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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Another person with a drug-exacerbated mental issue. What is going on with people these days?? It feels like a collective loss of minds lately.


Papa Smurf held his own. Matt was the aggressor.  That poor woman trying to keep Matt calm and then having to drag him off Peter. I would have been petrified -- Matt is built like a brickhouse. Kenya needs to cut all communication to him, put out a restraining order and hire security. He is another Conrad Hilton basically. 

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RH of Toronto


What a great franchise. Like the first season of Vancouver, the show's bitch got her comeuppance in the finale. Deeply satisfying. 



RH of Cheshire


I KNEW something was going on with Ester. Ampika and Lauren remain hilarious. 


Dawn's insecurity is showing. 



RH of Sydney


Thank goodness this season is over. What a horrible show filled with truly awful women. I'll never waste my time with this franchise again. Bring on Melbourne!

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Just started watching Toronto. I had seen the premiere when it first came on but couldnt get into it bc I was already watching so many RH shows. I had to put this on the backburner and drop Sydney, but with ATL done Im ready to start. Binged the first 5 episodes and love it! Its light hearted without being overly nasty


Roxy. Cant stand her fat ass. I went into this thinking I wouldnt like her but enjoyed her the first episode. That quickly changed though. The season seems to be built on her vs Kara. I dont like either one but Roxy makes it so hard to like her that Im team Kara. She is way too childish for me and is a backstabber. She tried to start something with Ann and Kara and to save face, threw her "friend" under the bus which wasnt cool and continues to go after her while playing the victim. I was LMAO at how bothered she was at her "non" birthday dinner party.


Kara. She knows damn well she didnt forget Roxy's birthday but I gotta give it to her as that was sweet revenge. She reminds me of Shannon from OC which is why she irks me. She needs to loosen up and get that stick out her ass bc she is not fun at all


Ann. LOVE her! She is the best one on the show. I love how sensible, logical and intelligent she is. She isnt about the BS and takes everything in stride. She is entertaining without being messy which seems rare these days. She is also about having a great time and looking her best. I adore her


Joan. Probably my second fave.


The other blonde. Dont even remember her name but she isnt that memorable to me. I do know I dont care for her but that could change.


Greco. I can take or leave her. She seems more like a filler wife.


Those are my thoughts on the midway point. Cant wait to see the final half

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Agreed about Ann. She is my favourite too. Joan is also my second favourite. Both of these women are so calm, collected, and sensible. And fun! 


The other blond is Jana - the yoga teacher. I think she and Grego definitely had a more supporting role for Joan, but you will see more from both of them as the season progresses. 


Roxy and Kara...sigh. My opinions on both waxed and waned as the season went on. Stay tuned.


Toronto was filmed to its absolute best, just as Vancouver was. Lisa Rinna owns a cottage in Muskoka like several of the Housewives so a crossover would have been entertaining.

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Thanks! it really does seem like a good series and i appreciate that its only 10 episodes. Im so drained by the US series that go on and on and on. 10 is a good number


A feud where both women are unlikeable is not fun. Hopefully whatever is going on blows over and season 2 isnt about Kara vs Roxy again bc im already over both of them



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That is horrifying. One of the scariest things on earth is to walk into your home and realise that a stranger is there. Dina was apparently punched in the face several times?? I cannot imagine the trauma. Her BF was hit in the face with a baseball bat! I hope they are recovering ok and their injuries not too serious.

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Totally. And I believe both Teresa and Dina posted about Dina being in town on their social media, so maybe that's how the assailants knew when and where to strike, i.e. which evening Dina and her boyfriend would be out of the house. 

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So now that BH and ATL are over, which shows will be replacing them? I know Potomac and NYC are currently airing... will it be OC? NJ?


And now that we've had a week to digest the most fateful Reunion of all time (BTW Andy Cohen confirmed yesterday at NBC Universal upfronts that Phaedra will NOT be returning to S10 of RHoA), can we talk about how Porsha knew EXACTLY what she was doing when she threw her BFF under the bus? Obvs Phaedra is hardly blameless in this entire mess, but the more I think about it, the more I wonder if Porsha rehearsed this "Phaedra told me" slip-up so she would be let off the hook for the drug-rape allegation. 

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Porsha setting Phaedra up doesn't make sense to me because Phaedra has had plenty of time to clear this up.  She all but confirmed Porsha's claim that she was asked 3 times if she (Phaedra) got the info directly from Kandi.  Phaedra has had ample opportunity to not go under Porsha's bus, but "under the bus" she went?  That is not who Phaedra is.  I think Porsha was happy to throw this "secret" in Kandi's face but made sure she was sure before saying something.  Phaedra as Porsha's pawn did not play out on that finale to me, especially not when Phaedra could have changed the narrative at any time.  If Porsha threw herself a lifeline, why not?  As far as she knew, Phaedra was telling the truth.  That was not the case. These women get nasty and dirty for the cameras and Porsha thought she had some ammunition on Kandi based on what a FRIEND told her.  Maybe Porsha was not a good friend for repeating what was told to her, but Phaedra wasn't a good friend either.  Not to mention, Phaedra is a disgusting human being and woman for even telling such a childish lie.  She was my fav after Nene.   


My bestie in the whole wide world is Dawn, and if she told me someone we both knew did something, I would believe her.  IMHO, that is what Porsha did, believe something a good friend told her.

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Sorry my post wasn't clear. I didn't mean 'set her up' in the sense that Porsha did something bad but wanted Phaedra to take the fall for it. Phaedra is nobody's pawn, least of all that nitwit Porsha's. I meant there was a particular moment when Porsha 'accidentally' revealed that Phaedra was the one who told her about the drugging lies. It was the moment everybody gasped and camera panned to all the faces lol. It came across as almost accidental on Porsha's part, especially after she had been defending her BFF all Reunion and basically sitting on this secret all season. It just came across to me as 'why now?' After protecting Phaedra's ass all season, why reveal it now, Porsha? As you say, who can blame Porsha for throwing herself a lifeline when things got hot for her?


Perhaps she believed wholeheartedly what Phaedra was telling her up until that moment. Or perhaps she wanted to believe in such an awful lie because it hurt Kandi. Or perhaps Porsha knew it was a lie all along and spread it anyway? I think it's the latter. Wouldn't be the first time.


But don't misunderstand me, Phaedra was the brains and instigator behind all this, and she deserves to get caught out and punished for it, ofc.

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Just finished and loved the season! Not a dull moment.  First season and already they got to take a lavish international vacation. Unlike the US series it only lasted 1 episode and was lowkey, no doubt bc Kara skipped. I wish the producers had forced her to go for hte sake of drama


Kara. I could never be friends with someone like her. She is very judgemental and pretentious and does look down on people. She had some nerve to badmouth the women yet still want their money. She sure turned on Joan quick and showed her true colors


Roxy. Its too bad she didnt get whats coming to her bc she was the bone collector of this series and I wanted everyone to find out that all the sh-t that went down was bc of her big mouth gosipping. Im glad Kara didnt apologize to her bc she tried too hard to play the victim role. She was desperate for that validation and Im glad she was denied it. Im appreciated that she was barely seen in the last 2 episodes bc she is truly the worse


Greco and Jana. I lumped them together bc they were filler wives. I like Greco but dont like Jana. However i do appreciate their friendship. Anyone else think Jana looks like a young Tamra Barney?


Joan - I thought she handled Kara with class. I really liked her and she made for a model housewife that most to strive to be like


Ann - Without a doubt the queen of the series; the Lisa Vanderpump of Toronto. I liked her over the top wedding and it was true to her. I like her fashions and sense of style, which only she can pull off.


Overall this series is a hit and I hope Bravo picks it up. Id love for Ann and Joan to guest on WWHL. My dream would be for LVP to be there as well. BTW is there going to be a reunion?


Next on my plate is Sydney but Im dreading that bc those women were vile from the first 3 episodes I did see. Such a stark difference from the lighthearted tone this had


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There is not going to be a Toronto reunion because (according to Kara) the women refused to share a couch with her. 


I would say while I agree with your critical assessment of Roxy, who I couldn't be friends with IRL because she's such a bigmouth, I definitely preferred her to Kara who showed some really ugly angles to her personality. The kind of ugliness that's intrinsic to a person and can't be undone. 


Ann and Joan are absolutely model Housewives. Ann is fabulous and your comparison to LVP is spot on. Joan is a very classy woman. I thought it was moving at the end of the show when the individual freeze frames noted it was Ann who arranged for Jana to be flown back and hospitalized in Toronto.


I enjoyed Grego and Jana. They're the B story Housewives but both had a purpose. I especially enjoyed Jana saying "We don't give a sh*t!" when Kara banged on about her Italian dinner party and Grego's family life was cute.


Toronto was a really well done franchise. I so appreciated how light it could be - like Season 1 Vancouver and much of Melbourne. 


If you can be bothered to endure Sydney I look forward to your thoughts. They were the nastiest cast I've ever seen. Not one of them was truly likeable. 

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Def a filler episode, where the cameras just follow the women to American Cut/Beautique. 


Tinsley making out with what looks like an 18-year old dressed for a family event was 

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. Most of us have made out with a guy at a bar and lived to regret it after our accompanying friends ribbed us for it. However, that was in our 20s, in the days before Snapchat and Bravo recorded those moments for posterity. Tinsley was very thirstily kissing him at the bowling alley. I'm not sure if Tinsley is very naive when it comes to reality TV or if this is for the cameras, but feel like this may prevent a hoped-for reunion with her ex-husband and his family.


Sonja bitching about Tinsley turning on the heat and daring to date, and the plant leaf in that gross brown water..... barf! Sonja's townhouse = Grey Gardens. This SL makes Sonja look like a prim spoilsport, which makes zero sense. She's always been open and happy about dating and sex. So why act like this? Prob because she's incredibly jealous of Tinsley.


Bethenny's charity seems close to her heart, and I have to wonder how much of her personal experiences with Jason Hoppy influenced her decision to support it.


Carole back to her old tricks bitching about Luann and her engagement behind her back.  Just leave her alone and focus on pushing away your grungy hipster toyboy.


Lately I can't seem to process Ramona being on my screen. Like she's there and talking nonstop and all I'm getting from her is "Whump whump."

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