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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Can we get rid of the Shamea bitch already? I don't like her and she wreaks of thirstiness. Sit back and learn the group dynamics first. Jesus! Shamea obviously came on to try and get at Kenya when she ain't ready for that roller coaster. 


Sheree and Kenya's frenemy-ship is gonna be gold! The shade those two threw at each other tonight was EPIC. You can tell it is all in good fun. I don't see why they didn't give Sheree a peach. She's delivered in all three episodes she's been back. 


Kim Fields is a bust for me at this point. It's like she ain't even trying to assimilate into the group. Her peach should've went to Marlo, who stays giving us hilarity and drama. 


Oh and Phaedra's low class comment about Kenya's skin tone and comparing it to doo-doo was gross. #SelfHatredIsReal


I am ready for next week when Cynthia Lui Kang's bicycle kick the hell out of Thotlandia. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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"I know her property is in the gully where the ogres live. Did she ask Shrek about me?"


:lol: :lol: :lol:


I am dead and buried when it comes to Kenya and Sheree! These two are so messy and so shady and I love every second of it! Why the hell does Sheree not have a peach? She's already more then earned it! Unlike many of the other girls...

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Porsha is doing a good job repairing her image this season after last. She's really not irritating me which is a surprise


Not feeling the outfit in Kenya's new talking head


Kenya's headshots for her hair care line are gorgeous. Her date was hot but I instantly got gay vibes



Marlo......love any time she appears


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Ms Lawrence! I thought he said he wouldnt appear at all.



Sheree got a talking head. "I still know that the bitch is sneaky" LOL...yes dont trust her



Shamea's messy and next week she comes for Kenya!   Yes, get her Kenya


Great acting from Peter and Cynthia. I dont think he cried on cue though. He likely whipped out the eye drops between camera takes


IKR? And she's Porsha's friend? I wonder if this is a setup. If Shamea is to Porsha as Faye is to Kyle.  The Miss America shade looks like it could have been fed from her


Edited by Cheap21
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Shamea (apt name btw) is probably there to make Porsha look less ratchety. Just like Faye was to Kyle and Alison Dubois was to Camille.


OK, so I'm not black but was I the only one who was shocked by Phaedra's words saying that Kenya had so much [!@#$%^&*] in her it makes her two shades darker?? Kenya made a comment about Sheree having terrible feet because she is out working the fields behind her derelict home which I thought was also borderline questionable. But what do I know?


I can't believe we had to watch Porsha get a colonic. I notice Phaedra dragged her to that place but didn't get a colonic herself.... hmmmm. Shady as always Phaedra.




I have to say, I enjoyed Porsha at the race and hanging with Kandi, I felt she was being normal and genuine and just goofy, and that was a relief because so often Porsha is such a poseur and throwing subpar 'shade' at people without realizing how dumb she sounds.


Kandi wearing an 'I DONUT CARE' tee at the race. :lol: I love the humor some of these wives have about themselves.


Did anybody catch Claudia at Kenya's 'Hair Product Party With No Hair Products'? I'm sort of glad she's not on the show anymore. Speaking of her replacement, Cheap, I'm starting to agree that Kim really does not fit at all. This is not her scene at all and while I admire that she's not going to try and fit in at all costs, the peach really should have gone to Sheree and Marlo (Marlo Voice of Reason!) this season.




I thought the Cynthia/Peter scene was very good and pretty real (well, as real as it can be with Peter). Cynthia is a tower of strength. I feel like she really is done with the marriage tbh. Peter needs to stop hanging in Charlotte and go back to living with Cynthia fulltime because that distance is not going to help.


Shamea showing her ass next week on that boat.

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Bravo put up a clip of next week

DEAD at Kenya kicking Shamea off the boat and saying she can jump if she wanted to take a shortcut.


@Cat, I didnt notice Phaedra's comments at first but the net was all over it. After hearing what was said, that was kind of low of Phaedra but I wouldnt expect any less


And yes to Kim. She only has a peach bc she is a name and a name they could use to promote the show. In all reality she should have been a friend but given her status, I couldnt see her settling for that as it equates to less pay. Bravo really should have given Sheree a peach bc she fits in well with this new cast. Kim is just awkward and seems lost. She reminds me of Metamucil, Nene's friend from season 5

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Thanks for the clip! That looked almost unedited (except for when Kenya went to find the captain). OTOH I can't blame Shamea for pointing out the obvious. Kenya should never have had a hair products party without the product! (At least Cynthia launched her sunglasses WITH the sunglasses and gave some away to the HWs to try out). OTO, Shamea was looking for a fight and Kenya was right to shut that down immediately.


I also see you, Kandi, with the "Go, Best Friend" pot-stirring, making it seem like it was "Us vs Them" with Them being Kenya and Cynthia. I'm glad Cynthia told Kandi where to go. Cynthia was also right to tell Porsha not to call her a bitch. Porsha did not use 'bitch' in a friendly way, it was definitely used to put Cynthia down. It will be interesting to see how Bravo edits this Lake Launier trip because in that clip it looks like Porsha is being harshly treated, but I am inclined to believe Porsha got ratchet and handsy with Cynthia on the boat.


Marlo and Sheree should both have got peaches. Just because there is history there (pls see my sig. Gosh, that South Africa trip was SO GOOD). And that would have meant that when Nene showed up later in the season, there would have been more story with those three.

Edited by Cat
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I haven't seen last nights episode so I'll wait to comment but based on that clip, Cynthia did overreact a bit. These women call each other bitches all the time and I'm not saying that's right but Cynthia's aggression about it was a little out of nowhere and I probably would've been just as confused about it if I were Porsha. 

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I didnt realize they brought the cast back to film new talking heads for the Secrets Revealed specials. You can tell bc she ha the brunette hair she was sporting at the reunion


Thats what botox looks like right after its done? She looks like a klingon

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