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An episode laying some groundwork it seems. 


Say what we may about Ramona but Avery turned out to be such a smart, decent human being that Ramona had to have done something right. It's interesting to see Ramona listen and take (good) advice from her daughter. 


The rehabilitation of Bethenny continues. And they're doing a good job. I love Dress For Success. Such an admirable charity and in line with Bethenny's whole vibe. 


Sonja is a hilarious wing woman. She can definitely keep her eyes on the prize better than Tinsley. It was interesting to see how badly Tinsley wanted that 23 year old. And she got him. Sonja needs to offload that townhouse. It is an albatross. She will be so much better off without it.


I can't believe Carole. What a bitch talking about LuAnn and Tom with that "friend" of LuAnn's at Dorinda's auction. It's so mean at this point. She is simply being catty about LuAnn sticking things out with Tom. She isn't concerned. She just wants to laugh at her.


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@DaytimeFan Avery is truly the only person that makes Ramona human. Contrary to what Bravo believes, that is actually the Ramona I prefer watching. Pinot McCrazyeyes is OK in doses (or on vacation) but this viciousness is pure acting out. Ramona is not happy deep-down, and I would guess it's because she is aging and can't stop it.

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The show actually came into it's own tonight. Tonight's episode was a defining episode for this franchise.


Karen's story was powerful and is one that needed to be heard. I've grown to love Karen this season, but tonight solidified it. I think by her being honest and vulnerable, she has given a platform for others who have been raped and sexually assaulted a voice to come out and speak their truth. I hate that her assailant didn't receive his punishment and instead died w/o being prosecuted. Just goes to show that all occurrences like this don't end up with a pretty bow wrapped up tight. 


When it comes to Robyn, she is totally channeling her anger towards Juan into Ashley. While Ashley deserves some of the heat she is getting, Robyn needs to hone her anger towards her true target. Watching Juan badmouth her to production offscreen was cringeworthy too. It is gonna be so awkward watching her and Juan discuss this at the reunion when they are still shacking up to this day!


This show is actually starting to come into its own this season. It isn't too toxic or dark. It's actually refreshing. Kind of like a nod to old school housewives when the rivalries were stupid but lighthearted. I need BH, ATL, OC, and NJ to take note. 

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I agree @Nothin'ButAttitude. I actually was off and tired and have been half paying attention to the marathon to get caught up, but tonight was a really good episode and I have a new respect for Karen who has been doing really good so far this season. I relate completely since rape and suicide are two of my hot buttons.


Agree about Robyn. But yes, like I said in my last Potomac post...Ashley is being the s*it stirrer this season, but Robyn...while understandable...really need to hear that.


And yes...this felt like NY to me where there is drama, but it is still on the light side.


on a another note, RHoM Joanna isn't with Romain anymore. Surprised...


ETA:  Oh, and Karen's hair has been giving me some life this season. That 80s curly hair thing she's been doing really works on her for me and looks so real versus weaves.

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I posted awhile back that Eddie's sexuality is supposed to play a pivotal role next season. It's gonna be questioned from what I've read. Also, there is alleged audio of TamRat proposition a married man (from back in 2010) about wanting to give him a blowjob that is supposed to be be a big story too. 


Basically, TamRat is about to get her comeuppance if these rumors are true. 

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The second hand embarrassment for Robin is real

I was on the Green-eyed sisters when it came to messy Ashley but it shouldnt have been at some ambush at the girl's job. With that said, someone needs to put her in her place

Wow, Karen was raped. Im glad she shared her story bc that was powerful material. She came across very real and not the caricature she has been for alot of the season

I liked Charisse's scene with her daughter as well. Another real moment.

Since when was trick a 4 letter word? Does Gizelle spell it "tric" or "trik"?

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I am in an OC frame of mind and ready for the show to return! NY is a little slow atm (dare I say it is missing a dynamic presence like Heather), so I'm in the mood to watch some uber-blonde ladies indulging in Survivor-style alliance tactics. I can't believe I am going to say this, but I even sort of miss Shannon emasculating David and screeching about how she can never forgive Vicki, are you kidding meeeeeeee??? Hopefully we will get a Mexico/Hawaii resort vacation where everybody gets drunk and shi*t gets EXTRA.


Tamra's comeuppance is a decade in coming. I'd even tolerate Gretchen and Alexis showing up to witness it, much as I despise those two fake-asses. They were so betrayed and bullied by Tamra that they deserve to be there when it goes down. Two things I have to give Tamra: (1) she does speak the truth sometimes when it comes to Brooks or the Alexis/Jim Bellino and Gretchen/Slade fakery, and (2) she has wriggled out of some bad stuff before (naked wasted!!!). I think she will hold her own and not fold like Phaedra did. 


Image result for RHOC Tamra trash gifs

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OMG I love me some Heather Thomson! Haven't really watch NYC since she left. She had a way with Bethenny unlike everyone else. Whereas Bethenny looked down on others, she just simply had to play the "I don't like you card" with Heather because she knew she couldn't look down on her for the simple fact that she's a very successful business woman herself. And once Heather peaced out Beth clung right onto Carole. They're very similar except Heather isn't a raging c*nt.

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She got very preachy in her last season on NY (arguably THE best season of the show alongside seasons 2 and 3). She'd try and tell Bethenny how Bethenny was feeling and you knew that sh*t was never going to fly with B. She also sold Luann down the river in the Turks & Caicos by trying to slut-shame her, then turned on her for the sake of her BFF Carole. I also remember at Reunion, when the Ashley Madison thing was brought up, Heather immediately backed up Josh with that good ole throwaway line "Oh that's just Josh!"


Having said that, I really liked and respected Heather! She was very necessary for the show. She was smart, grounded, a REAL businesswoman, legitimately wealthy, no BS, and she could laugh at herself. She was strong and emotionally honest. And she was the only one who could really handle Ramona and Sonja. There is heart and soul missing from the show now that she's gone. Yes, there is Dorinda, but D plays up to the cameras sometimes. Carole used to be the voice of the audience, but now she's stuck-up and soulless, having gone to the Dark Side with Beth Vader. It's so hard to get the dynamic between the HWs right, but IMO Season 7 had the magic line-up. They've stacked the deck in favor of Bethenny ever since, and as a result it feels off.

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That's a really good assessment, and I forgot just how good Season 7 was when I saw the recent reruns and reunion (the reunion was a beautiful blend of snark and humor... "wake up, mama!" to a sleeping Ramona). Dare I even say that Kristen Taekman wasn't that bad. Pretty harmless and took no sh** from NY's Frick 'n Frack (Ramona & Sonja).


Looking back, who was more intimidated by the other -- Heather or Bethenny? I originally thought Heather, but now I'm thinking the latter, and she just uses that hard-edged, fast-talking ice queen approach. Also, I don't get why she hated Kristen and her "pop of color." At least in season 7, Bethenny wasn't sporting that horrible, choppy wind-blown hair-don't. 

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I never thought Kristen was that bad either, just a little dull. When you got a boring season (like season 6, aka the fake-leg-throwing season), Kristen's SL draaaaagggged. But her reaction to Aviva's leg-throwing was spot-on! 

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 I also wish she had stayed on in S8 so we could have seen the Ashley Madison fallout in her marriage, but I don't think Josh would EVER have agreed to that. Since then, NY has scrounged around for additional HWs and it's been hard-going.


Hmmm, IMO they were both intimidated of each other. I think Heather was intimidated right off the bat, because Bethenny essentially iced her out. Then she tried to understand the vulnerabilities that drove Bethenny (which I think shows Heather's heart tbh), but Bethenny pushed her away at the Berkshires when she came on too strong. Unlike Heather, Bethenny never cared to find out what made Heather tick, what she was like as a person. Bethenny is profoundly incurious about anything that doesn't involve herself. Also unlike Heather, Bethenny just CANNOT support the other women's endeavours or work. She has to piss on them constantly, like she's the only one allowed to have a successful business. She couldn't openly piss on Yummy Tummy because it is a legit brand that sells, but she always would try to 'advise' Heather on what to market next lol. Bethenny was so insecure, but we didn't see it at the time. We see it now that she's shilling Skinny Girl Cured Meats on Instagram.


That hair omg. I preferred it long but I think it's been thinning, hence why she chopped it.

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Looking back now, Jabberjaw Heather isn't that bad. My only gripes with her was the fact that she stayed inserting herself in rivalries that didn't consist of her, and acting like she was 'hood.' Like girl, stop. Just like Bethenny said in s7, just b/c Heather worked with P. Diddy doesn't mean she's 'down.' 


I've never have nor will I ever see it for Kristen. I still think that she was a poor addition to the cast. I just do. 


I do hope that with the 10th season being around the corner that Bravo finally brings back Jill, Aviva, and even Heather in some capacity. They need to go all out for s10, which I am hoping RHOA does. It'd be a pity of this show does what the OC did and not bring some of its most popular characters back for the 10th season. 

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Ooh, that'd be delicious. I wonder if Bethenny will bolt beforehand though since she's joining two other shows (Shark Tank and I think a Bravo show with the realtor-ex-porn-star dude) 


Kristen, Jules, now Tinsley... Other than the delicious Dorinda, NYC's additions in recent years are always a generation younger than the vets, and it just seems too forced to insert them into the show. (Okay, so technically Tinsley is like 5 years younger than Bethenny, but she carries herself like a twentysomething). 

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