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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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RHOCheshire s4e4 (click here)


I'll simply say this--tonight exemplifies why Dawn is so miserable and people stay on her back. Everything about her is a competition or she has to remain in total control. When you go against her, she either plays victim or totally writes you off. She absolutely hates that Leanne is now starting to see her for who she is now that Magali, who they mutually loathed, is out the picture. 


I think that it also bothers Dawn that all her schemes to isolate Ampika have fallen flat. Dawn's recent puppets, Tanya and Misse, have reconciled with Ampika and it bothers her. Dawn aches for Ampika to take her in with open arms but it'll never happen. Much like Magali and Stacey, Ampika sees Dawn for who she is and wants no part of it. I'm getting the feeling that the tides may turn on Dawn and I am ALL for it. It's about time her ass pays in tenfold.

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RHOAKL (click here)


I am so glad that Louise and Anne are over Julia and her attempts to turn everything into something sexual. How does shooting a gun make you hot and bothered? Weirdo....


I don't believe that Angela has never handled a gun before. She was too good and she's a psycho. I know that nutcase has pulled a trigger once or twice. :lol:


Michelle's scenes with Doggy Dan were hilarious. Michelle seriously wanted to mount that man, but I can't deny that he was kind of cute. For some odd reason, I do find Michelle's scenes with her dog, Marley, to be hilarious. She can't control that dog to save her life. 


Gilda's book seems interesting and is smart and marketable. What better way to get kids excited about something like science when adding an entertainment element to it? I know it would've interested me as a child. I probably would've did better in science had we had books like that. 

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I cant recall who made the statement but they are right in that LeAnn is now Stacey's lapdog. I really dont like her and her disloyal ass


Really not a whole lot to say about the episode. It was pretty lowkey. Im glad Misse really tried to make an effort with Ampika and apologized. I felt Ampika could have recipricated more as she dont really own much in that scene. She was just sittingback and laughing it up that Misse did



I really cant stand to see Julia and to have her be in happy scenes with the ladies enjoying herself. I hope Bravo fires her next season bc I cant stand to look at her. There have been housewives that I havent liked but she makes me sick and I am done. Being that this is only its first season and she doesnt add much, they should just cut their losses and not let her drag them down


I thought Michelle was a bit disrespectul to her husband lusting after that trainer. She was talking a bit thirsty and its probably stuff she should have kept to herself. He did look cute but the hair ruined it for me as he'd have looked better with it cut


Louise talking about how she looks good for her age. I guess she meant good considering all the work she's had done bc there is nothing natural looking about that face


Anne is a walking contradiction and I hate animal lovers like her. She made absolutely no sense and Im glad they pointed out the absurdity of the stuff coming out her mouth. She wont shoot a moving target bc it feels like training to kill an animal? Yet she'll wear a fur coat bc she wasnt the one that actually killed the animal. Huh? Most consumers dont kill the animal for the products they wear or eat yet by purchasing said item, you are promoting the industry and essentially paying someone to kill the animal for you. She needs to shut up and re-evaluate her beleifs

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that was tea that leaked that looks to be true. Its crazy how we always know so much before this stuff actually airs


NOT feeling Kenya being friends with Phakedra. Dont trust that bitch


Poorsha is so damn messy. She makes t a point at picking a new cast member to fight with every season. Guess Kandi is her target this time.


YAY to it lookin like Shere has a peach. Looks like she has her own storyline with Bob to. BTW, when the hell did Chateau Sheree get done?

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Holy sh*t. HoLy SH*T!


What to decipher first?? Kenya & Phaedra best buds? Matt going loco on Kenya's property? Kandi going loco on Porsha? Porsha threatening to spill the tea on Kandi and Todd's threesomes??? When does this start? I dont know if I can wait til November!


ETA: Lol oops sorry I can see you guys already started discussing the trailer.

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It's no surprise about Kandi and Todd enjoying threesomes with other girls. TamaraTattles has been saying that for years! It's low of Poorsha to bring that ish up on camera tho. Go get that ass Kandi!


Damn Matt be fine dripping wet in that towel! But Kenya girl, you hit that sh*t on the DL and you certainly don't get in a relationship with it. She better not still be with him. Once you go disrespecting my money and my property all bets are off!


Hurray to Sheree being full time! But seriously she needs to stop making digs about Kenya's place when she's been building her own for 5 years now.


I'm interested to see Kenya and Phaedra bond. I'm over their feud and more than welcome a friendship, no matter how fake it may be.


Is Poorsha a FoH? Because aside from the drama at the end she was barely shown. Even Cynthia's irrelevant ass got more camera time in the trailer.

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I see TT's sources were on point again. From Kandi v Poorsha (can't wait for that) to Matt drama to Drama's bomb threat to Shady Phae Phae.


Now...does ShebySheBroke have her peach or what?



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Nope. Porsha is a peach holder. While Porsha isn't showcased much in the trailer, all the drama truly stems from her (from what I've heard).



I'm OK with Kenya/Phelony being friends b/c Kenya knows her schemes; she can't fool Kenya like others. Kenya knows what Phaedra is capable. What I found interesting in that trailer is that Porsha/Phaedra's friendship seems to be on the rocks....:P


(re: Chateau Thelma) IDK when it got done. I think that's the question everyone is asking. However, I just saw the completed parlor. Is everything else done? You know Sheree's ass might show us what's all completed but the rest ain't. She can't dog Kenya as Kenya's house is totally done. Finito. Complete. 

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I think that the trailer for this season is looking more lit than those for previous seasons. Yes they are still filming and will probably pad out the season. Having said that, Lake Lanier's Porsha-Cynthia fight occurred very early into last season, and clearly Porsha's Thug Issues are a thing. Bravo will probably want to show that they are sending her to pretend Anger Management classes in order to show that they 'care' about the other women's safety. Having said that, Carlos King clearly adores and protects her. so as long as Porsha stays bringing the drama, she will be clutching a peach in her thotish hands. And even I cannot deny that she can drive a SL or two on this show sometimes.


Anybody who follows TT knew long ago that Kandi waves her freak flag proudly, which is why I am surprised she is losing it over Porsha's allegations. Maybe it has to do with her 'brand' and being a mother now. In any case, Porsha should have been called out long ago on her behavior, and Kandi is pretty much the only HW of standing who can do that right now. 


I am honestly surprised there isn't more Cynthia-Peter divorce stuff in the trailer.



I don't know if you guys saw Wendy Williams host Bethenny on her show a week or so ago. It looks like the big tiff between WW and Bethenny/Andy has been settled. Anyway, it was a lot of Bethenny kiss-assing. Yesterday Wendy hosted Luann and was apparently a total bitch to her. In fact, she is being dragged across Twitter for treating Luann like Bethenny does, basically. I am pretty sure Wendy must have done this with the blessing of Bethenny and Bravo. My question is, why is Bravo working so hard to tear Luann down? Luann has created so much good story for them in recent years, especially this season. It sounds like they just want to destroy her.


Wendy also said that Dorinda should be kicked off NY for being 'too nice' and boring. Sounds like Bethenny's words. Interesting how Dorinda is really the only HW consistenetly calling B out on her BS atm. 

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