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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Well, I hate to say it. But...Sara just gave an interview that just dropped and it might have been Lesa I am afraid from what little I've heard. But again....we will see.


She also gave away from big tea on why Brooks has been acting the way she has this season with Stanbury. Also sounds like Sara fell out with Stanbury, too, thus why her and Brooks are close. However...what happened...was edited out.


Le sigh. I am just discovering a few things have been edited out. There's a party that Lesa threw that was in the S2 trailer that has been edited out according to all the ladies. And a scene with Ayan I believe. 

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Not as good as last week's. I still enjoyed it very much, though. And I wonder if it is going to be a thing for the last few episodes of things going left in the last 10 minutes. Cuz I was irked that they left it on a cliffhanger (though it has already been leaked online

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So the Bali trip begins. And for once, Sergio WILL NOT be there. Though I loved the prank Stanbury pulled on the girls with him. See...Househusband got growth. lol. But it was nice, clean fun. Even Brook's eventual arrival did not take away from it for me. She actually gave good moments...an overdue discussion with Stanbury and more of her friendship with Ayan which I mentioned that is missed by me this season. The Brooks/Taleen drama was forced put to the backburner. 


And then...that ending.


Grrr...that cliffhanger. Sticking to the episode itself...and not the spoilers all online that I actually broke down and watched hehe...It was VERY well done. And like the saying goes...be careful what you wish for.


As I've been discussing...the real battle going on on this show is the rivalry between Caroline Stanbury and Lesa Milan. And if the show was going to go there, I said constantly that I would be down for it if the Caroline Stanbury from Ladies of London came out to play. And so far, Stanbury has been bringing her A game, playing a game of chess that Lesa has been keeping up with move for move. I just mentioned the other day that I didn't think we would get a scene like the Ladies of London scene where Stanbury won in her battle over Caprice, banishing her from her house.




And that brings us to the moment that I've been waiting for all season...the start of the fallout between Ayan and Lesa. I still have questions and perhaps they will be answered in full next episode. Even outside of the spoiled next week clips. That said...MY thoughts? Yes, it was a very complicated chess move. No one's hands are clean...except for debatably Caroline Stanbury. lol. She just pulled an LVP move, and I don't hate on her for it. She was simply given the information and waited until the perfect moment to use it.  That the move was built off of all the plot threads of this season (even some from last season) was chef's kiss for me.


Poor, poor Sara. We have all picked up on her and her image she chose to show the show. It's a running joke this season and gave us our first fight this season from Ayan. We know from this season that Lesa always have some recordings...whether she records it herself or it's sent to her. And so far this season...the main drama has been Brooks vs Taleen. And of course, the foreshadowing and spotlight on the Ayan/Lesa friendship. And as a subplot...the friction between Stanbury and Sara. So perfection that the break between the two friends come from a voicemail of Sara that may or may not be shady toward Brooks that was sent to Lesa who sent it to Ayan (in her defense, she wanted her BFF's opinion which tracks) who played it for Stanbury and Taleen. And that's me keeping it simple because it has layers due to all I say above. The recording does seem out of context...since it's really about Taleen and not really Brooks at all...but that does not make it any less damaging. Stanbury did that. She did not know it was from Lesa so it's safe to say she did it because she was definitely not feeling the Brooks/Sara duo and was trying to find a way to break that up. 


But...that was not the friendship damaged. And Ayan knew she damaged it when the first words out of her mouth was to Lesa. 'I'm sorry.' Sorry? Why? Because a BFF wouldn't have shared a video that was given in confidence...a shady one at that...and not given her BFF a heads-up she played it. And Ayan not only played it, but she played it for the main rival of her BFF...something Ayan knew. For that reason alone...and I suspect there's more to it due to the clips...I'm firmly Team Lesa.


But...well-done. Stanbury 1, Milan 0. 


STANBURY. And still having a great season. She might have struggled last season on how it is to be a Housewife, but she continues to go from strength to strength. And showing off two new HW strength this episode. One was being able to have a sense of humor about yourself. She had it with Sergio. And LOVED the prank they pulled on the girls because it's TRUE. The other was the art of the HW takedown. lol. Sad to say, but Stanbury has found her new Juliets in Ayan and Taleen which means she can be the Queen Bee and manage to be able to keep her hands somewhat clean. After all, Ayan gave her the info to use; she did not go looking for it. Which brings me to the fact she's not afraid to use said info and she looked cat that ate the canary when she dropped the voicemail. Meanwhile, I loved her and Brooks finally had that conversation (in a beautiful backdrop of netting and water sailing by--GOOD WORK, CAMERAS!!), and she looked fabulous all the way through. If there was any doubt who the HBIC is...Stanbury let everyone know...coming back leading the pack. 


TALEEN. So mixed feelings about her this episode. I felt the scene pre-Bali with her husband was phony...though I felt her husband was sincere. She tried to start with Ayan like she did with Lesa in Episode 2 when Ayan was simply asking questions since Ayan was smart enough to leave the dinner party early. Perhaps you don't remember anything because you were drunk. RME. And her little sly remarks made me feel annoyed. At least Saba Wannabe was trying for a moment. Why are you even here taking up space? 


SARA. I can't help watching Sara this episode without thinking about her interview. I had no idea that her and Stanbury appear to fall out at some point. And it's because of her closeness to Brooks? I was not sure yet. The audience had been enjoying the running joke of Sara and her 'Holier Than Thou' gimmick. And Ayan getting a video on her tracks due to their early conflict as well as her friendship with Lesa. I feel the video might be much ado about nothing since all these ladies gossip about each other. And Sara did argue about her image. She did not bug me. All I saw was Sara having Brooks's back and getting along with all the ladies. Of course, I like the Brooks/Sara duo (and Lesa makes 3).


BROOKS. DIVA. lol. And proud of it. She was so messy playing the 'is she going to show up?' game. Of course, she is. We all have seen the promos. lol. And I liked Lesa picking on her to not be messy. So ironic that she did nothing to kill the vibe, and it was all the OTHER ladies. She had a good episode. We got to see her very-little-seen-this-season friendship with Ayan. I really liked that her and Stanbury actually talked. And then like I said...her with Sara is always a ki-ki. 


AYAN. I felt she showed that video for two reasons. One was that she wanted to curry favor with Stanbury...something easy to do since they both have had an issue with Sara. And she wanted to stick it to Sara over her image. Neither were good looks. And she sacrificed her friendship with Lesa to do it. Just a bad look for her. Baaaad. 


LESA. Well I'm going to call a spade a spade. It has occurred to me that while Lesa did say on camera (and later on on WWHL) that she sent the voicemail because she did not seem to understand what Sara was saying, it also appeared that she was pot-stirring. And it's easy to believe that because she's done that a few times this season. It's not the first time she has taken up Ayan's battles. Look at Season 1 with Stanbury. So it's plausible that she wanted to use the voicemail in Ayan's issues with Sara. That said...STILL...she was the BFF and surely said it in confidence. So Ayan shouldn't have used it. Moreso because Ayan knew she was in the wrong with that 'I'm sorry.' Ayan cannot be surprised that Lesa's hurt. And she shouldn't be surprised that Lesa's really hurt because there was NO heads-up, and Ayan did it for STANBURY. It was messy. 


Good episode. And given the already released clips for next week...I can't wait for next episode. 

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Jenn is equal parts Lauri and Lynn Curtain in terms of cluelessness and ditzy act.  However, Lauri had better wallet radar skills and Lynn seemed to have had a skill/job she could fall back on if needed.

Gina is doing too much because shr knows deep down that she hasn't really done anything to warrant keeping an orange.

Alexis went from Jesus Jugs to Single White female.

Shannon, at her core, seems like a nice person...but obviously lacks coping skills and good taste in partners.

Emily's sense of humor, family life, and her ability to push back when provoked have earned her the orange.  I sometimes get Jeana vibes from her




Stanbury channeled her Ladies of London persona for this season and it works perfectly for her.  She struggled last season because she didn't know to chart the Housewife waters.  Lesson here is to just be yourself.

Lesa's only redeeming qualities are that she seems to be a good mom and she has great taste in men. 

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Okay, so Mary got online two hours after and said it was just a rumor. So hmmm.


In other news...and she seems like she might be Full Time this season.


Same. I've been saying that as well. What a difference a year (or two) makes. lol. She should have been like this from GO!


Hehe. Your dislike for Lesa. 

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Another absolute flop of an episode. Thank goodness the season finale is next week.

The scene where Teresa thinks she's exposing Marge was just pathetic. She is such a doofus and so utterly stupid. "Guys, it'll blow your mind!" and then even the editors had to play around with the music and point out how flat her 'revelation' landed. 

The only memorable part of the episode was the funeral flower arrangement Margaret sent for memorializing Teresa and her slimy lawyer's dignity.

This season is total and utter garbage. Time to fire all of them and reboot a la RHONY.


On the other hand, this show has been awesome and every episode is firing on all cylinders. While the producers seem to have it in for Shannon and literally trying to break her, she is rocking each episode.

Emily is also a hilarious addition. The comments she's made about Archie in the front seat "10 and 2 Shannon, 10 and 2!" were laugh out loud funny. 

Jenn is a loser in the classic Lynn Curtin mould. Gina was very high and mighty with her...but she did live in a casita and get herself together in a way that Jenn never will...so I can kind of understand her wrath.

Katie is a great addition. Calm and young and has some family storylines brewing.

Tamra remains an evil succubus.

Heather remains rich.



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And she will add nothing to RHOA just like she added nothing to M2M.

My main gripe is how are you gonna replace Kenya with the woman that got fired for starting a rape rumor? This is why I say Bravo is selective about who does what and what they are willing to forgive. 

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Le sigh.


I'm sure I will have some giggle moments, but I don't really care. How not unexpected now that Kandi is no longer on there. When this return does not bring anything, I WILL be online with those idiots who been saying it online for years that she will save the show and dragging them for sport though. 


And I agree. Is not the point of Kenya leaving the fact that she's a liability. Well, so is Shady Phae Phae. A PROVEN one at that...as someone said online. 


So...Bravo...what you planning? 

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