiqué housewife. She is turning it to her advantage for now, but I LOL at her having a coughing fit in the middle of Aviva inviting her down to Miami. BTW, Aviva's prosthetic leg truly is a work of art.

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Ah yes the rhinoplasty which confined her to bed for WEEKS. Because it was so DANGEROUS and a MEDICAL EMERGENCY. She couldn't BREATHE without it. :rolleyes:

I had forgotten about the trampoline park. Six Flags are shaking in their boots, y'all.

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The fact that they hired a private nurse to walk her around the house and get her food while she was "bed-ridden" made my eyes roll so far back in my head that I saw my own ass.

LOL! Six Flags is quivering in fear, I'm sure. Do you think they named the park Jumpin' To Jesus?

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The link says it wont be cut out in editing and I hope they do. One thing I will say about the RHs is that Bravo doesnt exploit violence on this show. Stuff happens but it usually gets cut and occurs off air. I dont want this to tread into Basketball Wives category and if they show the two women coming to blows, it will be a jumping the shark moment for me. I do not want to see grown ass women punching and hitting each other. RHs is better than that and doesnt need that ratchet nonsense. I hope Andy doesnt air it

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I'm liking RHONY... although I guess I'm alone, as viewers didn't even hit 1.3 million last night --- OUCH! Even the hubby is no longer interested in NY and I watch alone (OC has the opposite effect on us). It's just a very interesting dynamic, to see LuAnn now being "the annoying one" with the circle of girls, sans Ramona. It still feels kinda phony though, and LuAnn's remark to Carole about how it's amazing that they've never run into each other before even though they have mutual friends really points that out. It's weird they didn't give these 3 new ladies an official "Welcome To My Home" introduction.

LuAnn really has run her course. I feel like she's badly acting when she talks about having a baby, and the rest of the girls are in on it (just like ATL's Chateau Sheree) I still love that "Chic C'est La Vie" song though :)

I think a Carole vs. LuAnn snarkfest will be entertaining :) I have my money on Carole. And I look forward to seeing what develops where Aviva says to Ramona & Sonya, "Frankly, you're both white trash!" as shown in preview clips.

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Nobody could've prepared me for how awkward the scene with Aviva and Ramona shoe shopping was. That was worse than Ramona with Jill Zarin's step-daughter. Also frustrating because Aviva has tried harder than anyone to be Ramona's friend and she's going to insult her like that. I felt really bad for Aviva at that moment. I have so many insulting questions I may want to ask my friends, but there is a time and a place. If Ramona knew she was so disgusted by Aviva's fake leg she should've moved on and downplayed the entire thing. That was just plain rude.

The London trip was brilliant. Very lowkey, but it fit the tone of this season very well. Heather doesn't seem like the type that has many friends judging by her actions with the ladies. It was incredibly tacky to make everybody stand, introduce themselves and say something about Yummie. She should've introduced Carole, LuAnn and Sonja as HER GUESTS, then have her colleagues introduce Yummie if thats what she wanted. Carole had every right to be upset. Speaking of, I LOVED Carole this trip. She reminds me of an older version of Bethenny and we needed this type of character on the show. She has Bethenny's snarkiness but isn't as abrasive as she was. I love the tension between her and LuAnn, the first thing interesting to happen to LuAnn all season. I go back and forth between loving and hating LuAnn, but then I see how gorgeous she is and that body and I'm back in love. When knocked down a peg or two she works. I LOVED the moment when she was waiting for the others so she could eat. THAT was adorable and a nice bridge between early season LuAnn who I loved.

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OTP = One True Pairing/One Top Pairing.

I relate a lot to Lauren. I have a seemingly perfect older brother that I always compared myself too. Hopefully she grows up. She has an amazing family.

Its totally Alexis, or it is for a new wife to seemingly replace Alexis next season because i do think G/T/H vs A/V will work for another season. Andy kind of confirmed heather would be back on WHHL tonight and caught himself and tried to play it off. No way is G/T/V going anywhere anytime soon. I think all 3 will stay til the end TBH.

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